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Thoughts That Win - Printable Version

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Thoughts That Win - rubenfrin - 11-29-2008

The fear of losing, removes the will to win (not sure it's correctly spelled).

The golden rule (2 versions):

Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself - Confucius

Whoever has the gold makes the rules! - Fridge magnet bought in Ireland:).

Thoughts That Win - centauri5pirate - 11-29-2008

"Believe nothing you hear, nothing you read, and only half the things that you see." My late Grandfather's words of wisdom.

Thoughts That Win - Grumblesaur - 11-29-2008

Sacrifice yourself to save another is foolish. Sacrifice another to save yourself is also foolish. Survival is wise.

-Thoughts that I have had from hearing so many retarded fairy tales.

Great causes require great sacrifices.

-My best friend.

Entertain what illusions you will, for I am too tired to argue them with you.

-Video game character. O.o

Thoughts That Win - Col_Lodden - 11-29-2008

When ye drink wi' the Devil, drink wi' a lang spoon.

Thoughts That Win - Derkylos - 11-29-2008

' Wrote:When ye drink wi' the Devil, drink wi' a lang spoon.

"Sup", my good man, "sup".

"Timet Danaeos et donas ferentes"

From one of my favourite authors of all time (some of the Latin may be shaky-it's been a while since I read the origionals).

Thoughts That Win - Saigo.Watanabe - 11-29-2008

1) " All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers"
Can't remember who said it.

2) "Only two things are certain in life: Taxes and death."
Again can't remember who said that and if thats wrote right.

3) " Only if you truely believe in yourself, will you achieve your goals."
Something i work by.

Thoughts That Win - Ash - 11-29-2008

This has always been the saying that has kept me going when i'm in a horrible resigned to armaggeddon mood.

"every action has a reaction"

Thoughts That Win - swift - 11-29-2008

You mess with the viper, you get the fangs.

And ironically enough I fly one.. o_O

Thoughts That Win - chovynz - 11-30-2008

You only lose when you give up trying. -unknown

Thoughts That Win - Marburg - 11-30-2008

"When surrounded on all sides, you can attack from any direction."