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To: Captain, OSC-Bali - Printable Version

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To: Captain, OSC-Bali - Jeremy Hunter - 08-01-2016

>>>Begin Transmission<<<

[Image: harvey_bullock.png?w=412&h=232]

Evening, Captain Stellmacher. My name is Heinlen Barrow. I'm a private investigator belonging to Osman and Radegast Detection, Examination, and Recovery. We are a part of the Bounty Hunters Guild working on more personal cases, such as more isolated attacks, kidnapping, extortion, the menial things the LPI do except, we dress better. Right now, I was contacted to initiate a Third Party Investigation into the attack on OSC-Bali by a group of passengers who survived a similar attack just a week ago, on board the liner OSC-Cayman Islands.

I would like a full statement about the incident, such as ship type, maybe what the pilot sounded like. Any specific type of speech, you get the idea. I'm hoping I'm investigating an isolated incident but I fear the attack on Bali could be part of a larger problem.

Please get back to me promptly.

-Heinlen Barrow, Osman & Radegast Private Investigator

RE: To: Captain, OSC-Bali - Petitioner - 08-02-2016

[Image: albrecht_stellmacher_1.png]

[[[ Incoming Datastream, Comms-Grade
[[[ Sender ID: Albrecht Stellmacher
[[[ Message Source: OS&C Liner "Bali"
[[[ Data Integrity: Data Integrity OK
[[[ Processing Comm

Good day, Mr. Barrow. My condolences to the passengers and crew of the Cayman Islands, and, in the event of any casualties, to their respective families. I am happy to help bring the responsible parties to justice in any way I can — perhaps the Navy will finally send me the financial recompense I am owed for the actions of their operative. I hope that my cooperation with you won't paint a target on the back of my head, though I suppose that would be rather convenient for your agency, as it would put me in a prime position to hire one of your men to watch my back.

Stellmacher sniffs a little, and there's an awkward pause as he looks down at something offscreen for a moment before returning to address the camera.

As for your questions, I'm not a man who is particularly familiar with military hardware. A bit brutish for my tastes. My communications officer, however, informs me that the pilot which unlawfully engaged us was piloting an, erm... a "Cupholder"-class bomber? He seems confused and out of his element. Their IFF designators were also malfunctioning to some degree, but the vessel was clearly marked as belonging to the Navy's own Battlegroup Harmony. I'll attach the audio logs of our encounter to this transmission.

Given the news in Liberty, I'm inclined to answer any further questions you may have – under condition of anonymity, naturally, not though I expect this will be an issue with your organization – but request that, under any other circumstance, you please not contact me, my crew, or any of my clients again. Once again, my condolences to those who were aboard the Cayman Islands, and I wish you only the best of luck with your investigation.

Sincerely yours, Albrecht Stellmacher.

[[[ Attachments