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To: The Order. Subject: Are your agents off their sodding heads? - Printable Version

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To: The Order. Subject: Are your agents off their sodding heads? - Arno Schultzky - 10-07-2016

Incoming Transmission

[Image: tumblr_o86p64A7Xu1u0d6b5o1_1280.jpg]

To: The man in the high castle.
From: A person who you didn't have to see.
Subject: A communique that you didn't have to read.

I may yet be recounting events of which you are aware. If this is true, it matters not; the future’s set.

We know little of each other. We operate in separate spheres. Our light is not your light: us, the world of politics, playing with the populi, bean-counting the residue of an socio-economic Eden long lapsed; sentinels of a reliquary of the dead and dying poor which may yet rise back to living.

We are both the bane of the alien. Some aliens wear human skin, Order, speak good German like a native. But you can see the doublethink in their eyes - the sedition of another tongue conducting the orchestra of their brain. The need to return to the savager tribe, the need to breed, to choke the linden with their own pernicious seed. We both know the danger of contamination, Order. What alien minds may to do men.

A squadron led by Arbiter Gunda Riehl engaged a suspect MND agent within the Texas system, Order. This MND agent was discovered to be a Wilde siren - and where there was once one, there became many. Aliens multiply, Order. They have extended families. They call to each other in their gibbering, senseless tongue. The vermin are legion - and like all good rats ships are their carriage. They came from the Tanner belt in their hundreds of thousands and all petty divides melted before the heat of evil. So we crushed them as true übermenshen, united before the ascetic truth that God is dead, and only the runts of the litter that wear our face, that claim to match us, that dare walk in our streets, that fill our writ with their insufferable doctrines, that pilfer our resources and rape our bodies, our minds.

We both understand the criticality of the separation of race. Let no K’hara mix with Man. Let the K’hara serve man, yes - remain slaves of the man, but we shall never serve.

True overmen need not kill. Not each other - it is hardly killing to fumigate those under-beings who dare pretend at the human. Is it murder when the master shoots a lame dog that cannot feed itself? So why has this templar, this… Kalh, decided to stoop to running with the wolves? Why is Kalh fraternising with the Bounty Hunters Guild, who actively hunt the Order?

Twice, the so-called Kalh has committed the most barbaric warcrime - assuming hostility with a party without prior notification of the conflict’s commencement. Furious savagery. Twice Kalh has attempted to murder or otherwise sabotage Unioner operatives without so much as an ad hominem. Have you ever been enjoying a perfectly good meal at a restaurant, Order, and had another patron glass you in the eyeballs without saying why? That is the sensation we feel. Numb shock, yes - but rage. Oh, so much rage. So many minds clamouring to kill.

We knew nothing of the battleship that goes by the name Amenhotep until it decloaked within the defence perimeter of our most fragile of institutions. Imagine someone pointed a very, very large gun at your homeworld, Order, with no time for you to prepare anything to stop it with, and had the agency to pull the trigger whenever they so chose. How would you feel?

Not twenty four hours ago, the OCV Amenhotep entered the Tanner Belt accompanied by a sizeable wing of bounty hunter vessels, shortly after a Unioner squadron had destroyed an errant gunboat of the Liberty Navy fleet. This assault was made all the more disturbing by its location by of the most secure installations that the Unioners possess. Three organisations are meant to be aware of that base. The Order is not one of them.

More obstreperous is the fact that the Amenhotep again decloaked out of oblivion and discharged its turrets upon two of our personal whilst they were struggling with a 5th fleet gunboat and a 5th fleet fighter, forcing us a withdrawal. Why? Only Kalh knows why. Who is captain Kalh to arbitrate in our war? Who is captain Kalh to judge us? Most importantly, who are his handlers?

That battleship wears your flags, Order. So who is the man behind the warcrime? Is it the Overwatch, or is Kalh acting on his own edict? Perhaps your Kalh wears the wrong stripes, Order, for he has only been witnessed by us as a pawn of the Liberty Navy. Perhaps we focus the wrong party in conversing with you, and this is nothing but an elaborate false flag by the Liberty Navy to undermine us both. Turn us against each other for the weakness of the whole. Certainly, an organisation as discerning as the Order itself would be more… tactician… than to evoke the wrath of a the Union with nothing to gain but gunfire and ground to bury the dead under.

There are only three scenarios.

One. The Amenhotep’s aggression has been sanctioned by the Order high command. The Unioners will immediately consider Order operations, present and future, to be ancillary to the interests of Rheinland. The bigger they come, the harder they fall. We will keep firing until you stop sending men at us. We will inform the Liberty Rogues, the Lane hackers and the Hellfire Legion of your failure. They will know of your collaboration with the Liberty Navy.

Two. The Amenhotep is operating according to an individual agenda, detached from the Overwatch’s own. More likely than not, the Amenhotep has defected to the Liberty Navy, is operating without supervision, or is merely a guise of the Fifth. Our relations with the Order will remain neutral, business-as-usual, and we will not trouble each other. We will also forward log data concerning the Amenhotep’s collaboration with the Liberty Navy. Kalh will die alone and afraid like the irrelevant bastard he is. His shoddily machined flying cigar will not save him from our torpedo wings. We will inform the Liberty Rogues, the Lane hackers and the Hellfire Legion of Kalh’s failure. He will be the pariah he deserves to be.

Three. The Amenhotep is infected and its operatives are attempting to avenge the chase-down of infected MND agents by the Alster Union. The Order and the Unioners will collaborate to bring the dreadnaught to heel as recompense for damages done. No-one will need to know about this except us.

This is not trivial. The Unioners have a proud three hundred year history that nearly came to an abrupt end because of the acts of one shortsighted man. We will never make the mistake again of permitting him within a light second of the Tanner belt. We do not want vengeance - we want vindication, security. A heavily armed line dreadnaught with a tendency to chameleon into the void is is not security.

We will get to the bottom of this. And then we will depth-charge it. His acts imperil Rheinland and advance the alien agenda. He will win no pity.

Kahl shouldn’t have lit the ovens if he couldn’t bear the flames.

Kind regards,
Armin Jansen.
The Unioners, Bering System, ???
Transmission Ended

RE: To: The Order. Subject: Are your agents off their sodding heads? - Jeremy Hunter - 10-07-2016

[Image: Jrqcx68.png]

Comm ID: The man in the not so high castle
To: The man I can't really see
Subject: A message I really should read, or the notification won'the turn off

Armin Jansen of the Unioners of Bering. My name is Jeremy Hunter. I happen to have tactical command the Amenhotep whilst he is deployed here, and quite honestly I don't know what Kalh is thinking. He has done a fine job before, but his current actions against someone I didn't even know were able to operate within Liberty is...surprising.

While we both know the dangers of contamination, I doubt Kalh is infected. I doubt, very much so, that the Amenhotep has fallen. We have learned much in our war with the Nomads, least of all how to keep our people safe. It's not perfect, but nothing man made is ever.

Now, while I shall be discussing wit Kalh the finer points of diplomacy and finese, let me infra you of something else - I know very well what it feels like, having guns of impressive power pointed at my home. I watched the beginnings of the end for a planet, I listened to the blackboxes of people who managed to try and call for help.

All I heard was screams, sorrow, and fire.

And what we all felt was fear. So, with that said, in regards to scenario one. No, it was not sanctioned.

Now never threaten me, never accuse me of being complacent in the insanity that is Rheinland and it's Rheinwher, it's MND, it's blatant disregard for the true foes at hand. Those warmongers have sided with an imperalistic cult of mad personality and killed people, good people fighting a corrupt system that no longer represents them. I have seen the Rheinwher in the Omicrons, and lost ships. Do not accuse me ever again of working with barbarians cloaked in eagle and false honor.

Furthermore, you are laughably naive. The Nomads will never be subservient. They will not be anything but memory and dust. Such beings cannot be tamed, enthralled, subjugated. They are like ants, who live for the queen. We shall not be servants but neither shall we be masters. We shall be as death, and bring with us righteous defiance. You cannot tame something that far surpasses our own natural capabilities - you cannot stop a storm with your own hands. There is no suppression. Only genocide.

And finally...that Osiris is not "shoddy made" nor should you assume it shall fall so easily. That vessel was made to survive horrors you can only have nightmares of.

I will get to the bottom of this, and inform you of my findings.

With the kindest of regards,
Jeremy Hunter
CO, 3rd Battlegroup, Gallant Dawn
O.C.V Oathkeeper

RE: To: The Order. Subject: Are your agents off their sodding heads? - Arno Schultzky - 10-07-2016

Incoming Transmission

[Image: tumblr_o86p64A7Xu1u0d6b5o1_1280.jpg]

To: The man in the high castle.
From: A person who you didn't have to see.
Subject: A communique that you didn't have to read.

Good. We will hand you the audio logs from both encounters.

Kind regards,
Armin Jansen.
The Unioners, Bering System, ???
Transmission Ended