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Joshua Avery Hunt - Character Sheet - Printable Version

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Joshua Avery Hunt - Character Sheet - Vendetta - 08-22-2016

[Image: pGjwsvG.png]

AGE: Thirty-Nine (39)
ORIGIN: Planet Denver, Colorado - Liberty.
RELATIVES: Sapphire Raven (spouse, non-married) Aria Raven (Daughter, biological - Thalatte) Zaire Raven (Son - Deceased) Isai Raven (Son - Unborn)
HEIGHT: 6'4 (193.96 cm)
RANK: Keeper
CALLSIGN: Leviathan
PAST OCCUPATIONS: Corsair, Company CEO (TS&M), Hellfire Legion, Liberty Navy.


Joshua Avery Hunt was born on May 25th, 785 A.S. To this day, he's never discerned the identities of his biological parents. His father had died prior to his birth, while his mother died during child birth. Hunt was adopted by a close family friend, identified as Elijah Phillips Senior. His adoptive mother died while he was seven, due to ovarian cancer. His adoptive father, Eli Senior, died during the Rheinland Liberty war, in 817 A.S, in Texas. Hunt was left alone with his brother, Elijah Phillips Junior. Prior, however, Hunt was enrolled at the Denver university, and graduated with honors to earn a masters degree in engineering. A year later, he had enlisted within the Liberty Navy, and was sent to West Point, to be taught under Colonel Douglas Kovic. Hunt later graduated basic flight and officers training from West Point in 808 A.S, and entered service for ten years.

Nearing the middle of 818 A.S, during his service on board the LNS-Forward Unto Dawn, a Monument-Class Dreadnought. Hunt had earned the title of Commander, and was to be transferred to the First Fleet under Admiral Jack Malrone. It was here, however, his career came to an abrupt end. During a skirmish in Colorado, Hunt was pushed into command of the Dawn when Admiral Harkavey was rendered incapacitated after a skirmish with local pirate warship elements. The vessel its self had sustained an engine malfunction, and came face to face with the Legion Battleship Libertine. The call to evacuate was given, yet one eighth of the crew, including Joshua Hunt, did not escape the the loss of the Forward Unto Dawn. Hunt was forced to obtain spinal correction surgery and implants to remain standing.

Near the closing of the year, Joshua Hunt was spotted by the Liberty Navy flying Hellfire Legion colors, operating an HF-V Series Prosecutor, a vessel he still has to this day. Hunt sought revenge on Malrone for being lead to his near death, and the loss of many of his comrades. After a brief confrontation in California, the conflict identified as the Battle of Humboldt (819 A.S) began, between the Legion, Liberty Rogues, and a large contingent of Maltese vessels. During the initial combat, Joshua Hunt was on board the Battleship Libertine - the very warship that ended his Naval career. Once they had broken through the Maltese line, Hunt realized the conflict for his nation was gaining no ground by fighting the degenerates in the backwaters of Liberty, and took his leave. He was declared missing in action, until the Hellfire Legion suffered an internal struggle, and seemingly went dark.

Resurfacing once again under the alias 'Archangel', Hunt began to work as a Freelance contractor in the borders of Liberty space. Eventually earning a hefty sum of credits, he purchased the Deep Space Engineering sub-company identified as Tesla Shipping & Mining under the alias Leonard Dunn. Rebuilding the company from their near bankruptcy, Hunt had obtained a steady source of income to fuel the fires that had burnt wildly within his lost mind. In 820 A.S, Hunt left Liberty for the Omicrons, beginning to work on the project identified as 'Dawnbreaker I' (Later, Dawnbreaker II). Returning to Liberty space in 821 A.S with a list of names, Hunt began to make calls and ask questions. However, during his travels, his vessel had become incapacitated, and he ended up within the care of a Corsair smuggler known as Tuco Ramirez.

After hours spent on Crete in a bar, Hunt was accused of cheating at a game of cards by Tuco, who proceeded to draw his sidearm to kill Joshua. Hunt, however, had kept his at the ready beneath the table, and shot before the Cretin could stand up. Per the tradition of Tuco's organization, Hunt was pushed into leadership unwillingly. Within a week, he was forced out by the Brotherhood Council of Elders due to not being a Corsair. However, Hunt siphoned several hundred million credits from the Violet Suns, purchasing an Oasis liner in Omicron Theta to serve as a mobile workshop and headquarters for his project. As he returned to central space, he was informed of a brilliant Bretonian mind who had once worked for a private research institution in Rheinland. It was here where Joshua Hunt met Geoff Enfield, and the real work began.

Spending months tracking down people and items for this illusive project, Hunt had devolved into an apathetic madman with one goal in mind - Conquest. To use his greatest invention to control all those who failed to control themselves. As his work continued with the aid of many eccentric individuals, he found himself in Baffin to aid in the defense of the Autonomous Zoners from the onslaught of Michal Golanski in the summer of 821 A.S. Finishing up his work there, Hunt and Enfield traveled to Kansas to revive history - The Junction wreck. During the initial repair survey, a Nomad Guardian identified as 'Harbinger' made an attempt on Hunt's life, in which (according to many) Hunt left Geoff behind. This was, as many believed, the last time Joshua Hunt was spotted in Liberty, for he had taken his work to Omicron Lost, where his liner was destroyed, the Dawnbreaker I was lost, his legs were removed, and his final resting place should've been.

Over the months of 822 A.S, a man named Augustin Pierce was using Hunt's aliases and intel to construct an organization. Tracking down many people and constructing a hidden facility, Pierce intended to create a criminal empire, and mass produce many of Joshua Hunt's projects to sell to the highest bidder. Foiled when he discovered Hunt was barely alive, he devised a plan to eliminate anyone connected to the Dawnbreaker I. His plan was foiled when Hunt had awoken seven months later with a new set of metallic legs, and shot Pierce in the neck. Hunt then claimed control of Pierce's empire, and turned it into a means of repentance. However, the haunting thought of his original goal still shook the foundation of his mind. Unable to escape his inner demon, he returned to work on his project, greatly improving upon the original design. Eventually, he became friends with Sapphire Raven, whom down the line of a long journey, helped him confront that which haunted him deep inside.

Within the beginning of 823 A.S, Joshua Hunt disbanded his organization and turned over the assets once belonging to the Aegis Initiative to Battlegroup Auxesia, joining their ranks under the guise of Curator Endurance. He has since remained, and it's believed he continues his work on the Dawnbreaker II.

In more recent times, Joshua Hunt remains in service as the Curator to the slowly growing group known as Auxesia. His relationship becoming more public knowledge, some within the fleet are acutely aware of his personal relationship with Keeper Sapphire Raven, and their child currently on the way. One of the most well guarded secrets in the fleet that will likely become more public the further his partners pregnancy progresses. That, however, does not prevent his own problems.

Joshua Hunt suffered a significant amount of mental stress and trauma within the year of 819 A.S, causing his personality to split in to two. The symptoms he experiences such as visual hallucinations of a second variation of himself can easily be linked to schizophrenia, but has since been ruled as over-active Dissosiative Identity Disorder. His second personality is known to come and go, and is far less welcoming, friendly, or talkative than his usual, eccentric or quiet self.

- A brief period within Auxesia is documented in which Keeper Revenant stepped down for maternity leave, leaving Curator Endurance - Hunt's persona within the fleet - the position of Keeper, where he was succeeded by Venator Ipaxator.

- Hunt remains as a faithful adviser to Keeper Revenant and leader to those within Auxesia, and is frequently approached about personal issues or comments, which can easily be relayed to the groups leader.


>> - While not entirely bound by a moral compass due to his questionable past and erratic, apathetic split personality, Joshua tries his best to do good for others, but is more prone to help those he cares about personally than those who need it.


Sapphire Raven - Significant Other

There is no one else in Sirius Hunt trusts more than Raven. The two have nicknames for each other. She is Bird, and he is Critter. The two are mentally connected via a mindlink, and are capable of limited telepathic communication with one another. The two are inseparable, and Hunt would gladly sacrifice himself for her, and do anything he can to ensure her safety and happiness.

Aria Raven - Daughter

Despite being grown in a tank and brought in to the world to be killed in place of her mother, both Hunt and Raven quickly grew attached to their biological daughter and welcomed her with open arms in to their family. Even so, Hunt finds her lack of knowledge in certain, inappropriate aspects uncomfortable, and disliked explaining reproducing and that babysitting does not actually involve sitting on a baby.

Isai Raven - Son

Recently born due to an accidental involvement of nanites, Isai was born with a cleft lip which has since been surgically corrected. Not having any experience with infants, Hunt spent a significant amount of time researching how to cater to a youth, and has been putting that knowledge to work, entertaining and catering to the new addition.

Inge Wexler - Friend

Despite hearing rumors of her being a spy, Hunt has a lot of respect for Inge as a friend who has never let him down, and saved the life of his partner. Inge remains one of Hunt's closest friends.

Amy Cromwell - Friend

Once a comrade in the Navy, and the sign of death for Hunt. Their history runs even deeper than most, stretching back half a decade. Now, they maintain a positive friendship, as they respect each other and have known each other for so long, it'd be wrong to not put the past behind them and become friends. Amy remains one of Hunt's closest friends, and most trusted.

Noah Xonnel/Johan Lennox - Friend

Despite lying about his identity and disappearing, Hunt has a lot of respect for Noah, as a trustworthy friend and comrade, even though he's aware of Noah's feelings for his own partner. Noah remains one of Hunt's close friends.

Hans Von Goeben - Friend

One of the few older acquaintances Hunt has maintained throughout the years since his days in the Navy. Hunt has a lot of respect and sparse history with Hans. More recent contact has been Hans aiding Hunt with Raven, and joint research operations. All in all, Hunt trusts Hans as he would his other friends.

William Foulke/Norman O'Brien - Friend

Even though there's a large sense of mistrust originating from him, Hunt respects Foulke as a former officer of the Navy and as a friend who works hard and tries his best for others.

Miranda Nagase/Catherine Jackson - Friend

While not really one of his close friends, Hunt considers Miranda to be one of the few he has, and will attempt to socialize if given the opportunity.

Nesrin Ezra Elhertani Khan - Associate

Some doubt and mistrust lie between Hunt and Nesrin, due to her attitude and actions against his partner, and due to her unusual history and the machine that controls her. However, Hunt still sees her as someone important, and that he can count on.

Geoff Enfield - Associate

Hunt's old partner, later turned adversary, now awkward friend. Hunt and Enfield's history runs deep, and a lot of wounds can potentially re-open in each others company. Nevertheless, both are trying to put the past behind them and let bygones be bygones. That doesn't prevent Hunt's paranoia from running wild.

John Holliday - Associate

A brief contact Hunt made when constructing the Obelisk to save Raven from the collapsing of the original mindlink. Hunt made the offer of friendship, but has somewhat lost touch with the good Doctor. He intends to fix that.

Avery Reeves - Associate

One of the few individuals who reminded Hunt of his time as a young Naval officer, so eager to do what's best for everyone, and not just his nation. Hunt sees potential in Reeves as a contact and occasionally chats with him when found, but has no intention of furthering any social friendship due to his status in Liberty and paranoid thoughts about becoming friends with a Naval Officer.

Tantalus - Associate

Despite being an Order agent, Hunt can tell the honesty that lies behind this old pilot's eyes. Hunt respects the man as an officer and comrade, but has yet to see any potential in friendship, or move beyond his paranoid thoughts of Tantalus being a spy.

Orlando Spiteri - Associate

One of the more recent additions to Auxesia which seems to have grown a liking to Hunt. As expected, Hunt is offering guidance.

Tristan Fresnel - Associate

While Tristan is quiet, Hunt has spoken to him a few times, and can tell his heart is in the right place, especially with the cause he fights for. However, Hunt has no intention of starting a friendship.

Aidan Reeves - Neutral

Forgive and forget. Despite the harm Aidan brought to Hunt and his significant other, he's taken the words Raven once told him many months ago and brought them in to play. Everyone deserves a shot at redemption.

Tia Stormclaw - Neutral

Once a pilot Hunt used to mock for being a part of an organization he considered a joke, Hunt has found Tia to be far more intelligent and useful than he once believed.

Rachel Baker - Neutral

A pilot Hunt flew with regularly during his time in the Navy, and the Admiral who threatened his life on his return to Liberty. Hunt retains a positive level of respect for his former comrade due to her experience in the Navy and their time spent flying together many years ago. However, Hunt is well aware that Baker would gladly put the Republic ahead of his interests, and remains certain that if contact was made, he'd be threatened and arrested once more.

Aelita Stone - Neutral

Very sparse contact, despite working together very briefly in the past. Hunt has never placed a significant amount of trust in Stone, and has cut contact due to her ties to the Order.

Amanda Kensington - Neutral

Not someone Hunt has associated with outside of field work.

Samuel Locklear - Neutral

Once a comrade in the Legion, Locklear completely and utterly distrusts and despises Hunt, but Hunt has no negative feelings towards him. In fact, Hunt doesn't really care. Locklear remains a connection, nothing more, nothing less.

Volker Koch - Unfriendly

Hunt has only ever seen Koch as a connection to the Buro to be used. He doesn't trust the motives behind the man.

Wolfgang Weisen - Unfriendly

A Lane Hacker with his own interests in mind. Hunt has yet to regain any trust he had for their slippery organization after an attempt was made on his Significant Other's life.

Jeremy Hunter - Unfriendly

One of the few Order Overwatch pilots to sit down and speak to Hunt on several occasions. The lack of outright disdain is due to Jeremy's involvement in medically aiding his significant other, and being rational around those who aren't.

Michal Golanski - Hostile

Hunt has, time and time again, witnessed the irrationality and ignorance that has spewed from the Order Grand Admiral's mouth. No respect is to be found.

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