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TO:Liberty Departemnt of Deffense | FROM:ADM.Jack O'Neill - Printable Version

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TO:Liberty Departemnt of Deffense | FROM:ADM.Jack O'Neill - Morosz - 07-27-2016


Communication channel opened...
Encryption: High
Origin: 5th Fleet HQ | Alaska system, Juneau Shipyard
ID: Admiral Jack O'Neill
Recipientt: Secretary of Deffense
Subject: LSF

Greetings. It has been a long time since i had to officially contact you. Today i recieved a very disturbing report. An incident, wich i was able to witness from my own office. The LSF along with some secondary fleet captains decided to attack the 1st and 5th fleet for now it is not clear why. One thing is sure Fleet Admiral Alan Jones suffered injuries thanks to the attack. I hereby request an official statement on this since the LSF claimed they are acting by the orders of the DEPDEF and the President, yet they failed to present any proof. But the fact that they dared to attack and kill navy officers not to mention the injury of several other navy officers who were following orders is undeniable. This act costed many libertonian lives. And those responsible for this should be punished.

I'm sending you the reports and evidence here:
ADM Jack O'Neill
Liberty Navy 5th Fleet


RE: TO:Liberty Departemnt of Deffense | FROM:ADM.Jack O'Neill - Arbs - 07-27-2016

July 27th 823

[Image: Flag-liberty.png]
The Republic of Liberty
Liberty Navy High Command

Mr. Secretary of State for defense, Robert McKay,

Unfortunately I am here to present nothing but outrageous news regarding a deliberate and unprecedented attack on the Homeland Defense Fleet perpetrated by the Liberty Security Force under the command of their primary directorate going under the prefix of (=LSF=) and their supporters in the Navy. The attack occurred during yesterday's midnight, July 26th 8233, and i regret to tell you that many Libertonian Lives have been lost with many more wounded.

The Liberty Security Force claiming to be given over by the Office of the President of Liberty, requested to overtake jurisdiction on the matter regarding LNS Harmony, to which we have been long conducting an investigation regarding possible traitors or infected personnel, that no earlier than some months perpetrated an insider attack, devastating to the battleship and it's crew. As shown in the evidence from Admiral Jack O'Neill, after agreeing to our proposal and their lack of a verdict from the Government, we were deliberately attacked as the escorting fleet was proceeding into the Alaska system through Zone 21, after which a nightmare of a battle ensued, causing severe damage to the Homeland defense fleet, now making the protection of our systems ever more difficult from inside insurgencies as well as from any possible attack from the outside.

At the time being The Harmony has successfully reached Junau shipyard and is currently in dry dock. The crew is under custody and Rear Admiral Knight is currently under the supervision of the Liberty Navy ESRD teams. Both will be soon moved to Radford Research station, serving as a safe place to conduct the investigation, interrogation and research on the matter. Security has been severely intensified though several warships of the First and Fifth Fleet, as well as a lock-down of the Virginia system and the Arlington minefield to ensure safety from rogue elements or intervention from the outside.

However, the acts partaken by the Liberty Security Force and their collaborators are not to be left unanswered and deserve but a just response. As such I am putting a request for an arrest warrant to the =LSF= directorate and the involved agents and officers for their discrepancies and the damage to the Liberty Navy, the Republic and the responsibility of the lives lost during this incident.

Our faith is with the Republic and for the best interests of the Libertonian people.

Alan Jones
Fleet Admiral, First Fleet
CiC Liberty Navy

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.

RE: TO:Liberty Departemnt of Deffense | FROM:ADM.Jack O'Neill - The Republic Of Liberty - 07-31-2016

31st of July 823

[Image: Flag-liberty.png]

The Republic of Liberty
Department of Defense

Esteemed Admirals;

We have been made aware of the current situation and have acknowledged your reports on the unauthorized and deliberate attacks of the LSF to the homeland defense fleet. Such is of great risk as it leaves the republic less defended against attacks from inside and outside alike. While we condemn the actions taken by the LSF, the LSF reports directly to the presidential office, as such an official statement from President Powell is required. However the President has been notified and will make an announcement shortly.

As for the navy personnel who have collaborated with the LSF; an arrest warrant has been given to take under custody any personnel related to this incident and situation.
It is unfortunate for liberty forces to have to deal with the current situation where many Libertonian lives are at risk.

-Robert McKay, Department of Defense