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Nomad Models - Sombs - 03-18-2017

I think we all look forward to see them playable already. I've seen screenshots from Laz that they are done so far and just need their selling points. In theory. But I guess there is something else as well, as that would have been the least problem. So how exactly is the status of the new nomad models? (Labraid, Adad, Nammu, Irra, Marduk)

And what can we do to help with the progress? Because everything that is not a Rabisu or an Adad is currently very underwhelming PvP-wise, with the Nammu for example only useable as mini-cruiser to kite bigger ships and so far and so on. What needs to be done?

RE: Nomad Models - eigos - 03-18-2017

As far as I know, Haste said he's implementing them (although a little belated).

Also, remember to put the nom turret models Yuri made as well. They look absolutely stunning - tentacles, spikes, all we really need for that type of... player on player activity. I've lost the screenshots. Gotta poke Yuri to send them again.

RE: Nomad Models - Sombs - 03-18-2017

To be fair, I care less about the turrets but about a certain variety of Nammu weaponry. The cruiser turrets on the Nammu are nice and all that, but only three of them hit the target most of the time. Thanks to the rather big shape of the Nammu, it's too big of a target to win a duel against a cerb gunboat, for example. The only good thing about it is the very rare-to-use forward gun. Something you'll never be able to use in a group fight or against other gunboats but only to kite battleships and slowpoke cruisers. I'd rather see nomad equivalents of Razors and gunboat missiles rather than having a gunboat that is technically only useful against capitals.

Would make the balancing of events more easier, as when you sign up a nomad gunboat against a human gunboat, you can be sure the human gunboat will win the fight, if it's not a total dumb pilot that manouvers itself infront of the FWG.

RE: Nomad Models - eigos - 03-18-2017

Well, whoever is leading the nomad faction, post a concise request for the weapons needed, get in touch with the balance team to work out the numbers together and praise Nyx or Danny to create the FX. All the rest is INI work that even I can do (only for the weapons). Base sellpoints are a little more hassle.

P.S. create a table and put every nom cap gun/turret in it, put the new ones at the bottom of it. It is going to create transparency and make the process easier.

RE: Nomad Models - Sombs - 03-18-2017

I'll Foxglove will do that as soon as possible. Smile