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To: The Core - Printable Version

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To: The Core - Shelco - 02-10-2017

[Image: shr6yc0.png]
Flottillenadmiral Hofmann

Büro der Marineintelligenz
Encrypted Video Transmission

.......? RECIPIENTS:.........The Core
.......? SENDER:-..............Stefan Hofmann
.......? LOCATION:..........Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin
.......? PRIORITY:..............
.......? SUBJECT:..............Fleet adjustments and a status update

Guten tag,

I have recently taken a look at the position of our fleet position and I saw that our Tirpitz the Balder is stationed in Omicron Delta which made me wonder why that is so, seems like someone failed to report why that is so. Anyway, there are exactly two ships within our fleet that are supposed to be stationed elsewhere but Rheinland, the Balder is not one of them. So I wanted to inform you, that the Balder will soon be taken out of the Omicrons back to Rheinland where it should have been from the start. At the same time, I am asking for permission to moor the Megalodon at Alabama Shipyard in Omicron Rho as well as my Omicron covert unit, the Mantarochen, a "Manta"-class fighter that has been given to us by you. This would make the sight of a "Bullhead" battlecruiser less of a phenomenon for the civilians in Rheinland.

Furthermore, I request a status update on the situation between The Core and the Zoners, so we know if we might have to provide covert support.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Flottillenadmiral Hofmann
Büro der Marineintelligenz, Oberkommando

[Image: admjnyep.png]

Message End

RE: To: The Core - Implosion - 02-10-2017

[img float=left] [/img]

Incoming Video Feed
Source: Battleship "Perditrix"
Comm ID: "Azrael"
Encryption: B.S.S. Ver 7.0
Core ID Confirmed, message decrypted.
Displaying Contents

Good day, Mr. Hofmann.
Your requests have been granted and the appropriate people have been notified of your fleet movement.
Further more, I'd suggest you bring in that Manta for an overhaul or just trade it in for a Marlin. That goes for all of your outdated Manta models.
The quartermasters have been ordered to cooperate with your pilots, so the exchange should be fast and smooth.
Updated design and different painting is one of the many new features. The new Marlins are incredibly versatile ships when used properly, so don't miss out.
Now, to the next matter at hand. We've managed to de-escalate the situation with the zoners, but their warships are still in our crosshairs.
They continue to provide shelter and fire support to the order. Until that ceases, we'll continue our operations against them.
I've also been meaning to contact you about something. In one of our last skirmishes against the Order, we've been engaged by an ALG vessel.
I'm sure you understand that we had to vaporize the said vessel in self defense.
Having Rheinland corporations supporting the Order is not something we're very happy about. We try to limit civilians casualties to a minimum.
As such, we'll continue to fire only in self defense on ALG vessels. Thing is, my men are very easily provoked and I'd like to solve this problems before it escalates.
I'm sure you can inquire about the situation and find out if the ALG is really a supporter of a well known terrorist organization.
If that is the case, justice must prevail and those responsible should be put behind bars.

~Yours Truly, Jack Daniels, exalted Guildmaster of the Core and the most hated person in the Omicrons.

Video Feed Lost
Terminating Connection

RE: To: The Core - Shelco - 02-10-2017

[Image: shr6yc0.png]
Flottillenadmiral Hofmann

Büro der Marineintelligenz
Encrypted Video Transmission

.......? RECIPIENTS:.........The Core
.......? SENDER:-..............Stefan Hofmann
.......? LOCATION:..........Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin
.......? PRIORITY:..............
.......? SUBJECT:..............The ALG

Guten tag,

My apologies, I mixed the names between Marlin and manta up, of course, my ship is a Marlin already, as I requested it a while ago. About the ALG, this sounds concerning indeed. However, without any evidence, the BDM can not operate, so please provide us with the necessary evidence for the attack on your ships.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Flottillenadmiral Hofmann
Büro der Marineintelligenz, Oberkommando

[Image: admjnyep.png]

Message End

RE: To: The Core - Implosion - 02-10-2017

[img float=left] [/img]

Incoming Video Feed
Source: Battleship "Perditrix"
Comm ID: "Azrael"
Encryption: B.S.S. Ver 7.0
Core ID Confirmed, message decrypted.
Displaying Contents

I'm in the process of acquiring evidence, so I'll just provide what I've gathered so far.
The ship in question is [ALG]-V.D , a heavy bomber.
It made a few passes towards the Laptev, but unfortunately for him, the shields held off his explosives.
The same cannot be said for his hull, which got disintegrated by the Light Mortar that I fired.
Here's the recording from the comms.

Quote:[05.02.2017 19:32:30] [ALG]-V.D: I'm here for the assist
[05.02.2017 19:32:36] [ALG]-V.D: Charging Novas
[05.02.2017 19:37:06] Death: [ALG]-V.D was put out of action by Core|WV-Laptev (Gun).

V.D went in to provide cover for the Order vessels in the vicinity, that were already engaged by us.
As you can see, he had sufficient time to rethink his actions. Four minutes and thirty six seconds is indeed plenty enough.

Further more, I'm attaching an archived transmission to the ALG. It goes a few weeks back.
Scarlet tried asking nicely. The intention was to prevent further incidents, but we couldn't come to an understanding.
Apparently, the fact someone has contracts means they can do whatever they want.
I'm sure you noticed their complete and utter disregard of our laws. They trespassed Omicron Rho, supplied the zoners and by extend, the order and violated a good few of our laws.
Excuse me, but our shipping department follows Rheinland laws by the letter. They do not insult you and they do not move through restricted space at will.
I only ask the same in return.
If the ALG is indeed supplying the order in the omicrons, who knows how many agents are being protected throughout Rheinland.
The thought of having order murderers down on New Berlin, protected by one of the biggest corps there... I don't think that's very comforting.

~Yours Truly, Jack Daniels, exalted Guildmaster of the Core and the most hated person in the Omicrons.

Video Feed Lost
Terminating Connection

RE: To: The Core - Shelco - 02-14-2017

[Image: shr6yc0.png]
Flottillenadmiral Hofmann
[Image: ndDPAaD.png]

Büro der Marineintelligenz
Encrypted Video Transmission

.......? RECIPIENTS:.........The Core
.......? SENDER:-..............Stefan Hofmann
.......? LOCATION:..........Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin
.......? PRIORITY:..............
.......? SUBJECT:..............The ALG

Guten tag,

before I continue, let me apologize for the delay of response, the Buro had to discuss this matter first. Now, as much as I understand how unfortunate this situation is for you, we cannot act, the evidence is rather poor since it is not clear whether the ALG ship really attacked you in support for the order. The only thing that you could do is show graphic or video evidence of them supplying the Order and aiding them in combat, this is where the ALG would be traitors of their own house, I deeply wish you the best and do not hold back from contacting us back because of any issue, the Buro will gladly try to help, the offer for equipment and ammunition still stands.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Flottillenadmiral Hofmann
Büro der Marineintelligenz, Oberkommando

[Image: admjnyep.png]

[Image: ndDPAaD.png]

Message End

RE: To: The Core - Shelco - 03-01-2017

[Image: shr6yc0.png]
Flottillenadmiral Hofmann
[Image: bdm_kleinsci7a.png]

Büro der Marineintelligenz
Encrypted Video Transmission

.......• RECIPIENTS:.........Jack Daniels
.......• SENDER:-..............Stefan Hofmann
.......• LOCATION:.............Planet New Berlin
.......• PRIORITY:..............
.......? SUBJECT:...............Support

Guten tag,

it might be good for you to hear, that I, with the approval of the Direktor have ordered a militaristic operation against the Order within the Omicrons, now, for this we need warships, I request that my ship, the RNC-Burghausen is allowed to be stationed on Core bases as long as this operation is going on. We have watched the Core being surrounded by enemies for a long time without ever being able to offer much help, now, we want to step up in the fight against those terrorists and thus want to fight by the Core's side. I don't know how long this operation will go on but as soon as the situation seems to be de-escalated, we will retreat our ships again, tell me what you think about it.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Flottillenadmiral Hofmann
Büro der Marineintelligenz, Oberkommando

[Image: admjnyep.png]

[Image: ndDPAaD.png]

Message End

RE: To: The Core - Implosion - 03-01-2017

[img float=left] [/img]

Incoming Video Feed
Source: Battleship "Perditrix"
Comm ID: "Azrael"
Encryption: B.S.S. Ver 7.0
Core ID Confirmed, message decrypted.
Displaying Contents

That's very good news, Mr. Hofmann. Very good news indeed.
Your ships are, as always, welcome on our installation throughout Sirius.
A team of specialists and engineers from the APM will be tasked to assist your crew with repairs, maintenance, or anything else they might require.
The Core appreciates your efforts and we'll do our very best to end the Order Threat, once and for all.

~Yours Truly, Jack Daniels, exalted Guildmaster of the Core and the most hated person in the Omicrons.

Video Feed Lost
Terminating Connection

RE: To: The Core - Shelco - 03-12-2017

[Image: tumblr_m50fvl8ErQ1rpv0bb.gif]
Flottillenadmiral Hofmann
[Image: bdm_kleinsci7a.png]

Büro der Marineintelligenz
Encrypted Video Transmission

.......• RECIPIENTS:.........Guildmaster of the Core
.......• SENDER:-..............Stefan Hofmann
.......• LOCATION:..........Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
.......• PRIORITY:..............
.......• SUBJECT:..............Status update

Guten tag,

as I have heard, the Core now has a new guildmaster, I greet you in the name of the Buro der Marineintelligenz, I am Flottillenadmiral Hofmann, responsible for the relation between the Core and our agency. On the first of Maerz this year, old guildmaster Herr Daniels approved a BDM operation within your territory to assist you against the Order. I want to give you a quick report about what we accomplished so far.

For once, there has been a confirmed of an Order capital vessel, a research ship from the Order Research Group, as well as a kill by one of your ships yesterday in the Omicron Delta system, I have linked as much as evidence as we were able to collect during this time.

I also advise you to let the captain of the Warvessel "Terminus Est" go through a medical checkup, she did not seem ready for a battle, be sure that an infection is not the case.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Flottillenadmiral Hofmann
Büro der Marineintelligenz, Oberkommando

[Image: admjnyep.png]

[Image: ndDPAaD.png]

Message End

RE: To: The Core - Goldberg - 03-12-2017


ID: Peter Lambrecht
Location: Durban Station, Omicron Rho
Subject: ------------

Good day Flottenadmiral Hofmann,
my name is Peter Lambrecht, and I'm the new Guildmaster of the Core.
It's really great to hear from you and to see that you managed to burn a Order Captail Vessel.

Keep up the good work, and continue the strikes against the Order!

A good day to you.

-P, Lambrecht
Guildmaster of the Core - CEO, AP Manufacturing

Attachments: <None>


RE: To: The Core - Shelco - 03-19-2017

[Image: tumblr_m50fvl8ErQ1rpv0bb.gif]
Flottillenadmiral Hofmann
[Image: bdm_kleinsci7a.png]

Büro der Marineintelligenz
Encrypted Video Transmission

.......• RECIPIENTS:.........Guildmaster of the Core
.......• SENDER:-..............Stefan Hofmann
.......• LOCATION:..........Yaren Base, Omicron Delta
.......• PRIORITY:..............
.......• SUBJECT:..............Status update

Guten tag,

with the recent activity of the Unioners within Rheinland that need more of my attention, I will return the Burghausen and the U-99 from your space to Rheinland, the ships that are still stationed in your bases will remain and be ready for deployment if you need us, just contact me over this channel and we will see what we can do.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Flottillenadmiral Hofmann
Büro der Marineintelligenz, Oberkommando

[Image: admjnyep.png]

[Image: ndDPAaD.png]

Message End