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Idea|| New Sector: Umbra Sector - Printable Version

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Idea|| New Sector: Umbra Sector - NiobiumMiner - 09-15-2016

I'm creating a new sector for Disco, well just a role play one. I don't know if it will be implemented into the game but that would give the game a really good breath of fresh air and make the Galaxy Map has another sector on it. I wan't you ideas, This map I made is not permanent. Its just a real life nebula and with some Microsoft paint to draw the systems in. If you could draw the same nebula but slightly altered and the system map with those systems. I would be happy and would make you my 2ic Lore Dev for it. 80% of the sector's lore is going to be made by the community but here are some enforced things.

-The entire sector is ruled by the Milites Desperatio(Thats Latin for Knights Of Despair, I could not find a more fitting latin name)
A group of highly trained assassins and people who use the shadows to their advantage.(Basically masters of stealth.) They are not so friendly to people but are preparing to let people into their sector as long as they are peaceful.

-The systems in that picture are set the only guard system is Epsilon-03 and don't get mad that the systems misspelled, I was using a tablet/crome book at school. The systems shown are the only systems, no new ones or removing any of those. This sector is meant to be small just encase devs want to put this rp sector into the game. That way its easier for them.

-Epsilon-03 is a military shipyard/research system.

-The home system will always be Ather

-No outside faction bases in this sector(Non Milites Desperatio related factions)

I want your input on what these systems should look like as well as the stations and what could the hypergate linking Epsilon-56 and Omega-09 would look like. Maybe some ship designs for the Milites Desperatio as well as maybe what there government is like etc.

Note: Location of The Hyper Gate Linking Omega-09 and Epsilon-56 is hidden until the lore and concepts for this new sector are finished.

This is just a Idea that I came up with, Don't give me hate or anything. I want to be creative and get the community to pour there ideas into something. This rp sector is and will always be considered Unofficial unless dev team says so.

RE: Idea|| New Sector: Umbra Sector - nOmnomnOm - 09-15-2016

Shadows in space?
Sir I think you can be a little more elaborate than 'shadows'.
This is space after all.

RE: Idea|| New Sector: Umbra Sector - NiobiumMiner - 09-15-2016

Well, by Shadows I mean well...There masters of stealth

RE: Idea|| New Sector: Umbra Sector - Durandal - 09-15-2016

Discovery's current population is spread thin already, and as such there are no plans to add new systems at this time. That being said, you're free to say that all of that stuff exists in your head canon if you'd like, just don't expect others to go along with it.

RE: Idea|| New Sector: Umbra Sector - nOmnomnOm - 09-15-2016

I'd say the system should be something like the badlands or Ellesmere... Or dark and low range on scanners. No lightning either.

It would fit your idea...

But I also think you need diversity in population.

RE: Idea|| New Sector: Umbra Sector - Inferno - 09-15-2016

Maybe call it AntiConn

Hue hue. Sorry.

I'm not sure this would work out...there are alot of places to RP, like around every Freeport