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To: Fleet Admiral Michael Richard | Crayterian Republic - Printable Version

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To: Fleet Admiral Michael Richard | Crayterian Republic - Vendetta - 08-04-2016

[Image: TVPB01H.jpg]

NEURAL NET ID: Curator Endurance
TOPIC: Your answers.


Admiral Richard,

I was informed by Templar Ganes - The First Officer of the Arktos, that you requested to hear from the Inner Phalanx in regards to the deteriorating situation within and around Crayter space.

Naturally, if you haven't been made aware, the LNS Salem was dispatched with permission - according to its commanding officer - to orbit planet Pecos in regards to the kidnapping of Vice Admiral Alexis Hunter and the death of Admiral Jack O'Neil, at the hands of the local infested forces of Tau-117, or Drake as it's more commonly known. In addition to this, despite the disagreements and previous hostilities between the Republic and Auxesia, several members of the Navy have requested our aid in regards to this dire situation before it escalates any further.

Vice Admiral Alexis Hunter was kidnapped by individuals identified as Milly Stone - Believed to be a pilot within the Order at one point, and Rosalina Rominov, a former Core Paladin. They managed to sneak on board the Siege Cruiser Thalia Grace, where Admiral O'Neil was critically injured and Vice Admiral Hunter taken. O'Neil, as we've been informed, succumbed to his injuries later in the hospital. The two perpetrators made their escape with the Navy First fleet, Fifth fleet, and some Second fleet forces in tow, before they encountered an Auxesian patrol in Coronado and were interdicted by the Hussar wing. A single enemy contact - a Nodachi Bomber of Dragon origin, sporting Order technology, was shot down. The second contact - Rosalina Romanov, was in a Wraith from Rheinland, likely taken from her time in the Core. Unfortunately, Romanov managed to escape via the extraterrestrial jumpgate hidden within the Barrier, carrying the Admiral and her comrade.

1.08.2016 01:52:35] D9|Lyoko: *Long ranged data burst to naval forces: Accept?*
[01.08.2016 01:56:11] D9|Lyoko: *The message goes threw, showing the figure surrounded by a armed crew of people that looked akin to her* Hello naval officers-
[01.08.2016 01:56:40] D9|Lyoko: after today, with the death of one admiral, and the capturing of another, I'm starting to wonder what is going on with you...
[01.08.2016 01:56:57] D9|Lyoko: though one thing is funny, if the LSf had not got involved, none of this would of ever happened...
[01.08.2016 01:57:45] D9|Lyoko: ?: Allow me to finally..properly introduce myself...
[01.08.2016 01:58:11] D9|Lyoko: ?: My name, is Milly Stone...
[01.08.2016 01:59:15] D9|Lyoko: ?: Now. Why do you care, or should you care is simple...right now I am deciding the fate of Alexis..if I should let her go...
[01.08.2016 01:59:41] D9|Lyoko: join us or...something else...I'm sending this message as a false move...and she joins the dead
[01.08.2016 01:59:50] D9|Lyoko: admiral in grace... *the message ends with that*

It was then we were contacted by the ESRD to aid in intelligence collection and recovery. By the next day, an Order Hathor flown by Milly Stone was chased from Liberty by various forces, including ours and the pilot Hellfire from your fleets. Thanks to his help in interdicting the vessel, it was destroyed, and its pilot taken in to custody by the Fifth Fleet of the Liberty Navy. However, as we've discovered after a skirmish in Coronado in cooperation with your forces, the pilot has somehow managed to escape. Of course, the forces of yours were recovered and returned to Barrier Gate safely, along with those we've lost. Not long after that skirmish, Admiral Hall of the Bretonian Armed Forces came under fire by a Kusarian Komainu Battlecruiser and a Guardian Class Nomad of immense firepower within Cortez. The Arktos, Eidolon Wraith, LNS Vengeance and Destroyer dubbed the Shovel provided fire support and managed to save the Admiral's life, but the Battlecruiser managed to evade capture and destruction.

Unfortunately, following the destruction of the Nomad, the Arktos and Wraith came under fire from the Vengeance despite a direct order from an ESRD pilot to not engage. Regretfully, the vessel was lost to the combined firepower of the Auxesian assets, who received minimal damage.

In addition, the recent arrival of the Order in the region has sparked some conflict. The Horus capital vessel Razgriz was deployed, who has been quite friendly in comparison to his associates. As I'm sure your pilots mentioned, the Order were present in the system of Baffin, along with a Lane Hacker vessel which they were hell bent on keeping away from anyone. Doing so, they allowed several Nomad and Nomad-affiliated contacts to enter the system unchecked. Despite stating we have no interest in conflict, and despite the No-Fire Zone that spans the system, the Order agents opened fire upon our vessels, and after repeated attempts to tell them to cease fire, our forces defended themselves.

[02.08.2016 00:53:04] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: Cloaked entity.
[02.08.2016 00:53:39] A/)-Hussar.1: Tracking targets, over.
[02.08.2016 00:53:53] R~LH~Xenia.Onatopp: This ship can't take this kind of speed !
[02.08.2016 00:53:55] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: It appears to be pursuing them.
[02.08.2016 00:54:06] Order|Scott.Mitchell: You will stay out of our way if you value your life Auxesia. This is NOT your business.
[02.08.2016 00:54:15] A/)-Hussar.1: Full burn.
[02.08.2016 00:54:22] A/)-Hussar.1: This is our turf, Order.
[02.08.2016 00:54:28] Order|Scott.Mitchell: Bite me.
[02.08.2016 00:54:28] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: You should know about the recent activities.
[02.08.2016 00:54:36] Order|Destiny's.Embrace: Rika: Sod off.

[02.08.2016 00:54:41] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: It's to no surprise that we're on alert.
[02.08.2016 00:54:56] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: It seems you have friends following you too.

[02.08.2016 00:54:57] A/)-Hussar.1: Being impolite will get you nowhere. Didn't your  mother ever tell you that?

[02.08.2016 00:55:09] Order|Destiny's.Embrace: Rika: She said tell jerks to sod off

[02.08.2016 00:55:36] A/)-Hussar.1: Tracking vessel.

[02.08.2016 00:55:38] Order|Scott.Mitchell: Your lack of co-operation has been noted.

[02.08.2016 00:55:46] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: Veiled entity is still present.

[02.08.2016 00:55:48] R~LH~Xenia.Onatopp: Nomads, Navy, LSF, Order, now those freaks, what the heck !

[02.08.2016 00:55:55] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: If only I had that disruptor, damn.
[02.08.2016 00:56:03] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: Nomad sighted.

[02.08.2016 00:56:11] R~LH~Xenia.Onatopp: I was safer in a damn rogue bar during a browl !

[02.08.2016 00:56:12] A/)-Hussar.1: You really should learn to check your luggage before you leave  home.

[02.08.2016 00:56:29] Order|Scott.Mitchell: Mitchell to Commander Hunter. We're being chased by hostile targets. I repeat, Auxesia decided to go hostile...

[02.08.2016 00:56:39] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: If we were hostile, I would have disrupted you.
[02.08.2016 01:10:51] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: Well, I have the scans, whatever.
[02.08.2016 01:10:58] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: Weakly armored vessel. Hunter pilots.
[02.08.2016 01:11:12] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: Mediocre thrusters.

[02.08.2016 01:11:14] A/)-Hussar.1: Alright... Listen up. We don't want to harm you.
[02.08.2016 01:11:21] Order|Scott.Mitchell: I dont believe you.

[02.08.2016 01:11:31] Order|Scott.Mitchell: Stand off and leave us be. Or face the consequences.

[02.08.2016 01:11:42] A/)-Hussar.1: We would have fired on your buddies down there if we wanted to harm you.

[02.08.2016 01:11:55] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: What the hell were you doing that triggered alien activity?
[02.08.2016 01:12:06] Order|Scott.Mitchell: Leave us be or face the consequences.

[02.08.2016 01:12:12] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: You've said that already.
[02.08.2016 01:12:13] R~LH~Xenia.Onatopp: I knew I should had stay in that stinky bar today...
[02.08.2016 01:12:16] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: I'm not easy to scare.

[02.08.2016 01:12:35] Order|Scott.Mitchell: You will doom yourself and your organization if you keep this.

[02.08.2016 01:12:39] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: Uh-huh.
[02.08.2016 01:12:42] A/)-Hussar.1: You can't operate without any oversight in this space. Get off your high horse.
[02.08.2016 01:12:48] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: Spoken like a true Golanski.

[02.08.2016 01:13:06] R~LH~Xenia.Onatopp: Wait a second.
[02.08.2016 01:13:23] R~LH~Xenia.Onatopp: Let's say, I turn back. And get out of your system.
[02.08.2016 01:13:30] R~LH~Xenia.Onatopp: Will that work for you ?

[02.08.2016 01:13:46] A/)-Jari.Aalto: There's a bunch of Order here.

[02.08.2016 01:13:48] R~LH~Xenia.Onatopp: I can't have everyone chasing me !!

[02.08.2016 01:13:59] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: You've must have been flying for time.

[02.08.2016 01:14:01] A/)-Hussar.1: Lies, you Order bastard. We treat humans better than you filth.

[02.08.2016 01:14:08] A/)-Saracen.1: Lupe is no threat.
[02.08.2016 01:14:15] A/)-Hussar.1: Can you even say our name?
[02.08.2016 01:14:15] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: So, eventually, you'll run out of fuel before us, maybe.

[02.08.2016 01:14:46] R~LH~Xenia.Onatopp: I can't *Static* The engines are over*sounds of computer overloading*

[02.08.2016 01:15:00] A/)-Hussar.1: Cut the engines before your goddamn ship blows to hell!
[02.08.2016 01:15:09] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: If anything, you're the one risking your lives here.

[02.08.2016 01:15:12] Order|Scott.Mitchell: Allright, this is it. Onatopp. Make it for destinated location. I wil engage them myself.

[02.08.2016 01:15:31] Order|Scott.Mitchell: This is Mitchell... engaging Auxesia.
[02.08.2016 01:15:32] R~LH~Xenia.Onatopp: I can't the engines are *Static*

[02.08.2016 01:15:37] A/)-Hussar.1: We don't want a fight, goddammit!

[02.08.2016 01:15:39] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: Scanning.

[02.08.2016 01:15:57] A/)-Hussar.1: Assisting!

[02.08.2016 01:16:05] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: Get rid of that idiot.

[02.08.2016 01:16:09] Lupe: Engaging!? Porca Maria Santa! Have you no respect for the Divine!?

[02.08.2016 01:16:20] Order|Scott.Mitchell: 60k Over A2, I need back up.

[02.08.2016 01:16:20] Order|Destiny's.Embrace: Rika: We do, but they are engaging us!

[02.08.2016 01:16:29] R~LH~Xenia.Onatopp: SYSTEM: WARNING ! ENGINES OVERLOAD

[02.08.2016 01:16:33] A/)-Hussar.1: Cease fire.
[02.08.2016 01:16:38] R~LH~Xenia.Onatopp: Oh my ...
[02.08.2016 01:16:39] A/)-Hussar.1: Cease your fire!

[02.08.2016 01:16:39] A/)-Sea.Serpent: <:: You just announced you were firing upon it. ::>

[02.08.2016 01:16:55] R~LH~Xenia.Onatopp: SYSTEM: WARNING ! ENGINES OVERLOAD !

[02.08.2016 01:17:07] R~LH~Xenia.Onatopp: The fuel tank is right next to the engines !
[02.08.2016 01:17:08] Order|Scott.Mitchell: I will hold you off even if that means my harm.
[02.08.2016 01:17:20] A/)-Hussar.1: WE DO NOT WANT TO FIGHT!

[02.08.2016 01:17:21] Order|Scott.Mitchell: Leave this place and I will not pursuit you.

[02.08.2016 01:17:29] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: They won't listen.

[02.08.2016 01:18:14] R~LH~Xenia.Onatopp: SYSTEM: WARNING ! CRITICAL TEMPERATURE !
[02.08.2016 01:19:13] R~LH~Xenia.Onatopp: *Crackling noise* The temperature is over 50 degrees in my cockpit !

[02.08.2016 01:19:24] A/)-Hussar.1: Eject!

[02.08.2016 01:19:27] Order|Scott.Mitchell: Shut down your engines. I will hold them off until backup

[02.08.2016 01:19:34] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: Why are you risking your life?

[02.08.2016 01:19:37] Order|Scott.Mitchell: I will not allow them to take you.

[02.08.2016 01:19:39] A/)-Bird.of.Passage: What is so important about it?
[02.08.2016 01:19:40] R~LH~Xenia.Onatopp: I-I can't eject !

[02.08.2016 01:19:53] A/)-Hussar.1: Keeper, assist with saving that pilot, I'll deal with the enemy.

[02.08.2016 01:19:56] R~LH~Xenia.Onatopp: This thing does not have a fraking EJECTION SYSTEM !

[02.08.2016 01:20:12] A/)-Hussar.1: Do you have an EVA suit onboard?

[02.08.2016 01:20:13] Order|Scott.Mitchell: Gunboat with S&R is inbound.
[02.08.2016 01:20:23] Order|Scott.Mitchell: Order forces, assist
[02.08.2016 01:20:40] Order|Horus|Jonathan: moving to assist. going Fox 3 on targets. prepare to burn.

[02.08.2016 01:20:42] Order|Jessica.Frost: Ensign Frost, primed and ready Commander~!

[02.08.2016 01:20:42] R~LH~Xenia.Onatopp: EVA suit ?! You want me to get ... get OUT ?!

[02.08.2016 01:20:42] Order|Destiny's.Embrace: Rika: Fighter wing, once hostiles are in sight break and engage.

[02.08.2016 01:20:44] A/)-Hussar.1: If we can't take the prize...

[02.08.2016 01:20:44] R~LH~Xenia.Onatopp: In space ?!

It was here another wing of infested forces approached, leaving the Order to run for the hills while one interceptor attempted to cover an Order agent that came under fire. However, upon entering Tau-29 - A system which you claim and enforce your laws in readily, a Blood Dragon Armada of Battleships, cruisers, and gunboats had opened fire on our forces, despite obvious intentions of aid.

[01.08.2016 20:54:57] A/)-Sea.Serpent: <:: It is /not/ a Gallic. ::>
[01.08.2016 20:55:05] A/)-Hussar.1: Not anymore, at least.
[01.08.2016 20:55:12] ~Lightbeam~: ...'Ours'..."Donut Fetcher"...
[01.08.2016 20:55:12] Serre.|Aoi: "Destroy them all!"
[01.08.2016 20:55:22] [TAZ]The.Ashira: Brettonias: Then like I stated. I want all parties OUT, of the system.
[01.08.2016 20:55:26] A/)-Sea.Serpent: <:: Order. /We/ advise retreat. Eliminating infectee contact. ::>
[01.08.2016 20:55:48] CR|-Shocker: Whichever the case, it's hostile.
[01.08.2016 20:56:01] Phoenix.Ascending: Phoenix: They seem conflict...why in such peaceful realms.
[01.08.2016 20:56:02] [TAZ]Andrew.Koetzer: I see fireworks. I don't like seeing fireworks in our home.
[01.08.2016 20:56:03] CR|-Shocker: It's about to open fire, assisting in defence
[01.08.2016 20:56:08] ~Lightbeam~: ...'Ours'...~assist~..."Donut Fetcher"...
[01.08.2016 20:56:39] CR|-Shocker: TAZ vessels, GRN and infested vessels are recognized as enemies to your organization, will you provide support?
[01.08.2016 20:56:52] [TAZ]The.Ashira: Brettonias: Attention pilot engaging the Order craft, DIsengage or we WILL open fire.
[01.08.2016 20:57:05] [TAZ]The.Ashira: Brettonias: This is your ONLy warning.
[01.08.2016 20:57:14] 2016-08-02 00:57:44 SMT
[01.08.2016 20:57:14] [TAZ]Andrew.Koetzer: Apparently not heeding it...
[01.08.2016 20:57:19] 2016-08-02 00:57:49 SMT
[01.08.2016 20:57:19] A/)-Sea.Serpent: <:: They will /not/ retreat. Advise you destroy. ::>
[01.08.2016 20:57:38] A/)-Hussar.1: Kill them quickly, Zoners.
[01.08.2016 20:57:47] 2016-08-02 00:58:17 SMT
[01.08.2016 20:57:47] [TAZ]The.Ashira: Brettonias: ANdrew Move in
[01.08.2016 20:57:52] 2016-08-02 00:58:22 SMT
[01.08.2016 20:57:52] A/)-Sea.Serpent: <:: Order vessel requires aid. ::>

One of our pilots, Harold Jenkins, lost his life to the Dragon forces. At that point, when the Order, Dragons, and infestees turned their guns on them, the Auxesian forces retreated from the Battlefield.

Quote:[01.08.2016 20:58:59] A/)-Sea.Serpent: <:: Negative. /We/ are assisting. ::>
[01.08.2016 20:59:15] BD|Mt.Tokachi: Yoko: Do not engage the Order, or you will die, you are warned.
[01.08.2016 20:59:21] Death: A/)-Hussar.1 was put out of action by BD|Mount.Fuji (Gun).

Currently, various summits are being held between the Razgriz, Salem, and Auxesian forces as representitives of the joint operation with the intent of recovering the Vice Admiral. I believe the Navy intended to involve the Crayter Republic, but with the increase of infested strikes across the system as well as Liberty, and the conflict brewing between the LSF and Navy, on top of the war with Gallia, they've lacked the time to make official contact.

I trust this aids in explaining the scenario to you, and I doubt I am alone when I say I hope the Crayter Republic chooses to involve its self and aid in the coming purge.

- Curator Endurance


RE: To: Fleet Admiral Michael Richard | Crayterian Republic - TheShooter36 - 08-04-2016

[Image: 352ov1e.jpg]

Curator Endurance,

Its good to hear from you again with such valuable information. I'd like to thank you for the effort and time spared. While i appreciate this, some events are...rather disturbing. It seems like your organization waging war with The Order, which i thought goals and minds sharing similar goals. Also something in audio transmissions caught my attention, which is quite concerning. *plays the audio*
[02.08.2016 00:54:15] A/)-Hussar.1: Full burn.
[02.08.2016 00:54:22] A/)-Hussar.1: This is our turf, Order.
I would like to know which system, the Battlegroup "claiming for themselves". I request a response from you regarding this matter.

Signed, Michael Richard
Fleet Admiral
Crayter Military

RE: To: Fleet Admiral Michael Richard | Crayterian Republic - Vendetta - 08-04-2016

[Image: TVPB01H.jpg]

NEURAL NET ID: Curator Endurance
TOPIC: Your answers.


Admiral Richard,

You misunderstand what that pilot - may he rest in peace - was stating. There was no territorial claim. It was a notification that they were far from home and operating in our operational zone. Said system in question was Baffin, and no - we do not claim ownership of said system. 'Our turf' as in 'We operate here'. We hold no territorial claims of Crayter or Zoner space, nor do we intend to claim them, or in fact any system as our own.

The Order, as you've seen in the transcripts, initially opened fire and violated the Baffin No-Fire Zone, despite our intent at cooperating. Over the months, they've proven themselves to be less oriented against the Nomads, and more against the extermination of their own kind, who their leader sees fit to declare an 'enemy of humanity'. I'm sure you recall the events of Omicron Delta. As the fighting escalated, The Order's presence dwindled to non-existence, whilst we stood strong in defense of Freeport 11, despite accusations of aiding in the siege. In fact, our initial combat during the day of the siege involved the Order dispatching five warships in a vain attempt to eradicate our forces. We defended ourselves, and due to the odds, the Core had stepped in. Unfortunately, they took matters too far, hence the initiation of the events that occurred in the edge worlds.

The Order have called for the execution of our leaders. They've made attempts to destroy what could've been a valued ally over bitter ideals of vengeance. They've long since lost their way under their megalomaniac leader, and spend more time attempting to enforce their own dogma upon the sector than trying to halt the Nomads. The recent incursions of Coronado are proof of who is on the front lines this time. Us and you. The Order can talk about the issue for as long as they want, but when the talk is finished, the enemy would've gained more ground than they realized.

In closure, our only conflict with the Order stems from their hatred and actions. All contact ends in self-defense, and will continue. Even so, despite our disagreements, some within the Order see potential in cooperating with us. It's a shame that the Overwatch cannot let go of grudges for the sake of their species, as all their in-fighting with humanity weakens its resolve.

- Curator Endurance