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To: Ayaki Miyoko, ONLY!|| G.T.F.O encryption - Printable Version

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To: Ayaki Miyoko, ONLY!|| G.T.F.O encryption - Mercarryn - 05-22-2016

[Image: 5818195_f520.jpg]

Hey...ahem...Myoko. #5 here.

Guess you're surprised to get a message from me, hmm?
Well, let's say I am not sure if I shoud actually contact you.

No! It's not your person, really. It's just that...that...

Damnit, well done, #5. Well done...

Miyoko, look, that last statement about those rumors around my departure and you being the reason,
well, sorry, of course that was not true.

It's just...most people would expect something like this from me. Better than telling them why I actually left.

But right now, I got quite some peck of trouble and I am not sure who I can trust right now. Don't want to talk to Golanski
and the other gongs about it. Not sure if they'd even listen to me. And SD seems to be off their rocker to my mind.

Hell, not even sure if I can trust you regarding my problem, but time is running out for me, and the ones I would
usually annoy with it, well...

So, will you help me, Miyoko?

RE: To: Ayaki Miyoko, ONLY!|| G.T.F.O encryption - Jeremy Hunter - 05-22-2016

[Image: k12kcz.png]
[Image: 20tgh78.png]
Comm ID: Ayaki Miyoko

Of all the people who come to me for things, it was you...and as much as I want my favorite pair of red underwear back, Five...

Where do we start?

[Image: dh98z.png]

RE: To: Ayaki Miyoko, ONLY!|| G.T.F.O encryption - Mercarryn - 05-22-2016

Her she kidding me?

*shouts from outside the camera view*
Hey Miyoko, give me a minute or two. Need to get some new wear...

Her red underwear! This...I got bogged down into trouble and the only thing she thinks of
is her old red underwear?!

*Returns to the camera*
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTgMz_XlY1h6IH26Q7eUVX...MK_IpA6FG2]

So, where to begin with...well..

No, wait a minute. Your red underwear?! Are you serious, Miyoko? Okay, don't even answer.

You know what? Help me out and I'll go out with you getting some new red underwear. Just make sure
that Bolevara does not take this the wrong way. Goddamnit!

Okay, where was i? Ah, yeah.

Well, as I already said, I had a good reason to leave without a word. The reason measures 172 cm and about 65 kg.
More or less. Dark hair and had some rather strange accent that comes from the Rheinland origin.

Well, does that ring a bell to you? Yep, I am sure it does, so I don't need to call a name here.
This certain problem demanded my attention for a quite some time. Not all the time but...
Eh, sorry. I disgress again. It's just that I don't know how to explain it to you. Quite some mess.

If Sefegiru was still here, she'd explain it to you properly, because she took care of it at first.
But she is no more and the rest of the Interceptors went into hiding after her death.
Yep, that's right. Sefegiru is dead. #3 and I found her body on one of the lower decks of
freeport 9 about year ago. Two holes in the chest.

Well...okay, Miyoko. How much do you know about my little Rheinland fellow and his absence
about two years ago? And even more important, how much is known about it in the order at all?

RE: To: Ayaki Miyoko, ONLY!|| G.T.F.O encryption - Jeremy Hunter - 05-22-2016

[Image: k12kcz.png]
[Image: 20tgh78.png]
Comm ID: Ayaki Miyoko

The underwear can wait...

As for our friend...We don't know much. Beyond him disappearing, we don't know what happened. With the death of Sefegiru...we will need to start there. What more of her death can you tell?

[Image: dh98z.png]

RE: To: Ayaki Miyoko, ONLY!|| G.T.F.O encryption - Mercarryn - 05-23-2016

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTgMz_XlY1h6IH26Q7eUVX...MK_IpA6FG2]

Sorry, Miyoko, but apart from that not much.

As I already said, Sefegiru and we Interceptors were about to meet on the freeport 9, to discuss a few things.
When she was overdue we looked out for her and, well...

No sign of the murder weapon or the one who pulled the trigger. Though, who ever it was, I assume he had some skills,
and took her by surprise. Both shots were quite close together and Sefegiru's gun was still beneath her jacket.
Someone from the Core? LSF? A rogue order agent like Ghado? We have no freakin' clue.

Well, at least she had left the 65 kg package for us. With some information to us regarding cryogenic technology.
But as none of us was really into the topic, things became quite difficult for us.
#2 and I were at least able to get #9 away from the buttons...

True, there are a few guys out there that could have helped us perhaps like Doc Holliday.
But he is too famous and regarding my problem some discrecy would not hurt. The rest, not trustworthy enough.
I am sure, the SD has its fingers on that technolgy, if the rumors about Golansky are true.

But as I already told you, I don`t know any of those lab rats, thus I need some information. Can you help me with that?

RE: To: Ayaki Miyoko, ONLY!|| G.T.F.O encryption - Jeremy Hunter - 05-27-2016

[Image: k12kcz.png]
[Image: 20tgh78.png]
Comm ID: Ayaki Miyoko

Give me some names. I can get you the information you need. And cryogenics? We have...a few people who knew a bit on that topic.

[Image: dh98z.png]

RE: To: Ayaki Miyoko, ONLY!|| G.T.F.O encryption - Mercarryn - 05-27-2016

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTgMz_XlY1h6IH26Q7eUVX...MK_IpA6FG2]

And there I thought you had forgotten me, Miyoko.

Good to know you did not. Saved me the time to find you.

Well, you want names? Ha ha, the problem is, I don't have any for you. I mean, the SD is not what it used to be when
Davids joined their ranks. In case you have forgotten that, too. Not that I was really interested in the SD.
You know how we interceptors are. Me and science? Good call...

Whatever, how about you give me a few details about the current SD heads? Their current status within the SD,
their tasks and also how are they like? Any of them linked to organisations that are not all that friendly to us?

And don't look at me like that. Although we all work for the order, each of us has his or own strings.
Just look at Golanski and his sister if you know what I mean.

RE: To: Ayaki Miyoko, ONLY!|| G.T.F.O encryption - Jeremy Hunter - 05-28-2016

[Image: k12kcz.png]
[Image: 20tgh78.png]
Comm ID: Ayaki Miyoko

Ellie Hunter again is running the Science Division from either Razgriz Straits on Akabat or Alexandria in Epsilon.

As for others...unknown. You'll have to work on that yourself.

Also...if I could ever forget you, I already would. wink

[Image: dh98z.png]

RE: To: Ayaki Miyoko, ONLY!|| G.T.F.O encryption - Mercarryn - 05-30-2016

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSYl76Kkroc-oBF7YqsJ5o...-jhanexz21]

Myoko, please, don't say something like that. I know you want me, even if you don't want to admi that.
Back to business now.

So Ellie Hunter is leading the SD again?! Right... I am not sure if I should like this or not.
I mean, will she be able... and willing to help me out and get Davids out of the fridge again?
It's just that Davids and his team tried to lead a good part of the SD when Hunter was assigned
somewhere else. Not sure if she wants to see Davids back in action. You know, rivalry and such.

And moreover, with what has happened to Davids, there might be other people in the order that don't
want to see him alive again. At least that was Sefegiru's opinion and her reason to hide Davids.

Though, I think I don't have much choice at it seems.

Either I try my luck with one of the somewhat reasonable members of the Hunter clan, or
I might never get him out of the fridge that soon.

Well, what do you think about Hunter? Will she be willing to defrost my former Commander or not?

RE: To: Ayaki Miyoko, ONLY!|| G.T.F.O encryption - Jeremy Hunter - 06-03-2016

[Image: k12kcz.png]
[Image: 20tgh78.png]
Comm ID: Ayaki Miyoko

Ellie Hunter has been a friend for many years. While she did lead the Division, she never saw rivalry with Davids. And no, she wasn't assigned, she and Jeremy led a hunt for Rika.

Anyways. There should be no problems with Ellie helping with Davids nor should there be any problems with the Hunters finding who murdered Sefegiru. Most likely, though, is one theory. Davids might have been the one to kill Sefegiru...but we do not know at this current time, yes? So. We shall go to Ellie and see about bringing Davids back. Her personal opinion and rivalry do not affect her work, nor her need of competent scientists. We have a few, but when she came back the SD was in shambles. I think it's time to bring someone back who can help get us going back on track.

As for others who do not want him back...the 141st Task Force was a powerful entity within the Order, possessing two of our Osiris class warships. You do not rise to power without gaining enemies internally; you could look to O'Rhu and Horus. They might have been after your time as the 141st, but that only means they were formed later. I would look in and try and find any special units that were formed close to the collapse and merge of the 141 with the Primary Fleet. I can help you with the more classified information, or at least point you at Ellie or Jeremy, both of whom have some of the highest clearance there is.

We will find out what happened to Davids, Five. So let's start with Ellie.

[Image: dh98z.png]