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To: Daumann Heavy Construction (DHC-) - Printable Version

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To: Daumann Heavy Construction (DHC-) - Republikanische Großspedition - 09-09-2016

[(Setting up Neural Net link)]

ID-SOURCE: Altona Station
[(Connection Established)]

[Image: Gt2NnLs.jpg]

Gut day, ladies and gentlemen of the Daumann directorate.

As we haven't met before, let me introduce meinself first. Leopold Hertel is my name, current division manager of Republikanische Großspedition.
Let's keep it to RGS to make it shorter.

As part of the Republican Shipping we see the Daumann group as a close partner within Rheinland and I hope you are willing to return this favor.
According to what I have heard at least some of your employees do.

Upload communication log RGS vessel Quickborn

Nun, the logs mentions some sort of... agreement between Daumann and Republican when it comes to the distribution of diamonds.
Something that none of us within RGS - especially me - was informed by the Republican board of managers.
Of course this could be just some rumor that is floating within your company, and right now I might be making a fool of myself.
Nontheless I am willing to give it ein try.

I just wonder:
Is Daumann also willing to cooperate with RGS to some degree? I think we can set up some agreement that will benefit you and us?

I am looking forward to your answer, Daumann directors.

[(Connection on Standby)]

RE: To: Daumann Heavy Construction (DHC-) - Benoit - 09-12-2016

===Incoming Transmission===

[Image: hrkrrer.jpg]

Source: The Ring, New Berlin system.
Comm ID: Hanna Richter DHC Secretary

Guten Tag Herr Hertel .

We currently do not see any reason as to why should Daumann Heavy Construction deal any different with a Republican Shipping subcontractors than the way we presently deal with our ally Republican Shipping itself. If RS| has granted you their trust, so will we. Indeed, the main challenge we face in DHC and our ore exports business is not the mining part, it is the transportation. In almost every case, the transportation is the bottleneck in the ore exports flow and therefor it is why your shipping capacity is vital for Rheinland and DHC.

I hope I have answered your question and should you be in need of any information more, we will be more than happy to answer.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Hanna Richter DHC

===Transmission Terminated===

RE: To: Daumann Heavy Construction (DHC-) - Republikanische Großspedition - 09-12-2016

[(Setting up Neural Net link)]

ID-SOURCE: Altona Station
[(Connection Established)]

[Image: Gt2NnLs.jpg]

Greetings, Frau Richter.

it looks like there is some little misunderstanding on your side.

Ja, Republikanische Großspedition is part of the Republican Shipping Group. However, Republican's former main divion - RS| as you called them - has seen better times.
To be blunt, I still wonder why the board of directors has not liquidated the main division at all.
To tell the trugh, the interactions between both companies do not exist.

I am explaining this to you, because the last thing RGS wants is some sort of trust that just consists due to ein misunderstanding. Because it was this type of
misunderstandings that has lead to the demise of Republican Shipping's main division.

But perhaps I am just wrong now, and DHC- considers all companies of the Republican Shipping Group as close business partners.
In that case let me assure you, that RGS wants to make sure that this is not ein one-sided business and we are looking forward to cooperate.

So, how can RGS help you? I am sure there are situations where we of RGS can be of assistance.

[(Connection on Standby)]

RE: To: Daumann Heavy Construction (DHC-) - Daumann Heavy Construction - 10-03-2016

=== Incoming Transmission ===

[Image: tk-interview_zpsa5788bcf.jpg]

Source: The Ring, New Berlin system.
Comm ID: Hanna Richter, DHC Secretary

Mr. Hertel, it's a pleasure to hear from you.

Getting straight to business, let me assure you: yes, we consider all Republican groups as friendly, if not outright allied with us; unless they consider themselves otherwise, of course.

Daumann, Republican and Kruger, the Rheinland's Big Three, are the three pillars of House Rheinland. We look forward to cooperating with your new organisation. Perhaps you'd be interested in some good fashioned diamonds, for start? We've been also looking for aid with some of our supply runs. And, naturally, there's the issue of common security cooperation against bandits.

I'm awaiting your reply.

Best regards,

Hanna Richter DHC

=== Transmission Terminated ===