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To : IMG| from the Republic of Dublin - Printable Version

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To : IMG| from the Republic of Dublin - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 03-01-2017

[Image: euLgaMs.png]

Dia duit, representatives o' deh Independent Moiners Guild.

Oy's Blodwyn O'Driscoll , un' oy work fer de Republic o' Dublin, un' come today tae request some help frem aour partners, guests, un' friends o' deh Guild.
As ye moight know, deh Republic funds itself widh deh gold trade, be it moining, refoining gold on aour smelter, Garvagh Mining Complex, un' boye trading de aforementioned gol'.

Howe'er, we unfortunatly concluded dhat e'en oif we produce aour own mining ships un' moinin' equipment , aour ways tae produce doses were antiquated. Basically we were left behind in the technology race for moining equipment.
Un' oy want tae add dhat we's naow far behind BMM corporates; when it comes tae gol' moined, whoile Garvagh Mining Complex is far frem working at full capacity.
Currently, we ain't able tae compete widh 'em.

So, we were tinking dhat aour engineers could learn cooperate widh yers, fer some toime, so dey could learn how tae improve aour ways tae produce such equiment. Derefore, we's interrested tae send some o' aour best engineers tae visit some o' yer stations, so dey could learn frem ye.

We're also well aware dhat updatin' aour moinin' machineries un' ships, could requoire deh import o' new comodities, un' nae only knowledges. But oy guess we'll take o' dhat as a subsequent project.

Naow, we would loike tae know, oif deh guild would agree widh such a request, un' on which term ?
Oy's confident, we'll manage tae come tae an agreement, especially when it would cut yer competitor, aour opponent 's profits : deh infamous BMM corporate slavers.


Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-

RE: To : IMG| from the Republic of Dublin - Byron - 03-02-2017

¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ Transmission Incoming ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤

¤ LOCATION: Tau-23

¤ COMM-ID: Liam Byrne

¤ TARGET-ID: Blodwyn O'Driscoll

¤ SUBJECT: Republic of Ireland


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Dia duit Blodwyn O'Driscoll,

Before Oy begeyn talking 'bout business, lemme entroduce oyself. Oy's name's Liam Byrne, official Ambassador of teh Independent Moiners Guild, 'un by chance an Dublin-born moyself. It's been long since oy heard dhis accent de loast toyme...

Anyways, regaerden yer question: Fer now, oy don't knoe ef any reasons why yer moiners shouldn't bey allowed to learn from oys. In faect, it wold bey un' honour fer oys to teach ye and haelp teh Republic of Dublin te become more autonomous in teh long run.

At first, oy'd suggest sum ef yer workers joyn our moining operations, haeving eh look at how oys tend te do dhings, and eventually learnin' frem oys. We culd elso help ye widh fixing your machinerey and bring et back ta nowadays' technulogicael standerds. Furdhermore, oys can offeh ye sum advaenc'd moining'machinerey, ready te bey picked up by ye on Hood.

Ef course, weakening Bretonia Moining and Menufactoring boy making ye serious cumpeditor is elso somedhing teh Guild would look forwed to. If oy thinking 'bout it, oy actually really loike yer way of thinking. As oy'm alredy speakin' te ye, oy would elso loyk te ask 'bout teh current situation ef Londond'rry, 'un how teh Guild's permission te floy dhere is.

Anywoys, If ye got any other ideas on how we wanna coorporate in teh future, or anydhing else, please feel free de contact moy.

Widh best regaerds,
Liam Byrne
IMG Ambassudeh

¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ End of Transmission ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤

RE: To : IMG| from the Republic of Dublin - Blodwyn O'Driscoll - 03-13-2017

[Image: euLgaMs.png]

Dia, Muire, agus Pádraig duit,

Oy's glad tae meet ye, Liam. Un' tis a pleasure tae make deh aquaintance o' anoder son o' Dublin.
Conas ‘tá tú?
Where's ye frem ? Arranmore, Cork, maybe ? Kilrea, oy bet, ye seem quoite young.
Ah, de Hood, prolly ?

Well, please do accept me apologies fer goin' off topic.

Roighto, so, oy guess aour moiners won't moind doin' some joint moinin' operations, aloike we were doin' nae so long ago. So dey moight could learn frem yers, o' probably deh odher way 'round, oy guess. Ye know, aour people were moinin' gol' afore deh Guild came in.

But dhat wasnae deh point o' me request. T'was more 'bout deh Technologicael upgrade. Un' oy would loike tae tank ye fer yer offer o' advanced moinin' machinerey. Tis a much appreciated gift, me says.
Howe'er, oy dunno oif it wouldnae be easier dhat aour engineers could learn a boit frem yers tae produce 'em, dhan reverse engineerin' dem ...Oif tis what ye suggested.
Maybe dey could visit some yer stations : Aland shipyard, Holman aoutpost, deh Hood, un whoy nae Cardiff moinin' facility, un' o' course widaout anyone noticin' deir comin'.

So, ye wanted tae talk 'bout Derry too ? Foine boye mae. But oy ain't shure what exactly ye's wanna know. Let oos say we suffered frem deh Corsairs raids on Garvagh Moinin' Complex quoite two years ago... But we managed tae repel 'em since den.
In fact, we managed tae do more den dhat, last year : alongsoide deh Coalition un' deh Red Hessians, we assaulted, repeatedly, deh Fes Battlegroup in deh Omega-49 system. E'en oif t'was costly Fes Battlegroup was put in floight, un' took refuge aout o' deh system. Howe'er we do have hints, dhat it could be stationed naow, sumwhere in deh Poole system.

Roight, so deg Guild do want allowance tae floy tae deh Derry system again ? Oy dun tink it would be a problem fer Garvagh Moinin' Complex, aswell as Kilrea, Cork o' Bann. Howe'er bodh Foyle un' Coleraine will be off limits.
But afore givin' deh guild dhis allowance we'd loike tae know whoy would deh guild want tae floy 'ere ?


Slán agat !

-Transmission Terminated-

RE: To : IMG| from the Republic of Dublin - Byron - 03-14-2017

¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ Transmission Incoming ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤

¤ LOCATION: Tau-23

¤ COMM-ID: Liam Byrne

¤ TARGET-ID: Blodwyn O'Driscoll

¤ SUBJECT: Republic of Ireland


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Dia duit agayn Blodwyn,

teh pleasueh is all moyn. 'Un ye were roight in teh end, oy's origin'ly frem teh Hood. Moight wasn't teh best home, bu' tat's histury. No need te aepolugize boi teh way, as a diplomayt, tere's enough oppertunity fer moy te talk 'bout business. Et's noice te sumtoimes telk 'bout dyffrent stuff, tuh, ye kno'. So, ye', where de ye cum frem, if teh questiun's ellowed? Elso, oy'm foyne at teh moment. Wat 'bout ye?

Enywoys, business encumin' now, oy's promise.

Regaerdin' teh joint moining operations, ye moight bey roight. Oy dedn't realize yers peeps 'ave moined gold long before oys ded. Aether woy, oy still thenk it wold bey very ben'ficiul, fo' both ef us, tat is. Oy's sure tere are et least sum tips'n'trecks oys caeld teach ye goys, oy's ben in teh business fer ae whoile now elraedy aes well.

Preducin' teh latest moining mechinerey yerselvs is ef corse un option, bu' oy's wonderin' how long tis wold tayk. Et's yer decysion aftaer ael, oy joust tink ye shold 'now tat et moight tayk longer dhen ye prolly want et tah do. Buildin' dhem esn't teh easyest taesk, 'un neyds experiense in maeney diffent subjects. 'ence, oys are awaytin' wet ye tink 'bout et, bu' enywoys, teh offeh wit teh Hood still staends either waeys.

Wit Lond'nderry, et's joust ae metter o' general interest. Teh IMG loikes te 'noe wut its frends have been aep te lately, ye 'noe. Et's relievin' tah hear ye've been able tah repel Corsaer attacks laet'ly, 'specialy teh aetacks on teh Fes 'un its battlegroop.

Oys cumpletly understaend yer poynt wenn ye say Foyle 'un Coleraine'd bey eff limits fer os tah visit. Enywoys, teh mayn reason fer oy tah ask wus tat teh Guild 'd bey hoighly ent'rested in workin' moar cluseley tahgeter wit yeh. 'specially in teh laundrin' o' teh gold, if ye understand wat oy mean.

Widh best regaerds,
Liam Byrne
IMG Ambassudeh

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