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To: Malcolm Haynes | Violation of Liberty Law - Printable Version

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To: Malcolm Haynes | Violation of Liberty Law - Vendetta - 03-06-2017

[Image: lltY5uc.png]
[Image: 9M8teY9.jpg]

ID: Liberty Police Inc.
Encryption: Standard
Date: 03/06/824 A.S.

Malcolm Haynes,

You were caught smuggling Cardamine, which is a direct violation of Section One, Article One of the Laws of the Republic of Liberty. You fled, most notably to a Xeno installation to hide and refused to cooperate with the officer on the scene.

Because of your criminal behavior and refusal to cooperate, I hereby issue you a fine of $5,000,000, to be paid directly to LPI-Carlos.Lopez[O] for processing. Refusal to pay will result in further legal action being taken. You have approximately 48 hours to respond and provide proof of the payment of your fine.

The fine will cover the following offenses:

- Possession with the intent to distribute contraband.
- Fleeing from an officer of the Liberty Police.
- Assaulting an officer of the Liberty Police.

Carlos Lopez, Liberty Police Inc.

Attachments: None

[Image: W1aBuuo.png]

RE: To: Malcolm Haynes | Violation of Liberty Law - Etaphreven - 03-06-2017

[Communications Link Established]

[CommID]: Malcolm Haynes
[To]: Carlos Lopez, Liberty Police Inc.

Oh blah, blah, blah. Policeman is upset so policeman wants my money. No need to be so grumpy about something you started! I ain't gonna sit like a duck while you use my ship for target practice. You could've just kept your weapons off and there would be no assault charge, am I right?

Y'know, reading out your name, it sounds like you should've been more scared following me to that place. I mean, I was, and I'm pure Texas material. You were literally meters away, man.

But yeah, back to the matter at hand, what further legal action are we talking about? Inform me, mister officer of the law!

Malcolm Haynes

[Communications Link Terminated]

RE: To: Malcolm Haynes | Violation of Liberty Law - Vendetta - 03-06-2017

[Image: lltY5uc.png]
[Image: 9M8teY9.jpg]

ID: Liberty Police Inc.
Encryption: Standard
Date: 03/06/824 A.S.

Malcolm Haynes,

My nationality is not the topic of discussion. I was born on Los Angeles.

Further legal action includes revoking your docking rights permanently. If you want, we can skip you paying the fine and jump right to you and your vessel being outlawed from the Republic. Either way, I did my job.

Carlos Lopez, Liberty Police Inc.

Attachments: None

[Image: W1aBuuo.png]

RE: To: Malcolm Haynes | Violation of Liberty Law - Etaphreven - 03-07-2017

[Communications Link Established]

[CommID]: Malcolm Haynes
[To]: Carlos Lopez, Liberty Police Inc.

Do I detect a hint of power harassment, officer My-Nationality-Is-Not-The-Topic? Also, apparently it is the topic of discussion, since you answered. And who said anything about not paying the fine? 48 hours ain't over yet - didn't they teach you how numbers work in the academy? I was asking a simple question but it seems your trigger finger is quite itchy!

Last time I checked, freedom of speech was still a thing in Liberty, so take a seat, officer Friendly. We're gonna have some fun these 48 hours!

Mmm, and I'm liking you already! What type of donuts you prefer? Oh who am I kidding, I'll just send a dozen boxes to your office!

Malcolm Haynes

[Communications Link Terminated]

RE: To: Malcolm Haynes | Violation of Liberty Law - Vendetta - 03-07-2017

[Image: lltY5uc.png]
[Image: 9M8teY9.jpg]

ID: Liberty Police Inc.
Encryption: Standard
Date: 03/06/824 A.S.

Malcolm Haynes,

Freedom of Speech is a right granted to citizens of the Republic of Liberty. Those rights are revoked when a law is broken, and the only freedom of speech you should be exercising is explaining yourself. An additional right is the right to remain silent.

The next transmission you send should include the payment of the fine, otherwise I'll be forwarding this case up, and you won't like the results.

Carlos Lopez, Liberty Police Inc.

Attachments: None

[Image: W1aBuuo.png]

RE: To: Malcolm Haynes | Violation of Liberty Law - Etaphreven - 03-07-2017

[Communications Link Established]

[CommID]: Malcolm Haynes
[To]: Carlos Lopez, Liberty Police Inc.

Excuse me? Freedom of speech is taken away when one law is broken? Are you sure you're not a pirate? I've got 48 hours to pay; don't break your own laws, officer Friendly. Thanks for yet another threat, though. They sure like hiring violent people in the Police, don't they.

Malcolm Haynes

[Communications Link Terminated]

RE: To: Malcolm Haynes | Violation of Liberty Law - Emperor Tekagi - 03-07-2017

[Image: lltY5uc.png]

ID: Chief Mori
Encryption: Standard
Date: 03/07/824 A.S.

Oyasumi, Mister Haynes.

First of all I would like to thank you for waking me up, this will definetly help you facing soft consequences if I ever see your name cross my desk again.
Let's clarify a few things then:

You have broken three laws in total:

- Section one: § I, Contraband possession.
- Section one: § III, Assault on a member of the Liberty lawful forces.
- Section one: § IV, Non-violent crimes: Fleeing from an officer when stopped.

By breaking these laws the only rights left for you are the rights to remain silent or defend yourself until this issue was dealt with. Consulting a lawyer would be useless in your case since there is more than enough evidence against you, we advise you to simply pay your fine and behave in a for a Libertorian citizen more proper way in the future, every further cases about you taking part in any criminal action would result in much harsher punishments.

A hint, do not attempt to insult Officer Lopez with such pathetic jokes, your fine could still rise.
We will await the payment inside the given time limit.

Mariko Mori, Chief of Police

Attachments: None

[Image: W1aBuuo.png]

RE: To: Malcolm Haynes | Violation of Liberty Law - Etaphreven - 03-07-2017

[Communications Link Established]

[CommID]: Malcolm Haynes
[To]: Mariko Mori, Chief of Police

What a beautiful message to wake up to. It's an honor to be contacted personally by you, miss Mori.

I'm well aware of the laws I've broken and the rights I have left. However, officer Friendly also has the right to remain silent towards my transmissions if he can't handle them; threatening to escalate the issue because he has the emotional maturity of a 12 year old is not within his rights. Or well, it might be, considering the level of corruption good ol' Liberty has to face nowadays. Saying I don't need a lawyer is also right up there with that; but eh, that's cops trying to play gods for you.

I'm also very disappointed that you do not appreciate my jokes towards officer I'm-Totally-From-Los-Angeles, miss Mori! I put a lot of effort into helping him develop a sense of humor, but I guess you just can't have it with these LA types.

Oh, and the fine will be paid for in full, don't you worry sweetheart. Heh, I'd ask you out, but I know you cop types are married to the job. I'd know, I was a Captain in the Navy after all.

Do me a favor though, tell officer Friendly there to relax a bit. He might burst a vein or something.

Have an excellent day, Chief Mori! Expect my payment to be delivered to the issuing officer in the following hours.

PS: Can't wait to meet you in person.

Malcolm Haynes

[Communications Link Terminated]

RE: To: Malcolm Haynes | Violation of Liberty Law - Etaphreven - 03-07-2017

[Communications Link Established]

[CommID]: Malcolm Haynes
[To]: Officer Friendly, Liberty Police Inc.

The credits for the fine have been wired to the specified account. Go get yourself something nice, will ya? I suggest a sense of humor.

Malcolm Haynes

[Communications Link Terminated]