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In Acquisitionem - A meeting aboard Ames - Printable Version

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In Acquisitionem - A meeting aboard Ames - Ingenuus Research Group - 09-29-2016

With a hiss, a gust of air swept across the floor panels as the hanger bay doors opened. The klaxon alarms ringing out across the vast open space as a piercing beam of light punctured the internal overhead lights mounted on the ceiling. A silhouette of a ship, blocking out the light of the stars beyond, approached slowly. As the hum of the station's tractor beams grow louder, the ship slowly entered the hanger bay, a few meters above the hanger floor. The portmaster stood in the hanger control center, watching the technicians and operators skillfully manipulate the tractor beam controls, inching the ship downwards till it hit the floor with a audible thump. Patting the operator on the shoulder, he looked out... to see a figure in the ship's cockpit raise a flask in the air with a smirk. Dropping his head, and scratching his forehead, he switched on the comm to the ship.

"Welcome back Finn..."

Nodding back, Finn walked down the ramp from his Conference, heading towards the rear doorway leading to the heart of Ames. Keying his infolink in his ear as he walked, he spoke the command to comm the assistant administrator of Ames.

"Has Mr. Mariner arrived yet? No? Damn. Ok. When he does, please have someone meet him in the hanger bay, and escort him t' the Tamriko conference room please."

Keying the infolink to shut down the channel, he twisted open the top of his flask, and took another sip. Making his way to the conference room, he looked down at his datapad, and responded to some messages awaiting him...