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To: Hauptmann Alex Jaegar ; From: That trader with the crystals, mate. - Printable Version

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To: Hauptmann Alex Jaegar ; From: That trader with the crystals, mate. - Spectre - 06-04-2017

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[Image: 577ce965fc45faccf3f10b6667e38d66.jpg]

Comm ID]: Benjamin Riley Cannuck - D.S.V. Halifax
Receiver ID]: Hauptmann Alex Jaegar - Red Hessian Army

Subject]: That deal, mate.

Priority]: N/A
Encryption]: Beta - Low

'ello again.

A tad late on this, but I guess it got through, so what's the harm, eh?

Throwin' ya that message through the net. Hopefully it'll keep the other mates of yours off me and my lads, and help yours in the long run.
Now, as for a payment, I'm just gonna throw out five million. Up to you if that's not gonna do it for ya.

Guess that'll do it for now. Drop a line here if you're still alive an' interested in makin' this a thing.

Stay safe out there, mate.

Best o' regards,
Benjamin Riley Cannuck

--[-Transmission Terminated-]--

RE: To: Hauptmann Alex Jaegar ; From: That trader with the crystals, mate. - Snoflek - 06-04-2017

[Image: 281zzpv.jpg]

[Image: 27D6C3D700000578-3050354-image-a-32_1429699600398.jpg]

It's good to hear from you, Herr Cannuck

I had almost given up hope of receiving this message. It is good that you have contacted me on this issue, so that we might come to a rather civil arrangement. As you are aware, the Armee relies quite heavily on donations and collections of the people of Sirius, in our struggle.

Your recent handover of funds was most beneficial to the army, and I'm glad it could go through without any further hassle. As for the terms of a more permanent arrangement, I've had a look over your offer and I'm afraid that the sum you suggested simply will not suffice.

I have prepared a few offers below, please browse through them at your leisure.

Offer 1: The Frequent Visitor

This offer assumes you will be transporting goods through Rheinland quite regularly, and so potentially coming into contact with my Hessian comrades, and other groups. With this Frequency of travel, and the potential profits factored in, a singular Monthly transfer of 50 Million Credits would ensure you for 30 Days of unhampered travel throughout Rheinland and the Omegas.

Offer 2: Case By Case

This offer assumes your trips through Rheinland to be quite infrequent, as such requiring far less logistics to oversee. Additionally it would be payed per visit, rather than per month, on a Basis of 1 Million Credits for each system visited, per visit to Rheinland.

Offer 3: Premium Travel

This offer assumes you do not only wish for unrestricted travel, but additionally desire the protection of the Armee during your time in Rheinland and the Omegas. For a Monthly rate of 120 Million Credits, the Red Hessians will be ready to not only grant you free travel through Rheinland, but additionally offer you protection from the Corrupt Military, Corporations and Pirate Scum.

- Please, look these offers over and let me know which you decide upon.

Hauptmann Alex Jaeger

[Image: kXeY6ES.jpg]

RE: To: Hauptmann Alex Jaegar ; From: That trader with the crystals, mate. - Spectre - 06-04-2017

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[Image: 577ce965fc45faccf3f10b6667e38d66.jpg]

Comm ID]: Benjamin Riley Cannuck - D.S.V. Halifax
Receiver ID]: Hauptmann Alex Jaegar - Red Hessian Army

Subject]: RE: That deal, mate.

Priority]: N/A
Encryption]: Beta - Low

'ello again.

Yea.. I guessed it wasn't gonna be enough. Not too good with these kinds of deals, really.. Still, it's good to know you haven't forgotten either.

I'm glad to hear the transfer is being put to good use. It's reassuring knowing that it's going to help a worthwhile cause like the Armee, and I'll definitely try to chip in when I can, mate.

Regarding the deal, I'm looking quite partial to the second one, the one you've titled as a 'Case by Case'. I don't usually travel through Rheinland often, and seeing as how this would be more palatable in the end, I'll sign my name next t' that one. Do let me know, if possible, where I can send what funds will need to be paid, and exactly which systems it will apply to. I'd hate to step on toes when I shouldn't.

Ya have a good one, mate.

Best o' regards,
Benjamin Riley Cannuck

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RE: To: Hauptmann Alex Jaegar ; From: That trader with the crystals, mate. - Snoflek - 06-05-2017

[Image: 281zzpv.jpg]

[Image: 27D6C3D700000578-3050354-image-a-32_1429699600398.jpg]

Thank for your swift response in regards to this transaction. The funds can be transferred to the RHA via direct transfer to the Jagdmeister account [RHA]Jagdmeister, from there it can be distributed further to the sections that need it. As you've asked, I feel comfortable sharing some of the uses for these funds. The Primary use will be the continued maintenance, fueling and rearming cost of Hessian Craft and Facilities, with secondary uses being to fund the multiple civil infrastructure programs we've undertaken for those individuals we've managed to liberate from Daumann and State Labor Camps.

The Systems in no particular order are: Hamburg,Bremen, New Berlin, Frankfurt,Munich, Stuttgart, Dresden, Koeln and The Entirety of the Omegas. However, the systems of Omega 54, and 47, are Off Limits.

Thank You for your Cooperation.


Hauptmann Alex Jaeger

[Image: kXeY6ES.jpg]