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Villa Fiume Caldo - Dominica Li Vecchi - 07-28-2017

Villa Fiume Caldo is a small town in itself, built around the residence of Donna Dominica Li Vecchi. Complex of buildings is including servant and guard housing, giant spa complex, several pools. Bakery and several other food production facilities are making Villa more or less autonomous. Personal atelier is providing Dominica with fashionable clothes. And a special occasion for pride, small private spaceport next to Villa. Engineers are just waiting for the arrival of a special armored transport with Donna Martelli on board.

[Image: ESb8tH2.jpg?1]

Meanwhile, Dominica is already waiting for her guest. It was quiet, but a very hot morning, Two days back Matelli asked for a meeting, so Dominica did not plan anything special for today. They knew each other from the young years, so she's not worrying whatsoever. Her own business is going really well and by now, she's probably richer than Martelli. Finally, she can see Martelli's transport landing as stormy clouds were covering the sky. Wide windows are allowing her to see everything that is happening for many kilometers around Villa. A few minutes after small motorcade is moving from the spaceport right to her Villa. The butler will accompany Сhristina here soon, Dominica only sighed, she doesn't like to wait.

RE: Villa Fiume Caldo - Skorak - 07-29-2017

It had been quite some time since Cristina had seen Dominica. They had both been very busy and ventured into different directions. Where Dominica's focus had always been on business and acquiring wealth and assets Cristina had always been more focused on what she deemed the right thing. She furthered Malta's reach and power more than her own but in the end it even lead her to achieve one of the, if not the, highest positions of power on Malta.
Even though those were doomed to not last forever they usually lead to a lifetime of comfort, wealth and power. Things Cristina had never expected to work out so well but she had hardly any reason at all to complain. Now that things were slowly calming down she had the time and it was time to strengthen her position with the support of other people with power on Malta. People like Dominica.

Her shuttle was escorted by to fighters and made its way to land on the designated landing pad close to the villa. She wore an elegant summer dress, coloured in a dark red. It suited her black hair well and all in all she seemed to come here as much for relaxation as for business. Her usually neutral expression was revealing a light smile. A good day now that those of revolution were left behind yet again.

She would enter a smaller vehicle and now was escorted by Dominica's personnel rather than her own. Luckily the way was short and she would arrive at her villa in no time. The butler there brought her straight to Dominica. As Cristina entered the room she was waiting in, she hid her smile. The curiosity to know how Dominica would react to their meeting was bigger than the wish to enjoy meeting her old friend.

RE: Villa Fiume Caldo - Dominica Li Vecchi - 07-31-2017

There she is, it's been a long time indeed. Dominica never had a good reason to actually miss Christina, but have a conversation with her is probably not the worst thing ever. Martelli looks not very confident and stayed to stay in observing position. Dominica is never afraid to take initiative in her hands and make a first turn. "Hello, Christina, long time no see. May I ask what brought you here in this beautiful morning?"

RE: Villa Fiume Caldo - Skorak - 08-01-2017

She was a bit surprised that Dominica didn't even get up to greet her but she'd accept it. Was she rude intentionally or just this relaxed with her? "Dominica, I'm glad to see you. I'm mostly here because of just that, we did not see each other in a long time." She said and would receive a seat from the person that had lead her here.

She'd planned to offer her some cooperation in regards to the business most Outcasts were involved in. The Fedelta crisis had cost her a great deal that she had yet to fully recover from. At least her position was returned to her and with it the associated rights. But that was hardly a topic to start a conversation with.

RE: Villa Fiume Caldo - Dominica Li Vecchi - 08-02-2017

Dominica is rising her eyebrows, then making sarcastic smile as her face clearly indicates that she's disappointed. Donna is turning her head a bit to the side and sighs audibly. Martelli gotta be kidding her, Dominica expected this person to become a professional at least at some degree. But what was that? Li Vecchi is turning her look at Martelli again. "Yeah, well, I was missing you too." She said in rather cold and not so friendly tone. "Please sit, attendants will come in a few."

RE: Villa Fiume Caldo - Skorak - 08-02-2017

Cristina was slightly confused but she did not show it. Had Dominica changed so much or had she herself? There seemed close to no happiness to at least meet an old friend. Did she just want to clear business and be done with it? Was it her position? Was it jealousy? She had no time to think about it too much right now and so she sat down with her.

So she decided to skip the niceties for now. "Thank you. Well and I came with offers. The powers shifting again is surely nothing you missed." She explained to her then.

RE: Villa Fiume Caldo - Dominica Li Vecchi - 08-04-2017

Dominica sighed even harder. "You know I'm not into the politics? You either came here to waste my time or having a proposal I couldn't decline. "

RE: Villa Fiume Caldo - Skorak - 08-11-2017

She took a deep breath and forced herself to keep calm. Why was she always so blunt and direct?

"I am well aware of what you chose to pick for a business. I believe you cannot avoid to stay out of politics entirely but I also don't intend to drag you into those. I was merely wanting to offer you a business opportunity. We would work together." She told her. Dominica on her side would strengthen her position further.

RE: Villa Fiume Caldo - Dominica Li Vecchi - 08-12-2017

Dominica nodded a bit to the side, rather showing that she's bored more than she's agreed with Cristina. "Work together? You want me to support you? And... what I will gain, exactly?"

RE: Villa Fiume Caldo - Skorak - 08-13-2017

This wasn't running anywhere close to as good as Cristina had hoped. What was up with Dominica these days?

"My access to our military and my own forces are far bigger than yours. Though your cardamine trades are vastly superior to my own. I don't quite get how you managed that." She explained. "I believe that supporting each other will only be to our benefit."