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To the Liberty Navy - Printable Version

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To the Liberty Navy - Eva Adenauer - 08-01-2016

[Image: P3gIqk3.gif]

"From zhis moment on, any Naval-affiliated vessels found trespassing within zhe Alaska system, Zone 21, or within 25 kilometers of any entrance to zhe aforementioned system will be destroyed on sight. Escape pods will be rerouted to Prison Station Mitchell for processing. Ich have attempted to be reasonable, but it would seem you refuse to heed my warnings, und now you will pay ze price.

If you value your freedom, stay out."

Eva Adenauer, Executive Director, Liberty Security Force.

RE: To the Liberty Navy - Spectre - 08-01-2016

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[COMM-ID]: ESRD Identity Confirmed - Operative Sentinel
[RECEIVER-ID]: 'Director' Eva Adenauer - Liberty Security Force
[SUBJECT]: Enjoy the calm

[PRIORITY]: Alpha - High
[ENCRYPTION]: Athena - Absolute

Ms. Adenauer...

I had hoped this dilemma wouldn't have brought out the need to say this, but seeing as how you've already gone ahead and pulled the card yourself, I guess I'll step in a say my piece.

First of all, the Navy has received no word from Defense Department or the Presidential cabinet regarding the LSF's sudden increase in 'power' over the Navy. Need I remind you that you 'run' an intelligence division. You are not a private army that can stomp over the people by your side. Along with that fact, it certainly doesn't give you any authority to blockade the Navy from the same research that keeps this nation whole and secure.

Secondly, the act that your forces pulled at the Fairbanks continually shows your dispassion for the Liberty people. Alongside the fact that we are doing your job, you have continually had your forces step in to halt critical work that is vital to the maintenance of both this nation's security as well as its morale. The Thalia Grace, alongside the other warships and fighters present were conducting a prisoner transfer of high classification, something you appear to have an issue letting the Navy continue with.

While this may seem bad enough, I'm afraid that there is not where this ends. Not even in the slightest.

After your forces' little 'move' at Fairbanks, the Thalia Grace pulled back after retrieving the individual that your forces seemed so intent on stopping the Navy from containing, we were attacked from the inside by an agent who snuck aboard and wreaked havoc, kidnapping both Vice Admiral Hunter and taking the individual we were trying to lock down. In the fray, Admiral O'Neill of the Fifth Fleet took a good few hits, and subsequently passed not long after I followed in pursuit. It was the Navy... let me repeat that, the Navy that recaptured the individual and secured her for containment.

Now, maybe things don't work the same back down in Rheinland. I can understand that. Techniques don't transfer.. yadda yadda.. But as of right now, personally, I am placing Admiral Jack O'Neill's death on your hands, and the kidnapping of Admiral Alexis A. Hunter on your conscience. Maybe now you'll understand that what you're doing is causing more harm than good, and overall shows just how much you actually care for this nation.

You are preaching to a choir that is showing you the middle finger.

Angels rise, but demons fall.


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