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To: Kuchisake-onna | From: Kakuzu Oshiro - Printable Version

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To: Kuchisake-onna | From: Kakuzu Oshiro - Traxit - 03-16-2017

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[Image: FTB5eKy.jpg]

To: Kuchisake-onna
From: Agent Kakuzu Oshiro
Subject: Interest in Atum's Battalion


I hope you remember me from our introduction while I was on my journey to check up on Order activity near Liberty. Our discussion hit some critical points in how the Order has deviated from its initial agenda... and I wholeheartedly agree with every matter we have talked. I have given it some thought and concluded that I am ready to make a change in my life.

I have informed my Commanding Officer that I shall be leaving the Omicron regime to operate in Liberty's outskirts. Took some convincing but I managed to make him discharge me from the regime. As such, I am now officially a freelancing agent, and I shall be making my way to Atum once I have concluded all of my businesses on Taba.

Once I arrive at Atum, I should be ready to take on my first assignment readily. The time to change and prove that the Order has not entirely strayed from its agenda is now.

Jaa ne!

Kakuzo Oshiro
Order Agent,
Order Secondary Fleet

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RE: To: Kuchisake-onna | From: Kakuzu Oshiro - Apollon - 03-16-2017

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Adressed to: Agent Kakuzu Oshiro
Sender: 'Kuchisake-onna'
Subject: RE: Interest in Atum's Battalion

Frankly, I did not expect to hear from you, agent Oshiro. I thought that you were just a random agent, aimless with no goal, but perhaps I was mistaken. Nonetheless, It is pleasant to know that we share the same ideals and perspective on the Order's general situation. But hopefully, we can mend it with our own blood, sweat, and tears. With your assistance.

The Omicrons are a whole different region when compared to Inverness and House space, the show of blunt and brute force may do the job in the Omicrons, but conduct method here is distinct. Stealth and covert operations are the go-to methods of handling problems and situations, a show of force and overt operations will only jeopardize the mission or get you killed. Likely both. If you believe that you're able to adapt to such changes and perform with full capabilities, then welcome aboard.

That said, I have your first task ready at hand for you to undertake once you're all set up on Atum. We have a lack of knowledge and information regarding the surrounding systems, the system of Drake specifically. I have attached the mission details below, take a look at them. You may be accompanied by a Providence operative, depending on the availability. Do something impressive, and you might not just stick to be a regular secondary fleet agent. Good luck, Kakuzu Oshiro.


Director, PCV-Providence
Task Force Providence

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RE: To: Kuchisake-onna | From: Kakuzu Oshiro - Traxit - 03-16-2017

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[Image: FTB5eKy.jpg]

To: Kuchisake-onna
From: Agent Kakuzu Oshiro
Subject: Drake system survey; complete.


I have done as you have asked and did a survey of the system. At first, I had to ask personnel onboard Atum to figure out how to get into the system. Secondly, I had to survive jumping through, which was no simple feat, not at all.

After I had jumped through, I got greeted by two fighter patrols and a "Scorpion" gunboat firing razors at me. Also, there were four weapon platforms (See; Newcastle Jump Hole) shooting and launching missiles at me. The dangers of this system almost shred my hull to pieces. Luckily I have my trusty Nephthys which survived the great blows it consumed. An Onuris would've blown straight up, and I might as well be dead hours ago. Terrible advice to use such a fragile ship, Kuchisake-onna, you will be sending recruits to their deaths.
Flying through Drake was dangerous seventy percent of the time. Fighter patrols and "Scorpion" gunboats sneaking up on you while you are taking guncam shots of planets and entities. A terrorful journey I had flying through that system.

Now to the point, in surveying I have found and scanned six planets, all of them seem to have the same Energy Readings. Also, I have discovered two Wild outposts in the vicinity of a seemingly significant Anomaly.
This Anomaly seems to be the centre of all the activity in the system. Energy Readings are spiking up whilst being near it. Also, the Anomaly rests at the belly of an alien Jump Gate, which would imply that the Jump Gate had released a massive energy wave and it is currently gathering up energy. The Energy Readings on all the planets' surface is the same that comes from the Anomaly. I have no idea what would that mean as I am no scientist.
The Anomaly is heavily guarded, with two Wild outposts near it and almost a dozen weapon platforms in the vicinity, this would directly mean that the Wild are defending it with great purpose.

There's another alien Jump Gate in the system, west of the purple gas giant, but it seems broken and ruined. Strangely enough, it has active weapon platforms around it.
Lastly, I have found a Jump Hole while I was exploring the asteroid field, it has four weapon platforms safeguarding it from intruders, as it leads to Newcastle. Though it brings you into a stranded, freezing corner of the system. he emits a shiver

That would be all, and I am confident that I have covered the majority of the system, I am going to attach all of my guncams with brief descriptions now.

Jaa ne!

Attachments: Guncams

Kakuzo Oshiro
Order Agent,
Order Secondary Fleet

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RE: To: Kuchisake-onna | From: Kakuzu Oshiro - Apollon - 03-16-2017

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[Image: WW6Ou9b.png]

Adressed to: Kakuzu Oshiro
Sender: Director Aoi Kunieda
Subject: Re: Drake system survey; complete.

Exactly what I needed, Oshiro-san. Allow me to congratulate you for getting in and out of the system alive, even though I suppose it was not very difficult for you. Anyhow, the information and visual feed you've provided will prove to be very useful for our future operations, you have my personal thanks.

That said, I have a few comments to make. The reason we recommended the 'Onuris' light fighter was for its mobile advantage over the other order fighters, it's a ship built specifically for recon and interception to endure the risk of going into hostile space. The point in reconnaissance is not to move in and survive with the toughest hull, but to move in, get what's required and get out. Undetected, and unharmed. As for the damaged and ruined Nomad Jump gate, it is the aftermath of an Order operation conducted by the Primary Fleet into the system that resulted in its destruction. A costly operation, it was.

Your effort is greatly appreciated, Kakuzu Oshiro. Not only you've given us important information about the system, but you've also passed the trial to be part of the bigger fight. You are hereby transferred to Task Force Providence, the paperwork is being done as we speak. Welcome to Providence, Recruit.

Oh. And you may call me Kunieda now.


Aoi Kunieda
Director, PCV-Providence
Task Force Providence

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RE: To: Kuchisake-onna | From: Kakuzu Oshiro - Traxit - 03-16-2017

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To: Kunieda-dono
From: Recruit Kakuzu Oshiro
Subject: Thanks


I am much grateful for being enlisted into the Task Force. My enthusiasm cannot express itself how joyous I am to be serving a greater meaning. Finally, I can feel like I am doing something with a meaning and not some mindless slaughter in the Omicrons.

The reconnaissance was rather easy in itself, and it is just the information gathering I had difficulty with because I was under small fire by Wild patrols. And while I agree with your statement about using the "Onuris", It still doesn't change that I would've blown up to pieces if I were to use it. Nevertheless, I got the job done, and that's what matters.

I should be ready with my Nephthys on Atum with the proper callsign, willing to serve the Task Force yet again. I eagerly await our co-op operations.

Kakuzu, out.

Kakuzo Oshiro
Task Force Providence

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