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Harvester TAG in 4.85 - Printable Version

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Harvester TAG in 4.85 - Primus Avatar - 01-07-2009

Are there any plans on giving harvesters their own tag?
Maybe add some missions against zoners on Gammu?

Same for SCRA ofc. Its weird seing Xenos as coalition. Or junkers terminating all zoner presence.

IF not, will we be given fixed rep by admins like the Keepers?

Harvester TAG in 4.85 - Drake - 01-07-2009

Coalition is getting their own tag, but I highly doubt the Harvesters are. It takes a lot to get your own ID, and tags even more. I'm guessing it really only happens if Igiss decides that the group deserves a permanent, important position in the mod's storyline (for all servers, not just Disco RP).

Harvester TAG in 4.85 - kindred - 01-07-2009

Last i saw the Harvesters were suspended from being a official faction by Del so I'd say the iff has no chance.

Harvester TAG in 4.85 - Elvin - 01-07-2009

Well, I think that the chance of getting the IFF for Harvesters is practically non-existant. But as was said above, it's because Iggis have to decide the faction which is getting IFF should be part of the mod (not only the server) for the time being, and currently, I belive Harvesters were kinda... too inactive... give it another year. It's not like HArvesters are bad, but the situation is as it is.

Harvester TAG in 4.85 - kindred - 01-07-2009

Found the post :

' Wrote:I have put this off for some time to really give some factions the chance to improve their activity. But it has come to pass that some factions have not done this, as such the following factions who have already been notified about the possibility of being suspended, are now having that effect put on them.

In accordance with server rules you have 14 days to maintain activity at an appropriate level. If activity plummets again after these fourteen days, i.e. it is just an attempt to maintain official status, then the status will be removed anyway.

I do this with apologies to all who play in these factions, but I cannot ignore this issue any longer.

Factions Suspended:


Rheinland Federal Police

Bretonia Mining and Minerals

Jupiter Guild

Hellfire Legion

Please PM me with any issues, thank you.

Harvester TAG in 4.85 - Geisha_Maiko - 01-07-2009

We had some chatter also in this thread as well.

"""Today I was told that there is a message of the Harvester clan being Suspended.

It took me a great while to find it, as the message is not pinned.

I do not see how the claim that Harvesters aren't around can be justified when earlier this month, 2 of them were sent to the Bastil, followed by a third, after an attack on New York.

I also can not see how this claim can be justified since there has been messages sent in reply to :
"Would the Leaders of the following Factions contact me via forum or Skype. There are a number of factors that need discussion
Harvesters,BMM,Hessian Tears,Rhineland,Federal Police"


I am helping the Harvesters send a reply to the Admins of this server. We are currently gathering logs and data, to support our statements in the DRAFT of the letter. The draft is not done.
It will take a moment of time to compile and send to the Admins. It will take another moment of time for the Admins to read and discuss and reply back.

Then the counter reply, etc,etc,etc.....until the whole process is worked out.
By that time or SOONER (i hope) ScornStar will be back online. If he is not, i'll reformat his harddrive from remote as payback for the aggravation of dumping all these problems on me.

For 4.85 :
Yes,---- Harvesters will still be around.
Yes,---- Harvesters have Issues with the new 4.85 ID and ships and blah, blah. I am not equipped to get into a deep discussion of 'whats wrong with 4.85'. ScornStar can deal with that headache.
Yes--- SOME Harvesters have moved to another game server, where they are on.
HOWEVER, there are other Harvesters units (some being the same players) that are still on Disco.
Harvesters will still be on Disco game server until things have reached a point of non-playability.

LASTLY, this is the Holiday season. Not all of us game geeks are going to beplanted on our computers 24 hours a day. Some of us have children, families, jobs and real lives to attend to.

This NewYears, I hope to get drunk off my kimonos and if i am lucky ,when i wake up, i'll be able to remember my own name. (Humor)

SO....All you HARVESTERS Players out there.....just hang in there a few more and things will get sorted out.
Meanwhile, check the Harvesters Private forums for updates and news.""

I am very disappointed in the Admins at this time. I contact them. We even had a raid on NewYork and there has been more than enough Harvesters put in the Bastile without sanctions reports, for the Admins to know that the Harvesters are still around.

I find the timing of this EXTREMELY odd.

Scorn has lead an uphill battle ''vs'' the Admins for the faction almost on day one, plus more fights / discussions about thier own ships and tag.

The very least, an AI tag would be nice. I seen some of the skype logs and IM and emails.
Needless to say, the Scorn to Admins discussions have been very heated at times.

Most of the Admins already know that Scorn's internet is off line and he is away for the holidays.
As for the Harvester players, they too have family and holidays to spend the timing of Suspending the Harvesters leaves much to be desired.

So....will the Harvesters have ships and tags in 4.85??? I do not know at this time.
I predict that 4.85, while it has more space systems and more ships....will completely bomb because of all the red tape and what feels like thousands of rules.

At this point , I am not sure what needs to be done next.
Non-stop raiding of NewYork and New Berlin ? Perhaps that will generate enough complaints and coms that some of the Admins will see that --Hey, Harvesters are still around and we made them mad.

If the Harvesters are no longer offical, then we are no longer bound by the faction rules set forth.
I am not seeing the down side to that. Personally, becoming official has gained the Harvesters very little : A message dump and a place to offically recruit.

Judging from the GC clan, skype can do the same job.

As for the war against Zoners....I am told the Admins had asked the Harvester to retake up the give the Zoners an Enemy....this was done in change for some of the things the Harvesters had asked for, but some of the Admins were dead set against.

I ,personally, didn't support nor like the Zoner war idea. The Rp was lacking and it was JUST ONE MORE enemy that the Harvesters had to deal with. It's bad enough that waring factions will stop shooting at each other , just to tag team vs Harvesters. If things are going to be that way, then the Admins just as well just the Harvesters TERRORISTS ID and be done with it.

Harvester TAG in 4.85 - kindred - 01-07-2009

Geisha_Maiko you should remove the green color from that text, it is reserved for admin posts/edits only.

Harvester TAG in 4.85 - Kambei - 01-07-2009

What exactly is RP of Harvesters now?

I was first zoner (Jawaharlal) which killed one of you long time ago when it was only Scorn and few more, in those days it was nice RP and fun. Harvesters had 1 talarca and rest was in VHFs/S-VHFs. Than I had break from disco few months and when I've camed back, there were only Talarcas doing mess in NY - no difference from sair capwhores doig same sh*t in first weaks of 4.84.

Im realy disapointed from you guys.

sugestions into future, till we are still in 4.84:

- visible activity
- use more kinds of ships
- dont be stucked at NY and Liberty (Jesus Christ it looks like NY is Mekka of everything... I say bleh)
- make your RP known to all (goals, ways to reach them etc. etc.)

Harvester TAG in 4.85 - Eternal - 01-07-2009

There is an official Harvester , factionalised ship submitted for the next mode made by Jinx. Also there was an ID in the new ID's topic but it was SO SEVERLY nerfed that it unacceptable by us. The admin team has been very unhelpful with the Harvester faction and I realy think that they don't want the Harvesters in this server. Zero tolerance from the admin team is rarely seen , but this one of those times I guess.

Almost every , if not every , request made by Scornstar , who has posted it with alot of effort and story behind it , has been shot down unceremonial by the admins with little explanation.

Harvester TAG in 4.85 - Geisha_Maiko - 01-07-2009

Yeah, it does seem that way.


I do not know the whole story. I wasn't present during any of the skype or emails or IM conversations. I have some logs to read that were sent to the Harvesters private forums.

I am HOPING the Scorn's life gets back on track and he can rejoin us soon.....maybe in time to straighten this out.

If not, then the Harvesters will just reboot and go forward with whatever modification that the 4.85 is needed.

I see it's pretty much required to be Guard rep to get anything bigger than a smaller ship--so the Harvesters will just have to host Rep Building days, to get those members into their cruisers , that want to be bigger ships.

As for Kambei's comments: Post in Harvester Feedback , input is being saved and is reviewed.
As for the smaller ships, there is a few around. But for the most part, Harvesters were ran over and punked to death by Battleships from other clans.
So, Harvesters grew and adapted to what was being given to them.