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To: Junker Congress; - Printable Version

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To: Junker Congress; - eigos - 09-29-2016

[Image: com_kadego.jpg]
Cpt. Kadego Sudrossa

To: .:j:. Junker Congress
Subject: [Facility Rental]
Priority: █ █ █ ▒ ▒
Encryption: [ECS Cipher]

Planet Curacao, Cortez

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Junker Congress,

My name is Kadego Sudrossa, freelancer and hobby engineer by trade. The name might sound familiar, given that I recently registered as a gun for hire on your bounty board.

A little bit of background - I have worked at two well-known junker installations, first at Kreuzberg Depot while I was taking my engineering finals at New Berlin University, later at Rochester Base on and off for four years, working as a supply freighter pilot and assistant engineer at the repair bays.

I'd like to enquire about an eventual facility rental, big enough to accommodate a "Storta" class destroyer, where I can work and tweak in my free time in privacy. Any location is fine by me, no matter how remote - that is even a "plus" in my view. If you can consider my request, then make me an offer with your conditions and prices for rental and I'm sure we can work something out!
Last but not least, I am open to a meeting (in person) at almost any location of your choosing, if you prefer it that way.

As always, may the scrap and profit be with us.

Cpt. Kadego Sudrossa

RE: To: Junker Congress; - Junker Congress - 09-29-2016

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyOGRYMHFpalhFZnc]
We have a few reservations here. First, what is your affiliation? In the bounty registration you had mentioned Freelancer. We do plenty of business with Freelancers and Mercenaries, so we are not opposed to assisting you with this request. Second, we are familiar with the Storta, but it seems like a rather large ship for a Freelancer, something not easily obtained. We would rather not have Maltese breathing down our necks. So the remaining question is, how did you come by this ship? Whatever is said here will be held in confidence, it's just a little suspicious.

RE: To: Junker Congress; - eigos - 09-29-2016

[Image: com_kadego.jpg]
Cpt. Kadego Sudrossa

To: .:j:. Junker Congress
Subject: [Facility Rental]
Priority: █ █ █ ▒ ▒
Encryption: [ECS Cipher]

Planet Curacao, Cortez

Glad to hear back from you, I will get straight to responding to your inquiries.

About the ship: This is a RM-1LS class Storta, based on the old RM-1 frame (previous generation to the current RM-2A). Previously a static weapons platform due to its aged design, it was re-fitted and commissioned as a heavy escort to guard an Outcast border station in the gallic borderworlds. There is no crew, other than myself - the bridge is cheaply replaced with gunboat-type avionics that allow for a single pilot to fly a rather clumsy and slow vessel. Life support is limited to a maximum of three people. Its engines are similar to the Bullmastiff transport equivalents, to cut down costs.

How I obtained it: I took part in an operation to probe the gallic unlawful contingent and, as expected, it turned into a straight massacre. If that wasn't enough, the Gallic Royal Police joined the party and the fighter wing which I was part of got orders to retreat... Essentially, I came to the realization that I was sent as a decoy, and left to die along with the ship. I am sure my "employers" have crossed me off their asset list back then.

So what now: After surviving that battle, I took refuge at The Barrier Gate station in Coronado and spent months working my butt off to repair the ship and establish a reputation as a freelancer. Currently, the ship is a polished work of art, with upgrades inside and out - essentially both a home and a workhorse for myself.

Who am I affiliated with: Well, I have a good standing with Battlegroup Auxesia, I am perfectly neutral towards the Kingdom of Bretonia and have received official allowance to pass through their space. I do, however, have a personal grudge against those slick-looking, mob-type, greasy Hogosha folks. There was one time at the Casino in Hawaii, when I almost got sent through the airlock by those types... turns out, they really hate people who can speak more than one different language.

That is why, I have taken the liberty of doing something about it, today! Here is an audio log from a conversation I had with one of your esteemed Congressmen.
As it stands now, I have in my cargo hold 19 Hogosha members, packed in their escape pods and I am willing to deliver them to you personally, as soon as you tell me where. Mobsters and thugs, all of them!

Thank you for your time and I hope to hear again from you soon!

Cpt. Kadego Sudrossa

RE: To: Junker Congress; - Junker Congress - 09-29-2016

[Image: uc?export=view&id=0B2Lt2LOfU6qyOGRYMHFpalhFZnc]
That explanation will do. Our Chief Engineer, Juan "El Burrito" Ortega, will contact you after he has prepared a bay large enough to accommodate a ship that size.

RE: To: Junker Congress; - Unlucky_Soul - 09-30-2016

[Image: QhVOd24.jpg]

Sender: Juan "Burrito" Ortega
Location: Invergordon Space Port, Inverness.

Hola Senor,
Seems like you need some place to park that ship of yours. As you can see we are now shifting equipment and cargo around to accommodate the RM-1LS class Storta of yours.

*Turns around*

What do you mean that does not fit? Make some room. For the sake of all that's holy move that into the equipment room.

*Inaudible Reply*

I don't care. Just stack them all into a corner until the Space is created in the loading bay. Don't make me come around or else i will be skinning you alive.

*Turns to Screen*

Ayayayaya.... These Idiotas will be the death of me. Why the other day these same guys dropped a crate of Liberty Sidewinder Fang Ale and the whole place just stank of spirits. The smell was so thick you could actually get drunk just sniffing in the fumes. Imagine getting high that way .


Throw the booze onto the ground and take a deep breath. Hehe that will be quite a kick you will get from your senora when she comes home and finds the mess you made just to get high eh?

(Blank Stare)

lo siento Senor. Went off Topic. By the time you reach we will have the place ready for you.

*Crash heard in the background*

Madre De Rios.... What have they dropped this time...

>>>>>>>>>> LINK TERMINATED <<<<<<<<<<

RE: To: Junker Congress; - eigos - 09-30-2016

[Image: com_kadego.jpg]
Cpt. Kadego Sudrossa

To: .:j:. Junker Congress
Subject: [Facility Rental]
Priority: █ █ █ ▒ ▒
Encryption: [ECS Cipher]

Planet Curacao, Cortez

Mr. Ortega,

Thank you for your hospitality, I appreciate the quick response and hope I haven't caused too much of a hassle by requesting this docking bay.

Oh yeah, about the smell - I call that the cloud of inspiration. Drunk or high - it don't matter to me, as long as it's an "eye opener" substance.
I will unload those Hogosha fellas at the Invergordon Commodity Dealer, he will know what to do with them.
If you are up for a drink, meet me at the bar... I won't mind some company!

Cpt. Kadego Sudrossa