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To: Izay Vyu - Printable Version

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To: Izay Vyu - James Greed - 09-19-2016

[ : : : Incoming Transmission : : : ]

Sender: Faceless
To: Izay Vyu (?)
Subject: Gratitude.
Priority: Medium
Encryption: Unanimate
[Image: faf46ef050f675b775976d011e63c2d6.jpg]

A pale figure appears in front of the camera. Emotionless, standing completely still. A black visor like piece covers her eyes. Even as it starts talking, no expressions, or movement can be seen.

"Greetings madame."

"You may, or may not remember me. It is more likely that you don't, since it was your colleague who rescued me." The tone is way too off, whenever she speaks. Everytime it mentions herself, there is a slight bump in the intonation. "The reason why you are recieving this message, is because I have access to the logs, recorded during my rescue. As far as my informations go, you did not get any . . . compensation for what you have done. This transmission is an inquiry towards the form of compensation you would like to recieve."

"Until the next connection."

[ : : :Transmission Terminated : : : ]

RE: To: Izay Vyu - Izay Vyu - 09-19-2016

You. So that's what we rescued. I take it you are not rich, what? Money will suffice. A few millions. Whatever you consider worth your life, entity. Send it to 'The.Sokol'.

So, did they manage to do something with you? Interesting. Tell me more about you, entity. What's happening with you now?

RE: To: Izay Vyu - James Greed - 09-19-2016

[ : : : Incoming Transmission : : : ]

Sender: Faceless
To: Izay Vyu (?)
Subject: Gratitude.
Priority: Medium
Encryption: Unanimate
[Image: faf46ef050f675b775976d011e63c2d6.jpg]

The pale silhouette appears yet again. Moving it's head in a way, as if it wanted to face the camera properly.

"Greetings, again"

"Oh, yes. I was told that's how it works with the salvagers, and similar entities. Credits, it is. I'll do a quick scan on the account(s) I have available." Her way of saying that was almost insulting, as she emphasised the salvager part. Probably not intentional. The voice itself was surprisingly feminine, even if slightly monotone. "There was, and there is nothing to 'do' with me. I was just as functional at that time, merely put in an... emergency stasis, of some sort." She pauses for a brief second. Tilting her head, like an innocent doll, carved out of marble. "I am an artifical inteligence. I'm sure that's evident. Prototype number 55567. That's just a code, not a serial number, there is no more of me. Currently, I am considered as a property of the IRG. I find that.... funny." Still, no fun, or whatsoever was found in her voice.

"Until the next connection."

[ : : :Transmission Terminated : : : ]