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To: Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army: Official representatives - Printable Version

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To: Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army: Official representatives - Laroux - 02-13-2017

Front de Libération

To: Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army: Official representatives
BCC: Front de Libération
Content: The people's champion

[Image: hqcis5C.png]

I keep hearing word of a group hiding away in the Omegas that carries your name. A collective of people that hold their own, proclaimed a state and are said to value the worker and employee over birthright and credit. Sounds like a fairytale to me. Care to explain?
Nilin Laroux

RE: To: Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army: Official representatives - Tabris - 02-18-2017

[Image: dpophfr.png]

Comm ID: Commissar Nikita Tabakov, PRSC (People's Republic of the Sirius Coalition), Ministry of Truth
Subject: [re]

"Apologies for the delay, as you know war tends to make one quite busy. We, the Coalition, are a Nation devoted to the rights of the 'little guy' who has been crushed by corporate oppression and uncaring governments who only seek to pad their 'bottom line'. We seek to create a society where bloodlines and profits have no say in your standing in life, ensure that the people we fight for are safe-guarded and elevated from the dirt they were cast down into.

It may sound like a 'fairytale' to many, however we have been in existence for a very long time, many have attempted to crush our movement across Sirius only to be met with failure as the fires of revolution are fanned. The Revolutionary Army are the sword of the Sirian Working Class. The question here is: What does the Front de Libération consdier themselves?"

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса

RE: To: Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army: Official representatives - Laroux - 02-19-2017

Front de Libération

To: Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army: Official representatives
BCC: Front de Libération
Content: The people's champion

[Image: hqcis5C.png]

Your words still ring the sounds of a fairytale in my ears, you've so far neither said nor proven anything that wasn't part of the word I've gotten about your conglomerate of people. To clear the way right at start, the Front de Libération are the Maquis. The force that fights the Royal oppression by whatever means it takes. We treat people from supporters of the Crown to those collaborationists staying in silent agreement, from child to grandparent, the same. We go over thousands to get the one standing on the wrong side. We neither question nor doubt our actions. Actions that'll free our people from the Monarchy's supremacy. It's either this or death. We're democracy's sword. The pericing shot that's the end to the nobility.
But let me ask you on how the Sirius Coalition acts with people claiming and aiming for higher positions. Does experience beat connection and is there a chance for those within the working class you seem so eager to defend to actually prove their worth of such? I take you're on good terms with the working women and men of the Miners Guild. I'll give you a chance to make a statement on your claims and assist us in a task against those that're using the Royal advance trying to corrupt our people with a dependency on their drug. Make the Guild drop our package at the called coordinates and execute the act following. We'll talk after you've done so successfully.

Nilin Laroux

RE: To: Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army: Official representatives - Tabris - 03-02-2017

[Image: dpophfr.png]

Comm ID: Commissar Nikita Tabakov, PRSC (People's Republic of the Sirius Coalition), Ministry of Truth
Subject: [re]

"The Coalition encourages it's citizenship to strive to put forth their best efforts and those who prove that they have 'what it takes' to do a job are assigned said opportunity. Blood and Connections mean nothing to us, if one is capable at a job one can expect to acquire said position to ensure full productivity in society. If a man or woman seeks to improve their lot through honest hard work than the Republic rewards such dedication in labour.

As for the Miner's Guild, the People's Republic and the Guild try to avoid each-other's business as we are able. While we respect their wish for independence from the tyranny of the Houses we also watch them for any movements against the Revolution across Sirius. Thus our capacity to 'enforce' our will upon them is severely limited due to maintaining a neutral status with the Guild. To put it shortly: We cannot make the Guild do anything.

If that displeases you I apologize for that, however there are other methods the People's Republic can help your cause. I shall give you an example.

The Republic manufactures highly reliable weapons and armour for use by ground forces, many are used by revolutionary factions in Kusari, Bretonia and Rheinland due to their effectiveness in guerrilla warfare and outright warfare. These are classified as 'Volgograd Ordinance', a selection of Light Arms, Power Armour and explosive devices such as hand-held Ground-to-Air Missile systems amongst other things. The Coalition is willing to send the Maquis supplies of war materials and technical advisors to fuel their efforts against the tyrannical Gallic Crown. If your people find the equipment agreeable we can expand our cooperation in other theaters which may include materials used by the Revolutionary Army and Joint Operations against the 'Crown'. "

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса

RE: To: Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army: Official representatives - Laroux - 03-08-2017

Front de Libération

To: Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army: Official representatives
BCC: Front de Libération
Content: The people's champion

[Image: LkGR4U4.png]

Nikita Tabakov
Tell you what. You catched my interest. So we will continue this talk on a more personal level. Lets get it right off the bat that the Maquis are likely going to deal with the Miners Guild in a to them less favourable way. Seeing their latest responses to my inquiries, I don't really consider them in for anything besides their own gain. Openly admitting towards me, out of all people, they'll use the very first chance to engage in ambiguous deals with the Royals, isn't sporting them anything less than their loved ones burning in the fires of the revolution. I expect you not having a problem with that.
Coming next, the package I mentioned still needs delivery. I suspect the People's Republic has the means to take on that.
As for your offer, the Maquis are interested in railguns, anti-aircraft-missiles and the explosives. Therefor we require more information on the type and actual specifications on each. Should you have the capabilities to supply various more common materials, I'll not decline that offer either. In return you may gain access to various chemical warfare agents and intel on the Crown's inner structure. I've to think further about the advisors called. I premise that facilities run by either of us are open to the other as part of this agreement.

Nilin Laroux