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My heart goes to all - Printable Version

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My heart goes to all - Terroruk - 05-23-2017

Sorry to see the Manchester Arena in UK.

At least 22 dead and 59 injured in suicide attack at Manchester Arena attack.
“My heart goes out to families who have lost loved ones, My thoughts are with all those affected."
my admiration to our brave emergency services. A terrible night in Manchester.

RE: My heart goes to all - Shelco - 05-23-2017

We should change our profile pictures to britain flags... Cant wait for ISIS to go down.

RE: My heart goes to all - Foxglove - 05-23-2017

It will not end with ISIS's defeat.

Btw, I think this is a case of political content, which is not allowed on the forums, because it'd just give the community something to fight over. We're here for a game, and politics can be discussed anywhere else. Pleas, guys.