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The National Council - NC- - Printable Version

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The National Council - NC- - The National Council - 06-28-2016

[Image: HHLpytK.png]


Name: The National Council of Malta
ID: Outcast ID
IFF: Outcasts
Tag: NC-

Faction Information

Just over eight-hundred years ago, the crippled sleeper ship Hispania and her passengers arrived in a then-unknown system, today known as Omicron Alpha. They found themselves stuck on a planet that was very ill-suited to supporting human life, and their first and only goal was to survive. On their new world of acidic oceans and plains, these Outcasts managed to carve out a place for themselves, and form a society which not only met the daunting challenges of survival head-on, but was able to evolve into a true nation. While Maltese society "works" - it has its own order and idiosyncratic sort of overall stability - it seems, to outsiders, extremely harsh and unforgiving, much like Malta itself.

As such, it was inevitable that conflict with the other, luckier, more successful Houses would occur. Obvious from the outset that they could never win through brute military force, the Maltese fittingly developed more cruel tactics, using their own lifeblood as a weapon. As soon as the jump holes to the Taus and the Sigmas were discovered, it was known to all what must be done. Cardamine convoys began to rush into the border worlds, and from there into the inner systems of Sirius, flooding the rest of the galaxy with the orange dream that powered the frighteningly-agile beast of the Maltese economy. The Outcasts would claw their way to the top eventually, whether through diplomacy or through a great, torrential storm of orange that wipes away all opposition, so that Malta's children could seed the fertile land left behind.

Those who owned the plantations producing the marvellous drug became fabulously wealthy; not only did they have more digits of nines and zeroes in their bank accounts than their countrymen, but they possessed great human and social capital as well. With time, their influence grew to encompass every facet of Maltese society. No more would the ad-hoc ministries of government, established by regional councils of citizens or dons long dead and propped up as much by custom as by legitimate authority, stand in the way of ultimate profit. The cartels came to utterly dominate every single part of Maltese life. While, again, to outsiders, this seems an incredibly oppressive, unfair, and extraordinarily unstable system, the few abortive attempts at revolution to instill a more centralized authority in Omicron Alpha have always met with failure; truly, it would seem, the Maltese are mostly content with this cutthroat culture, and it's served them well so far.

Despite the previous successes of the Outcasts, however, there are always those who yearn for more. Just because one has come a long way doesn't mean one should rest on their laurels and cease trying to improve. With this in mind, some influential members of Maltese society justify their own scheming, arguing that only they have the vision and the will to bring Malta forward. On occasion, some daring few throw their lot in with each other, so as to crush mutual enemies or, on even rarer occasion, work justly and truly for the benefit of all Maltese everywhere. These attempts are often fraught with the distrust and betrayal they were nominally made to avoid, but sometimes they really bring various families and syndicates together, despite competing interests. The most recent of these efforts is the National Council of Malta, styling itself as a popular, conservative front to maintain Maltese traditions in the face of a hostile and changing galaxy.

The National Council of Malta (also known as the NCM, NC, and Maltese National Council) is a council formed in 823 AS by influential Maltese personalities who are united in opposition to the Maltese status quo. After the Council of Dons ceased to exist, the smaller families and syndicates of Malta began to consolidate themselves into small but numerous councils, usually with members of the nobility at their head. At first, the only goal of these councils was to secure their own influence in a rapidly changing world. Slowly but surely, they grew into true political movements, almost invariably with a distinctly conservative bent. Despite the new addition of domestic political rhetoric, the councils still mostly focused their real efforts at increasing their own profits.

However, the ideological undercurrents of nationalism were not to remain dormant forever; by now, the consolidated nobility had a better idea of the national interests of Malta. Along with the constant efforts to increase their own income and power, some families, or sometimes individuals, began to feel strongly a patriotic duty to Malta. Even so, discerning true patriots from conniving plutocrats remained a difficult task. In the wake of this, the National Council of Malta was formed as the union of the disparate local Maltese opposition, with strong support from former political exiles who decided to return to Malta, in some cases in flagrant disregard to the current order. As their influence extends and former enemies and exiles return, throwing their lot in with each other, the National Council has only continued to grow in power.

Naval Assets

"Vesuvius" Sixteenth Maltese Flotilla: Dante Maria was born in 783 A.S. into a family that owned several cardamine plantations which were passed over from one generation to another. Due to the fact that he always had everything he wished for, Dante was quite a spoiled child in his teenage years. In order to prevent him from being that way his entire life, his family wanted Dante to find a job. In case he refused, they were going to deny him his heritage. Considering that his family was among the more respected ones in Maltese society, they didn't want someone who has never worked a day in his life to jeopardize that. Even though he was angry with his family, Dante had no choice but to leave Malta and prove his capability of taking care of himself, instead of having someone else do it.

801 A.S. was the year of Dante's departure from Malta. He spent three years away from his family and friends and the events of that time period played a major role in shaping him into a person that he is today. Nobody knows what happened over those years and what was Dante doing back then, as he refuses to talk about it to this day. When he returned home, his family barely recognized him - Dante was a changed man. After a few months of being reunited with his son, Dante's father realized what kind of man he became. Being proud of his only son, he offered a gift not many people could refuse - five cardamine plantations included with all the workers necessary to keep it running.

Several years had passed, and Dante was starting to grow tired of running a cardamine business and wanted something more out of his life. Eventually, the tensions between the Ghosts and the Contari family escalated into a civil war, which was something Dante expected and was prepared for. He didn't want to witness any of that and made a decision to leave Malta until the hostilities between the two organizations were ceased. His time away helped Dante realize what he really wanted - power. With the Crimson Cross becoming a ruling body of Malta, Dante saw an opportunity to achieve his goal, and has been searching for a way to rise up within Maltese society. Despite his utmost respect for the Cross and everything they have been doing for Malta, Dante strongly believes that there should be a non-religious side of the spectrum with equal power.

Unlike Dante, Aldo Lombardi didn't have much. Before Aldo was even born, his mother had complications and she was lucky to even be alive. Struggling from his early stages of life, Aldo was forced to do things that are not meant for people of his age. Piracy was the best option at the time, starting from Taus, robbing miners in twenty three was the main source of income for Aldo. Just like every person that is somewhat poor, Aldo's dream was to become rich. He strongly believes that money can buy everything and is determined to pursue his goal no matter the cost. Piracy wasn't profitable so Aldo turned to be an escort pilot for cardamine convoys. The job of an escort was somewhat easier than piracy, yet his life was at stake. The money that came from the escort jobs was enough for him to purchase newer equipment in order to offer better services. Few years after, Aldo formed a small escort service that consisted of five other people that were mainly his old friends. Even though Aldo wasn't poor anymore that didn't stop him in pursuing his main goal. The hunger for money grew over the years and so did his escort group.

In the early 819 A.S. Aldo's escort group reached its peak in popularity. Outcasts from all over Malta were looking to hire the group as the safety of the cargo was guaranteed. With the beginning of the civil war, Aldo wasn't planning on participating and wanted to stay as far away as possible until it all blew over. Despite the attempts of his group to persuade him into staying and fighting the war, Aldo decided to temporarily leave to Bretonia. Leaving most of his belongings at Malta, Aldo had to return to his old days of piracy. The location of the Cape Wrath base in Newcastle was ideal for striking Gallic and IMG convoys that were passing through Tau thirty one. When the civil war ended, Aldo returned to Malta only to realize that most of the people in his group died. With no one to work with, Aldo was back at the beginning with an uncontrollable craving for money.

A few days ago, Dante and Aldo met in a bar on Malta. It was a pure coincidence, as both of them were looking for some time away from work. It is not unusual for two drunk strangers to start talking to each other while drinking alone at the bar, which is how they met. After exchanging their life stories, Dante made a proposition to Aldo - to form an organization that would help both of them achieve their goals. Being mostly driven by hunger for power and greed, they decided to start spreading the word of Vesuvius Brigade, hoping to find like-minded individuals that are not happy with the current situation within the Maltese nation.

Originally formed from the private militias of various families, the 16th Flotilla is the main armed force in the hands of the Council. From the first days of it's existance, paramilitary organization known as Vesuvius Brigade under command of Aldo Lombardi have played a main role withint Flotilla. With some time, the nickname "Vesuvius" had become a common to all Flotilla, not just this particular brigade. Normally the forces of the Flotilla are spread all over the Sirius securing the local interests of various families; piracy and escort services for the cardamine convoys are its mainstays. However, in emergency situations or during pre-planned military operations, the Flotilla’s forces quickly combine and coordinate as a proper military. The current flagship of the Flotilla is the MNS Scarlet Dawn, under the command of colonel Cristina Martelli-Bloodrose.

Sixty-Eighth Special Operations Wing: The 68th is responsible for intelligence and espionage activities outside of Malta. Sabotage and strikes against especially important targets are a large part of this wing’s responsibilities. While there is little public information regarding its structure, private reports indicate that most of its members are born-and-bred Maltese that were previously exiled for political reasons, though there are also operatives who owe their direct allegiance to various families. There are rumors that some 68th operatives are also working on Malta, spying on business competitors and even performing assassinations. its current mobile base of operations is the recently-rechristened MNS Lilith (formerly known as the Maltese Exile flagship MNS "Spirit Fire") under command of Enma Loyola.

Civilian Assets

Atlantis Manufacturing: In most societies, there exists a stark contrast between what is "civilian" and what is "military". Traditionally, Maltese society has greatly blurred the line between these two, but Atlantis Manufacturing represents a major step in the other direction. Founded in the closing months of 822 AS with the mission to establish a reliable and effective trade and shipping network that spans the Omicron systems, bringing much-needed prosperity and supplies to the civilized Freeports and Maltese citizens, AM has rapidly grown, more than outpacing initial expectations. With the establishment of dedicated armament production facilities, and establishing effective financial control over an entire province in northern Malta, Atlantis attracted the attention of several influential nobles and syndicate leaders, and the National Council took a huge risk by investing billions of credits into the corporation in exchange for a controlling interest in its management.

Goals and Objectives

Protection of the legitimate claims of Maltese nobility.
Protection of the interests of the Maltese Nation in every corner of Sirius.
Maintenance of order and traditional Maltese values.
Furtherance of Malta's economic development based on her families and syndicates.
Development of non-cardamine sectors of the economy.
Improving the Maltese birth rate by using latest scientific achievements.
Ensuring freedom of religion.
Ensuring freedom of political activity for the nobility.
Secure the systems which border the Maltese homeworld.
Radical reform of the educational system.
Revival of national cultural traditions.
Development of the Maltese scientific potential.
Cooperation with foreign scientific and medical centers.
Development of diplomatic relations with potential and existing foreign partners.
Overcoming the political isolation of Malta.
Achieving military defeat over all overt and covert enemies of Malta.

Neural Net Archives

Maltese contacts:

Lane Hackers contacts:

Liberty Rogues contacts:

Oracles of Ishmael contacts:

Junkers contacts:

Kingdom of Bretonia contacts:

Republic of Rheinland contacts:

Other Communications:

Notable Individuals

Members of the Council:

Cristina Martelli @Skorak (//1ic)
Aldo Lombardi @Venkman
Elaria Contari @Petitioner
Oranos @Geoffacake (//AM- subleader)

"Vesuvius" Sixteenth Maltese Defense Flotilla:

Aldo Lombardi @Venkman

Alejandro Auditore @Wesker
Alonso Rosario @Flash™
Rina Como-Contari @Reid

Lelia Mione @Ramke
Sergio Gonzalez @Clavius
Lia Verratti @Lia Verratti
Akane Nakahara @"Wulverine"
Jessica Gruman @"Snoopy"
Isabella Llorens @Catbert
Marco Santoro @Ryummel
Felicia Lovera @Anonymous

Carolina Grey @Carolina Grey
Angelica Caras @Angelica Caras
Andreu Grec @Petitioner
James Mactavish @CorrupteD
Thiago Andaluz @KaelanFrey
Lejune Forte @Kalhmera
Adam Tavares @Kormad
Sabas Eligio @Alexander

Sixty-Eighth Special Operations Wing:

Rosa Veraz @"Werdackel|"

Enma Loyola @"Sanja"
John McMurphy @"Werdackel|"
Cinzia Selvaggio @Cinzia Selvaggio
Valeria Ré-Abbrecciabeni @Petitioner

Atlantis Manufacturing:

"Oranos" @Geoffacake (//1ic)
Hattori Au @"Sanja"

Uncategorized Assets:

Kasumi Ybarra @Petitioner


[Image: zqywJEs.png]

Golden Chrysanthemums
Lane Hackers
Liberty Rogues

[Image: eN9Pjm7.png]

Junker Marauders

[Image: i0u7XdW.png]

Büro der Marineintelligenz
Kingdom of Bretonia
Red Hessians

[Image: ZZDeuRZ.png]

Blood Dragons

[Image: VTPsNd2.png]

Bounty Hunters Guild
The Core
Farmers Alliance
The Gallic Council
Hellfire Legion
Independent Miners Guild
Kusari Exiles
Republic of Kusari
Republic of Liberty
Republic of Rheinland
Sirius Coalition

At war:
[Image: 25tovlL.png]

Crayter Republic
Gas Miners Guild
Kingdom of Gallia
The Order

From Neuralpedia, the unbiased encyclopedia.
Not to be confused with the Gallic Council, the defunct Council of Dons, the Council of Elders, or the defunct Zoner Council.

//Money was taken from NC-Enma.Loyola for adding us to activity tracker, according to this post we are not required to pay more. Requesting an admin to confirm.

RE: The National Council - NC- - Lythrilux - 06-29-2016

Looks good. Good luck guys!

RE: The National Council - NC- - Petitioner - 06-29-2016

Thanks, Lyth, and rip.

RE: The National Council - NC- - Shinju - 06-30-2016

Good luck <3 You'll need it ^^

RE: The National Council - NC- - Shiki - 06-30-2016

(06-30-2016, 07:09 AM)Shinju Wrote: Good luck <3 You'll need it ^^

Thank you for your support. ^^

RE: The National Council - NC- - Laz - 06-30-2016

Looks good, wish you guys luck.

RE: The National Council - NC- - eigos - 06-30-2016

Finally. Active outcasts!

RE: The National Council - NC- - Goldberg - 07-07-2016

Good pvper (looks at Wesker)
Solid RP
Funny raids
Funny TS memes
I love you


RE: The National Council - NC- - nOmnomnOm - 07-07-2016

really early

RE: The National Council - NC- - Shiki - 07-07-2016

Thanks and RIP.

@"Samuel Samuels"
Thanks, we are really trying to create more proper acitvity.

{MaEx}/NC- exists for about a year, I can't see how that's early.