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Tuatha De Danann - Demonic - 10-02-2016

[Image: qeSYaKa.png]
Tuatha De Danann

Technical data Wrote:Type:Exploration Vessel
Unusuall equipement:Cloak Mk. II advanced, Battleship scanner.


[Image: LCgBgr2.png]
Captain Wrote:
Jimmy O'Brian

Jimmy is the owner and captain of Tuatha De Danann. He is a member of FL-ER. He bought this ship to serve as his exploration and scouting ship and is currently trying to modify it to better fit the purpose.

It's usually him who is piloting Tuatha too, since he feels most comfortable behind the helm of the ship.

Second in Command
[Image: gXX1rXx.png]
Second in Command Wrote:

[Image: gXX1rXx.png]
Gunner Wrote:

[Image: FfjSIBR.png]
Engineer Wrote:
Abigail "Abby" Summers

Abby is responsible for keeping Tuatha operational. She was the first one to join the crew, after she repaired bad wiring of the ships's cloak and installed the Battleship Scanner Jimmy bought.

She is cheerful and optimistic and has a weaknes for money. She Joined Tuatha because she was fed up with her boring work on the Aland Shipyard, and hoped for something more interesting. Only time will tell if her new job will suit her.

[Image: gXX1rXx.png]
Doctor Wrote:

Hired Muscle
[Image: gXX1rXx.png]
Hired Muscle Wrote:

RP threads:
Ship retrofit

Cloak - Demonic - 10-06-2016

Part I. - Cloak

Beeeep. Beeeep. Beeeep.

"Oh shut up ya bloody thing" mumbled Jimmy and tried to snooze the annoing beeping. It took him quite a lot of time to realize it wasn't his alarm but an incoming video call. He looked at the clock. It was five in the morning.

"Who in the hell is callin' me this early?"

He stood up, pulled some pants on, walked to the console, and turned on the screen. It showed a call from someone named Blake. He quickly searched his memory for someone with that name, but couldn't remember anyone, though it might be caused by his sleepy state. He accepted the call and face appeared on the screen.

"Yo! Jimmy, my boy, whatcha doin'?"

Finally, the name connected with a person. Sebastian Blake, an arms dealer. Jimmy yawned, before he replied.

"If ya can't see it, I was sleepin'." Another yawn. "What's so important ya have to call me in this bloody hour."

The face laughed.

"What's so important? Man, I got you the cloak! Fresh stuff! I just bought it from some unlucky smuggler!"

"What?!" Jimmy's sleepines was gone. "Ya for real?!"

"Yeah, my boy! I got it packed, but I won't be able to bring it anywhere, the thing is too large for my freighter. You'll have to go here with that ship of yours."

"A'ight, where are ya?"

"Freeport one. You think you can make it?"

"Sure thing Seb, just give me some time. Tuatha is in London, so it may take a while."

"Cool, but try to hurry. I think some other dealers were unhappy when I bought it first. Might wan't to get it of the Freeport asap."

"On me way then. Try not to loose it before I get to ya!."

"Will do, my boy!" Blake laughed and ended the call.

In less then fifteen minutes, Jimmy was sitting in Sidhe and undocking from the Liner where his apartement was.

*Several Jumps and one ship change later*

"This is Freeport One, we see you on our scaners. Identify yourself."

"Greetings Freeport One, this is Freelancer vessel Tuatha De Danann." Jimmy quickly pressed few buttons on his panel. "Sending my ID codes now. I'd like to moor on ya station."

"Copy that, Tuatha De Danann. We received your codes. You are clear to dock. Proceed to mooring point four."

"Thanks, moving to the point. Tuatha out."

Jimmy grabbed the controls and carefully maneuvered his Corvo to the mooring point he was given. It took him some time, because he wasn't completely used to this ship yet, and he was gratefull for the autocorrections his autopilot did. When he heared the familliar hiss of pressurising air lock, he quickly scanned his panel and when he saw nothing wrong, he turned all flight systems off, leaving only the inner ship processes and the shield operational. He then proceed to the the airlock, made sure the ship is locked and then continued into the station.

Finding Blake was harder than he thought. He was usually sitting in some bar, flirting with local girls and drinking whatever alcohol he could get his hands on, but when Jimmy tried several spots he met Sebastian before, he couldn't find him. Just when he was about to go give up, his console beeped. He pulled it out of his pocket, and found a message from Blake.

"Jimmy, I had to hide a little, one of my competitors hired some thugs to beat the crap out of me. I'm not a fan of beatings, so I dissapeared before they could find me. Go back to your Corvo and be ready to open the cargo bay. I paid two guys to load it up. I'll moor on you with my freighter and wire the cloak to your power network. See you soon.

Jimmy shrugged. Sebastian had his oddities and mild paranoia was one of them. There was no way of contacting Blake for now, so Jimmy made his way to Tuatha. Soon after, he got another message.

"Open it up, my boy, your package just arrived."

And sure enough, two small ships, holding large crate in beam between them, made their way to Tuatha, followed by a small freighter. Jimmy opened cargo bay, and watched how his new cloak is loaded on his ship. The two small ships left as soon as they dropped their cargo, and almost immediately, the freighter moored at the second airlock Jimmy's ship had.

Blake was in a good mood. He greeted Jimmy with his typicall hug and then began working on the cloak. He had it set up surprisingly fast.

"Well, that's done and dusted. You are a proud owner of the largest cloak you can legally purchase. Now, would you mind If used your console for a moment? My ship has a remote build into it and I'd like to test it. Consider it a part of the payment, if you wish."

"Well... Why not? Though I doubt it'll work. Those remotes are usually useless for anything larger than a camera drone, ya 'now?"

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. I improved it myself."

Sebastian walked to the nearest console he could find, quickly typed a few commands and soon, the screen showed a cockpit view from his freighter.

"So far so good" Couple more commands, and his ship disconnected from Tuatha and began slowly drifting away.

"Okay, now for the fun stuff." He quickly checked all thrusters and then began slowly flying the freighter. Jimmy was amazed by the way the remote responded. Blake was able to control his vessel almost as if he was behind the actual controls. The freighter did a few slow rounds around some Ice blocks in the vicinty of the freeport, when some light on the screen started to flash red.

"Uh, huh, that's weird, that's missile warning. Why would.... wait, Jimmy can you see it?" He pointed on a small thing coming towards the freighter.

"I can't really see what it is, this screen is too small, but.... oh." The screen flashed with explosion and went dark.

"Yep, twas a missile. And freakishly strong too." He turned to Jimmy and grinned.

"Guess I need a new ship. At least those morons think I'm dead now. I think twas worth it."

"Worth it? Really? Can ya even afford new freighter?"

Blake grinned even more.

"Well, since you still owe me four hundred millions for the cloak, I think yes, I can. Now, would you mind taking me to Aland? It's just one lane away anyways."

RE: Tuatha De Danann - Demonic - 10-07-2016

Part II. - The Engineer

Blake left Tuatha as soon as the ship docked on Aland. But since Sebastian always hurried somewhere, Jimmy wasn't really surprised. He did his usually after-flight check, and than stood up from his chair, stretched a bit and made his way through airlock and into the shipyard. He didn't plan on going there at first, but he figured he might as well try to find some equipement for Tuatha, since he's already here anyway.

His first steps, however, led him to a small bar. There wasn't many people there, since most of the people were working, and Jimmy was gratefull for that. He needed a big cup of coffee, something to eat and a little rest. His stomach was grumbling, because Jimmy didn't eat anything since morning, and even than he only managed to grab small piece of synthpaste, since he was rushing to the Freeport for the cloak. The meal turned out better than he expected. It wasn't anything amazing, but it was hot and there was a lot of it. When he was finally full, he grabbed his cup of coffee, paid for the food and left the bar.

Jimmy wandered through the halls, visiting various small shops, but there was nothing really interesting there, so he slowly made his way to the hangars, where ships and large equipement were sold. He slowly walked through them, checking them for anything interesting, but he didn't really expect to find anything. After all, this was an IMG base, and he had no doubts about who gets the best stuff that finds its way here. Much to his surprise, his expectations were prowen wrong.

In one of the hangars he found several large scanners, lined up in the row for customers to examine them. A young woman was sitting near them, cleaning some small device.

"Excuse me lass," he asked "these scanners are yers?"

She raised her head and looked at him.

"No, not really. I'm just paid for selling them. You want to buy?"

"Depends. Some of them are quite large. Are those for battle ships?"

"Nah. Those here are gunboat or cruiser mostly. Battleship scanners are much larger. We have a few, but they are stored elsewhere."

"Larger? How much? Ye think I could fit one on Corvo?"

"Corvo, huh." She shrugged "Well, it's unusuall, but not really impossible. Corvo is certainly large enough to hold and power it, though you might need to sacrifice a bit of the cargo hold. If you really want I can show you some of the more powerfull scanners... and poke around your ship a bit to see if we can come up with something"

Jimmy smiled.

"There's no harm in tryin', eh? Let's see what ya got. By the way, the name's O'Brian."

She led him to the back of the shop, and through a corridor which ended in a large hall. Several Large crates were stored there, each with detailed descriptions. They walked by them, and she explained what each of the scanners was capable of. It took some time, but Jimmy finally settled with one. It costed him another few hundred millions, but it was in the top shape, better than he would actually expect to find in this place.

While his new piece of equipement was being moved to his ship, the woman examined Tuatha. She was genuinely surprised when she saw the cloak Jimmy bought earlier this day, and she spent quite a lot of time studing it. Her expression slowly turned from awe through disbelief to anger.

"Yo, O'Brian, who rigged this thing?" she shouted from inside of the ship.

"Uh... the guy I bought it from, why? Is there somethin' wrong with the cloak?"

"Something?" She growled, "The whole damn wiring is all messed up! It would probably fry all your power network if you ever turned it on! The guy who did this was complete and utter moron!"

"Oh... Is it really that bad? Can something be done 'bout it?"

"Trust me, O'Brian, it really IS that bad. And yes I can rewire it, connect it properly to the network, but it will take time. And if you want the scanner too, damn it won't be easy. He messed up some of the connections too. Amateur."

Jimmy sighed.

"Okay, I believe ya. Try to fix it if ya can, please, I'll pay ye extra if ya want."

"Oho, I like that! Fine, I'll get on with it. I hope my boss won't be mad I closed the shop for so long, but he isn't exactly paying me much anyways."

She rushed away and returned with a small cart full of tools. She dragged it into the ship and began working. It took her the rest of the day, but when she finally emerged, she had a satisfied smile on her face.

"Now it should be working. It's not optimal and it can still cause some trouble, cause the current power network is not exactly calibrated or prapaired for such drain. Powercore can easily handle it, but wiring might burn. I'd be carefull if I were you."

"Aye, in keep in mind. Now, how mu..." he was interupted by a loud sound. The women pulled a small comm device from her pants and took the call.

"Yes?... What?! Listen, I was working for a customer! ... No! He bought one of your scanners so I had to wire it up! ... Are you serious? You know what, either you drop this bullshit or I quit! ... Yes I'm serious! ... Well, good luck finding someone willing to put up with your attitude!"

She showed the comm back into her pocket and breathed heavily for a few moments, trying to calm down. When she noticed Jimmy's confused expression, she chuckled.

"That was just my boss... well, my former boss now. But nevermind that, I'm actually curious, what are you planing to do with this ship of yours?"

"What do you mean?"

"Only a three kinds of people would bother installing this cloak and scanner on anything smaller than a battleship. Smugglers, those trying to catch them or people who stick their noses where they don't belong. You don't strike me for a cop and this ship isn't exactly practical for large scale smuggling so..." She left the sentence unfinished.

Jimmy couldn't help but laugh.

"If ya have to ask," he said, when he was finally able to catch his breath,"I actually do inted to poke me nose where it does not belong."

"In that case, you're going to need someone who will make sure the ship is going to hold together given how much extra equipement you already installed."

"That's true yes, but why are you... oh, right." He laughed again, when he finally realised what she wanted.

"Consider yerself hired, miss...?"

"Summers. Abigail Summers."

"Well then consider yerself hired, miss Summers."

She grinned.

"Just call me Abby, boss."