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»To: Core Guildmaster;Guildkeeper Lyell - Printable Version

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»To: Core Guildmaster;Guildkeeper Lyell - Kauket - 10-04-2016

[Image: 3WWcT45.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Revenant


Guildmaster Matt Bishop, Guildkeeper Lyell

It's with my dejection to note that the Order have completely retreated from the Independant Worlds. Although, I approach with a proposal you may be fascinated with, a suggestion that shall mutually benefit both of our forces.

Firstly, my proposal is a form of a temporary cease fire between our two forces under certain conditions to combat the greater evil:

Should a mutual enemy approach the vicinity to a scenario where our two forces are under conflict, a temporary no fire pact will be initiated to rid of the hostile aggressors - the pact will end upon termination or the retreat of the hostile vessel. These hostile vessels include;

Corsairs, Outcasts and the Order.

Which brings me to my second point of this transmission. I recently discovered a very fascinating structure - which we both can agree that the existance of it is... Detrimental to the local political environment. This structure also provides a great blow to our common foe, the Order, as it also manages some of their income and resource management. I shall provide information on it, only on the condition that the first offer is accepted, then we can perhaps proceed to clearing out the infestation.

But yes, our people hold great disdain to your goals and to your culture, but sometimes, a deal with the devil must be made. To do good, one must do bad, so on, so forth.

So how about it?


RE: »To: Core Guildmaster;Guildkeeper Lyell - Foxglove - 10-04-2016


ID: Cordelia Lyell
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: Intrigue

To use the word intrigue would hardly do justice to the journey that my eyebrows undertook when seeing this message. You ask for quite a lot, Ms. Raven, yet it seems like some of your less enlightened ideas have finally found solace in the light that is understanding that the Order is a scourge best eradicated. You seek an understanding on the basis that my enemy's enemy is my friend, and I could see the merit in that. However, I believe that there needs to be an addendum made to the terms of this underhanded agreement, which would dictate that no side may engage the other after the forces of the Corsairs, Outcasts, or Order are defeated to allow retreat.

Note that this is not a free pass to traverse freely, as we still see no merit in granting your Battlegroup extended hospitality in Omicronis, yet a little more forthcomingness on the aforementioned installation would go some ways to institute some trust. Before we agree to do anything, I would like to know whether this is actually worth both our time, Ms. Raven, and as such I would ask you to share what you have for us.

I bid you a good day.

-C. Lyell
Guildkeeper, The Core

Attachments: <None>


RE: »To: Core Guildmaster;Guildkeeper Lyell - Kauket - 10-04-2016

[Image: 3WWcT45.png]


» COMM-ID: Keeper Revenant


I am a simple person who presents simple ways, no rhetorics, straight to the matter. Speaking of which, the addendum will suffice. There is no reason to waste such resources.

I don't expect you and your people to trust us and I don't expect my people to trust yours, I still highly expect conflict as it is inevitable, due to the nature of Humanity, but, would you really rather trust the Order over the same people who more or less evolved from the same roots that you stand in? They're bigger than us, who'm of which are a larger threat to your... domain.

Our people and our ways are more fascinated by the science of the unknown, the Nomads and any unfound comprehension within this universe than to uphold large scale wars. Simply put, we're spectres when it comes it technology and knowledge, for peace, war is inevitable, meaning we simply seek to preserve of what little 'Humanity' is left within Sirius. And The Order seeks to destroy knowledge - our progress, and as far as I'm concerned with the Core, you seek to profit and domination out of the alien. Whilst we view your culture and ways to be repulsive, brain washing, lying and oppressive to the people who serve you, there is more to this than feelings. In our eyes, it's a debate between progressing forwards or backwards. But I'm sure you can tell which side of the holy Omicron wars is the one deteriorating in the space race, drifting away from their goals.

Now, I see there's no more reason to withhold information concerning the installation...

An Order mining vessel was detected during the late hours of the previous night, chipping away at the planetary core remains in Omicron Lost to (obviously) supply the Order with Iridium Ore. I figured there must be some form of transportation vessel nearby, but I was close enough with my estimations when I came across this, as I saw within the distance. The base appears to be under construction and is very vulnerable to attack at it's current stage.


RE: »To: Core Guildmaster;Guildkeeper Lyell - Foxglove - 10-04-2016


ID: Cordelia Lyell
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: Intrigue

Ms. Raven, I believe we two have found a mutual goal to work towards. As we speak, I am preparing a report to the Guildmaster to dispatch the Battlegroup Athena to Lost. Of course, we will ascertain the validity of the provided data beforehand and once that is done, the ordnance shall be prepared. As I perhaps stated in a previous correspondence with your person, I care little for your goals, or your people as long as I do not need to bother with paperwork related to your misadventures. With our words in place, let us conspire against our mutural enemy. You are free to join Battlegroup Athena on their voyage in due time. Perhaps you can prove that, while maybe we cannot be allies, we can at least be productive business partners.

-C. Lyell
Guildkeeper, The Core

Attachments: <None>


RE: »To: Core Guildmaster;Guildkeeper Lyell - Aether - 10-07-2016

[Image: TVPB01H.jpg]

NEURAL NET ID: Curator Endurance
TOPIC: Efficiency


Core leaders,

I can start off by stating the obvious that I have no positive thoughts or feelings for your organization. I could go in to detail about it, but that'd sour the mood.

Initial observation and some minor intelligence recovered show that the attack on the Survey station significantly weakened the Order's foothold on the Iridium deposits of the Edge Worlds. Astonishingly enough the operation went unopposed, due to the bulk of the Order's fleet having been in the Independent Worlds. As we've learned through discussions, their assets have since returned, yet their intent remains unknown.

As much as I wish we didn't have to make use of it, the phrase: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" in this case is tainted by the fact that the enemy of my enemy is also my enemy. Irregardless, the Order have earned a hefty punch in the jaw for their idiocy, as they failed to practice what they preach.

The negotiated terms of the temporary ceasefire are something we may adhere to, but be mindful that we are still enemies, not business partners, not friends, not allies. I don't care about your profiteering or your mission. I do not care how fat you want your credit chit to be. I care that the Order loses a few teeth, so that next time they know not to try and bite the wrong people.

- Curator Endurance