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Planet New London, Wellington Base, Fleet Admirals Office, 0800 Hours - Printable Version

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Planet New London, Wellington Base, Fleet Admirals Office, 0800 Hours - AlphaWolf215 - 05-09-2017

Michelle had pulled up the necessary files already, paper copies sitting upon her desk. After her trip to Darlington, she had seen first hand the Alien presence. It concerned her that after all this time, they still posed a threat to the people of Bretonia.

Admiral Norma Peters Clark was the first to arrive. She headed the 11th Grimsby Research Fleet. Fleet, hah. O'Brians predecessors had insisted on calling it one of Her Majesty's Great Fleets, but it operated more like a battlegroup at best. Still, it was an important part of the Armed Forces. Kept the gears turning, and protected from threats that brute force couldn't quite overcome, not that brute force was really an option these days. Clark took a seat, not bothering to take one of the files she herself had composed for the meeting, on request of the Fleet Admiral.

Michelle checked her watch, they were still running to schedule.

RE: Planet New London, Wellington Base, Fleet Admirals Office, 0800 Hours - Kaze - 05-10-2017

There was a knock on the door, and after the standard three seconds wait, the door opened and Commodore Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon entered, still in her black combat flight suit. With a quick, but sharp salute to both women present, she spoke.

"Fleet Admiral. Admiral." She nodded to both women in greeting. "I must apologize for the fault in my attire. I just arrived from Leeds."

With a nod from O'Brian to be at ease, Kaze relaxed her stance and sat in one of the chairs, excusing herself from picking up the files, waiting for the beginning of the meeting. Activating her wrist-pad, she started to review the hourly reports of the York Fleet.

RE: Planet New London, Wellington Base, Fleet Admirals Office, 0800 Hours - SMI-Great.Fox - 05-11-2017

A long slur of noises began to sound from the hallway as the door was grabbed by a hand before it closed, fulling pulling it open once more to the chatter of several voices coming from a singular source until a pair of people came in. One walking backwards holding a small screen while the other pointed a finger at it still trying to adjust her uniform. "I said no Leftenant Brodures, we will not attack the Hood for what happened until I discuss such with the Fleet Admiral! Leftenant Duart, I want you to bring up my old contact book for Henderson. Yes that Henderson. And inform Captain Rogers of the Essex I want two squads of his best to be on standby for the next four hours. No, that is not up for debate! Now do it." With a heavy grumble, Admiral Wildcat took a hold of one of the chairs from the desk and hastily pulled it out, taking a seat as Lt. Wildcat handed down a data slate and a small bottle of water. "Calm yourself sis before yahs have a stroke. Sheesh. Oh and sorry Miss O'Brian, things went to hell about thirty minutes ago."

Evyn reached over and unscrewed the cap before taking a long sip from it, holding her head for a few moments before looking over. "Apologies Admiral O'Brian. We can discuss the matter in Dublin after this if needed be. Commodore Dagon it's good to see you again, I'm not sure if you met my personal secretary Lt. Commander Feya Wildcat. She's pretty much the humor when I'm not in a cheery mood. And I wish to have your input on the matter as well that was being discussed a moment ago after talks here conclude."

RE: Planet New London, Wellington Base, Fleet Admirals Office, 0800 Hours - Kaze - 05-11-2017

Nodding in greeting, Kaze raised an eyebrow at the last sentence, foreseeing a delicate situation in hands.

"I have read the report." With a quick movement, she set up a meeting in her scheduler. "1400 today, Essex?"

Seven different scenarios were already being drawn in her mind, ranging from taking the Hood by force to assigning a strike group to the Leeds jumphole in Dublin. In War, there can only be one setting. Relentlessness.

RE: Planet New London, Wellington Base, Fleet Admirals Office, 0800 Hours - Gagadug. - 05-11-2017

[Image: great_gatsby_tom_buchanan.jpg]

Nearly unnoticed the door opened once more offering the view on the personal secretary of McIntire who followed once his secretary stepped aside.
The Admiral apparently did not have the best of days, his face expressing deep tiredness. He just had a meeting with the XO of the Macduff fleet concerning a restructuring of one of her battlegroups when the urgent message of O'Brian arrived.
He made his way to the seat on the opposite of the Fleet Admiral without saying a word, his secretary taking position right behind him.
Only then he let his eyes wander through the room and over the present officers, nodding in their general direction while the secretary placed the relevant documents in front of him.

Good evening Madam. With a look at O'Brian, then turning to the others. Wildcat, Dagon. His eyes rested on Dagon for a moment and he nodded again, this time barely noticable, as if he wanted to signalize he had recieved her last message, even if it had not been too informative as of yet.

He then turned his attention back to the Fleet Admiral, a slight smile hushing over his face.

RE: Planet New London, Wellington Base, Fleet Admirals Office, 0800 Hours - Victor Steiner - 05-11-2017

Damn damn damn He thought as he hurried his way through the building, past the various clerks and security staff that were in his way Fifteen fething minutes late! In front of the fething fleet admiral! and Dagon...And McIntire......And Wildcat...FETH! He charged through the last security checkpoint before reaching the desk of the PA of the Admiral who looked at him, disapproval on her face. You're late....fifteen minutes late it seems...not a good look
He walked over to the desk I am aware, may I go in?
You may, but to try and calm down a little beforehand, it's so unbecoming of men to appear stressed don't you know? She replied in a condescending voice
Do you know how unbecoming it is of paperpushers to make comments like that? he snapped back before straightening his uniform and opening the door.

He saw, much to his horror, that he was indeed the last member of this meeting to arrive. The others looked up, he saw Wildcat's ears twitch as she looked at him, although her face betrayed nothing. Admiral McIntire was clearly tired, and thus not impressed at his late arrival. Dagon was even less impressed, although she was hardly surprised. Clark was new to Victor, but even she was hardly thrilled at the idea of waiting longer than she should. Finally came O'Brian, who had a stern look on her face. The face many speculated about, but few ever saw. Oh Sacred feth he thought as he let the door close behind him. He was pretty sure he could hear the PA snicker outside.

Leftenant Commander Victor Steiner. He said coming to a quick salute I apologise for my lateness, it was not intended Given the room was full of his superiors, he thought it best to wait for their lead.

RE: Planet New London, Wellington Base, Fleet Admirals Office, 0800 Hours - SMI-Great.Fox - 05-11-2017

"No Commodore. It has to be after this meeting while we are present with Admiral O'Brian. I made a red line ages ago for Dublin and I've put up with Mollies, this incident crossed it. So no." Evyn paused as the doors opened again, watching Admiral McIntire walk in, "Good to see you McIntire. Glad you could make it. And it seems the good Leftenant Steiner is late again. Feya you are to be outside f..." Her sentence was cut off as the doors opened again, showing the lieutenant in a mess as he gave his salute. "I'll dismiss myself til I'm needed sis."

With a nod Evyn turned back towards O'Brian, giving a bit of a cough as and takes another sip from her bottle."Alright. May I be the first to ask why you called us in as soon as we could even breathe O'Brian?"

RE: Planet New London, Wellington Base, Fleet Admirals Office, 0800 Hours - AlphaWolf215 - 06-19-2017

Mr Steiner, so glad you could join us.

She poke dryly, it was disappointing. He was a promising officer, that's why they pushed him hard, but his tardiness needed to be resolved. Regardless, she pointed at the remaining seat, and pushed one of the paper files across the desk at him.

Wildcat, I've called you here urgently because I found out a matter of hours ago, that Mr Steiner here was sworn into the Official Secrets Act. Why am I only just hearing about this. Why have my command staff failed to inform me on something like this? How much more am I unaware of?

She paused, taking a few breaths as she looked at the assembled officers sternly

Other than reprimanding you, we have a real concern here. Something I want to see fixed at our earliest convenience. We have the Gauls knocking on our door, so resources are limited, but the alien structure in Newcastle has moved, hence your being here Admiral McIntire. As regional commander I want your input alongside Admiral Clarks.

The structure now hangs above Planet Darlington, and the Grimsby is holding at a safe distance. We NEED to remove this. A short while ago I made the decision to reveal the existence of this alien structure to our allies, and call for their help. I stand by that decision, and suggest that we look to them for aid in the complete and total annihilation of the structure. Nothing is to remain. We will not put the people of Bretonia at any further risk.

I invite you all to add your own comments to the discussion.

RE: Planet New London, Wellington Base, Fleet Admirals Office, 0800 Hours - Kaze - 06-19-2017

Kaze perused the file. A noticeable activity from outsider organizations was key. Sunderland was an expenditure of men and money that did not produced any result of note. And now Bretonia had a problem that should have been dealt years ago. She closed her file as others were still reading it.

"Ma'am." She placed her bionic hand resting on top of the file. "While I do support what I call scorched earth approach to anything nomad or infected related, what allies are you speaking, specifically?"

Keep an eye on your enemy. Keep the other on your friends. Liberty, Council, etc., were without a doubt in that list. And that brought problematic variables to this specific situation.

RE: Planet New London, Wellington Base, Fleet Admirals Office, 0800 Hours - SMI-Great.Fox - 06-28-2017

"I thought for sure that I had the Leftenant send you my paperwork on the matter ages ago.. unless sh...." A few moments of thought came to her head before a tempered sigh escaped her mists, looking back towards the doorway. "I'll doublecheck on that after the meeting concludes. Now then.." Several moments more had passed as she skimmed over the details of the operation before reeling back in a slight bit of shock.

"O'Brian you CAN'T be serious about this? The scale of this and all the eyes watching, you know the public will find out about this structure destroyed and will start asking questions moments after we return to dock. We'd have to ensure a total destruction. No remains. Nothing left. We can't jeopardize this to chance if we get others involved. You know all we get involved will want samples of anything left."