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»To: Junker Congress; Bill - Printable Version

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»To: Junker Congress; Bill - Kauket - 08-01-2016

[Image: DTBxohr.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Raven
» LOCATION: Eidolon Wraith, ???
» SUBJECT: Shipyard deal.


So - you may have remembered me querying you earlier on about a potentional deal concerning one of your shipyards and our vessels? Well, I'll skip the useless rhetorics and go straight to the point.

We have a vessel that is pending an upgrade as part of an agreement with the IRG, but we lack a shipyard - and they lack a free shipyard. Here's my proposal:

To gain access to your shipyard for this upgrade, I offer you a monetary amount of $50.000.000 credits, but in turn, we both keep our eyes 'shut' on what goes on within each others areas. Furthermore, to allow two gunboats next to the Wraith throughout the process to act as guardians.

I'm going to give an example of what I mean by keeping our eyes shut, in case if you were confused by my wordings. What I mean is that whatever we see - we won't regard or notice, as we'll simply turn a blind eye, while also your systems at the shipyard will also not document the technical equipment on the Wraith. A bat eye for a bat eye huh?

Although on a additional note: We will have some vessels bringing in supplies for the said upgrade. Of course, we shall inform you what said vessels are. It should only take two vessels to enter with said supplies.

So. How about it?

S. Raven


RE: »To: Junker Congress; Bill - WildBill - 08-02-2016

....Powering Transmitter....
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.:j:. - Junker Congress - .:j:.

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyVUNNU01QZnMyLTg]

Arbiter Wild Bill


Reckon we'd be able to work somethin out. I got a bit of a counter offer fer y'all. We cut yer offer in half an open up Invergordon Space Port. It'll be better equipped fer y'all's needs. Was where we done built our flagship an the protector of Puerto Rico, Claymore'O'Gordon. Reckon y'all won't like this here idea, but hear me out on this. Invergordon is in Inverness, A system what ain't used often 'cept fer us. Y'all'll be in the general proximity of the Junkyard, a Core 5 station what may be useful in whatever y'all're up to. We're keen on clearin a section of Invergordon fer y'all, an that ain't limited to yer ship needin work. We're willin to allow up to 6 of yer ships to dock there. This'll give y'all a bit of added security fer yer work.

I don't mean no insult 'bout this an I'd like to give y'all an explanation fer this here counter offer. As I was tellin y'all on our secure group transmission, not all our folk is as forgivin as I am. There're still folks here what are upset at y'all fer the damages done by y'all's hands. This ain't a way to be pointed blame, jus a fact. This here peace we're workin out will be needin to be built on trust an not all our folk is trustin y'all yet. After talkin with my folk we worked this here offer out, somethin we'd be willin to offer to build that trust. As it were pointed out to me, Puerto Rico is our home an it ain't right to be makin my brothers uncomfortable in their home. I hope y'all understand an is still willin to work somethin out. I'll enclose a description of Invergordon fer y'all.

Wild Bill, Arbiter Junker Congress

....Transmission Terminated....

RE: »To: Junker Congress; Bill - Kauket - 08-02-2016

[Image: DTBxohr.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Raven
» LOCATION: Eidolon Wraith, ???
» SUBJECT: Shipyard deal.


That is completely understandable, Arbiter. It wouldn't be right to cause discomfort amongst your kin. Invergordon sounds completely acceptable to me. Although slightly worrying due to the proximity of the areas that have reported to have an increase in infested activity. But I believe it shouldn't be too much of a matter. All in all, we accept.

Please forward me an account to proceed the transaction.

S. Raven


RE: »To: Junker Congress; Bill - WildBill - 08-03-2016

....Powering Transmitter....
....Opening Com Channel....
....Encrypting Transmission....
.:j:. - Junker Congress - .:j:.

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyVUNNU01QZnMyLTg]

Arbiter Wild Bill


If'n yer good with this offer, we're keen on makin it happen. .:j:.Recovery is open fer recievin yer credits. If'n yer needin anythin else from us while yer on station jus let us know.

Wild Bill, Arbiter Junker Congress

....Transmission Terminated....

RE: »To: Junker Congress; Bill - Kauket - 08-03-2016

[Image: DTBxohr.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Raven
» LOCATION: Eidolon Wraith, ???
» SUBJECT: Shipyard deal.


Credits sent. I'll ensure you send a notification of the expected time of arrival when I receive the word from the teams.

S. Raven