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Union of Federated Zoners aka Zoner Federation - Printable Version

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Union of Federated Zoners aka Zoner Federation - Greg Galiztin - 03-12-2017

Greetings Starfarers,

Despite their well known neutrality, Zoners are finding themselves being targeted and hunted by various groups simply because these groups or individuals believe the Zoners are easy meat.

There have been numerous incidents of CORE operatives who, in the light of day, would happily land on Zoner controlled bases and Freeports to barter, trade or sell and then stalk and kill lone Zoner ships from the shadows of space. Honorless, nefarious dogs.

After having lost so many of our brethren, some of us have decided to act.

With the conclusion of a meeting held on Freeport 11 we hereby announce the creation of the Union of Federated Zoners or more simply referred to as the Zoner Federation.

The Federation will work towards the creation and maintenance of a Zoner Combat Flotilla dedicated to:

a. The defence of all Zoners everywhere
b. The continued combating of the Nomad threat
c. The forging of co-operation between like minded factions
d. The upholding of the ideals and aspirations of those who brave the void.

The officer currently elected to lead the flotilla has placed his Flag onboard =/\=Warhammer. All Zoners wishing to join this enterprise can seek out current Federation members in space. Federation ships will carry the prefix tag =/\=

Safe travels to all. May fortune follow you.

RE: Union of Federated Zoners aka Zoner Federation - Swallow - 03-12-2017

Hello mate. I would like to say that most likely you would find resistance from community for doing this kind of faction. Most likely it will cause drama and you will become famous.
Anyways, I'd like to mention that Zoners are basically freelancers (and no one is into making freelancer federation so far), in my opinion people who are treating Zoners as a faction are a bit wrong.
You see, for instance, if I'd be a Zoner, I'd most likely be rather selfish, and care of myself, maximum - my family and friends. The point of being Zoner is having such a freedom, freedom to be selfish and not obligated with faction bonds.
I doubt Zoners will form an army for some reasons:
1. They must get paid from other Zoner individuals to protect them.
2. If they are funded by Zoners, then every Zoner is potentially to be responsible for Zoner military wing actions.
3. Responsibility means that Zoners as a whole are involved, their freedom and neutrality as individuals is now restricted.
4. The above means that Zoners are to be treated as one faction not each of them as a separate individual. All across Sirius.
5. This makes every Zoner to be responsible for every other Zoner action without considering their relationships and be potentially threatened and have their freedoms compromised.

RE: Union of Federated Zoners aka Zoner Federation - Greg Galiztin - 03-12-2017

Hi Swallow,

Thank you for your feedback. Its appreciated. Dont quite agree tho.

A small group of ppl from an existing community deciding to take a certain course of action does not obliged the entire community to do likewise nor make them responsible nor place a financial responsibility upon them. I could name you a dozen real life instances to support my view point but would rather not.

Also, there are already Zoner groups operating within the game that has caused no ill will nor friction.

Lastly, within the spirit of role play, if a community that is non aligned should start finding its members victims of attack would it not respond with some form of defensive or militaristic action. That is all we are doing. Responding in role play. We believe its on such a small and localised front that it will not impact the role play direction of the server in any way.

However, keeping your concerns in view, should the admins decide they would rather not allow the formation of a localised Zoner defence force we will certainly abide by that.

Safe journeys always

RE: Union of Federated Zoners aka Zoner Federation - Laura C. - 03-12-2017

(03-12-2017, 09:29 AM)Greg Galiztin Wrote: b. The defence of all lawful traders and travellers within Zoner space

There are two problems with this. First, as far as I know there is nothing like "Zoner space" except for little No fire Zones around Zoner bases. Second, Zoner ID does not allow to escort or defend non-Zoner ships
(03-02-2015, 10:45 PM)The Angels Wrote: Pilot carrying this quasi-lawful ID is a Zoner, who:

- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect another Zoner ship, or in defense of Zoner bases.

RE: Union of Federated Zoners aka Zoner Federation - Greg Galiztin - 03-12-2017

Hi Laura C,

Thank you for the feedback.

I will admit I did believe that systems that were 'heavy' with Zoner presence were, by default, Zoner systems. I see your point that there is, in actuality, no such thing.

I would like to say that (b. The defence of all lawful traders and travellers within Zoner space) was drafted with our experience from the Freeport 11 event where many individual Zoners, myself included, did roll out to defend the various trade ships that made the run to FP11 and thereafter to Corinth. The fact that the Angels state that Zoners can act in defence of other Zoners does not preclude them from acting in defence of non Zoners as the FP11 event demonstrated. You may say that that had been intention of the event and I would agree with you completely.

As such, I hope you understand why I disagree with your 2nd point (Second, Zoner ID does not allow to escort or defend non-Zoner ships). I believe, and it was demonstrated many many times during the event, that Zoners can and should defend others if the circumstances are 'correct'.

Safe journeys always

RE: Union of Federated Zoners aka Zoner Federation - Petitioner - 03-12-2017

(03-12-2017, 01:14 PM)Greg Galiztin Wrote: As such, I hope you understand why I disagree with your 2nd point (Second, Zoner ID does not allow to escort or defend non-Zoner ships). I believe, and it was demonstrated many many times during the event, that Zoners can and should defend others if the circumstances are 'correct'.
The Zoner ID underwent a couple temporary alterations, including a (very brief) nonspecific loosening of all ID rules in Delta, for the duration of the Zoner/Core conflict there - at least, while said conflict was still active. While some players are more chill than others about people violating ID rules to do things which make good roleplay sense for their characters to do (such as a Zoner defending a Freelancer they were convoying with, as one example), such a thing would still be against the strictures of the ID, and thus, the rules. Making a faction based even partly around ensuring the safety of non-Zoners from harm, and operating on the Zoner ID, is a surefire way to get yourself slapped by the admins.

I don't say this to discourage you; in fact, I'd love to see a group of Zoners devoted to one particular region (like, say, Delta, perhaps its surrounding systems). I think highly localized factions are the bomb dot com. However, you seem to be a new player, and I don't want to see you punished for inadvertently breaking the rules in the pursuit of creativity.

RE: Union of Federated Zoners aka Zoner Federation - Greg Galiztin - 03-12-2017


Thank you for the feedback.

Ahh yes. The ID restrictions were loosened for the event. Thus you and Laura making those points. I see now.

I shall edit the original post and remove the (b. The defence of all lawful traders and travellers within Zoner space) entry.

Thank you everyone for your invaluable feedback. Sincerely appreciated.

Safe journeys always