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Purpose of Power Spheres around Dur'Shirrkun - Printable Version

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Purpose of Power Spheres around Dur'Shirrkun - Praxor23 - 08-03-2017

Was wandering around Iota not to long ago and decided to take a few pot shots at the power spheres surrounding the base and found out they were destructible. Any idea what happens if they are all destroyed?

RE: Purpose of Power Spheres around Dur'Shirrkun - Epo - 08-03-2017

A fancy explosion, but nothing else. They return normal after some minutes.

RE: Purpose of Power Spheres around Dur'Shirrkun - Sombs - 08-03-2017


RE: Purpose of Power Spheres around Dur'Shirrkun - Shizune - 08-03-2017

(08-03-2017, 05:21 PM)Praxor23 Wrote: Was wandering around Iota not to long ago and decided to take a few pot shots at the power spheres surrounding the base and found out they were destructible. Any idea what happens if they are all destroyed?

I believe only Finn can awnser this question. Last I recalled, during the rework of the Nomad systems, it was Finn who designed the nomad city. I believe the original idea was suppose to be that they drop Azurite of some form, used in cloaks or something like that. All I recall is that the City was suppose to be a "Light" raid target for Azurite gas, at least thats what I understood from the two back when they were working on it.

Other then being destructible, they host no other function other then just destructible pieces of the city. If anything, I suggest you get in contact with either the K'Hara leader Huggie, his 2iC Nyx, or perhaps the Vag' Nomad leaders to see if you could make RP out of it. Idk if thats possible, but seeing as they have no other function, perhaps RP could be made to use them.

RE: Purpose of Power Spheres around Dur'Shirrkun - Arioch - 08-03-2017

Hey hey - uncle Finn here!

When I designed Dur, those originally were going to drop either Azurite gas or another commodity. There were even further plans for when you destroyed them all it would trigger an event, but sadly that was not implemented (yet).

As it stands, they serve as just a fun little addition to Dur.

I am surprised no one (at least that I have heard) has found the other little addition I added to the Dur model...

RE: Purpose of Power Spheres around Dur'Shirrkun - Toris (Old Account) - 08-03-2017

Quote:the other little addition I added to the Dur model...

OH! That one was well-hidden and very clever! If that's what I think.

RE: Purpose of Power Spheres around Dur'Shirrkun - Skorak - 08-03-2017

@Arioch do you mean this?

RE: Purpose of Power Spheres around Dur'Shirrkun - Arioch - 08-03-2017

Ha yep - that's it. That was originally going to be tied into the destruction of the Power Spheres, but... now it's just something purty to find/see. For now that is.