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ADMIN NOTICE - Fellow Hoodlum - 01-14-2009

Ok gentlemen, and you know who you are, because you are in Bastille, and when I get to finishing dealing
with the modding scum who crashed the server, I will get to the rest of you on the list ...

Sooo, eleven Bounty Hunter capital ships in Gamma ? Totally uninvited, and on the pretext of 'hunting bounties.'
For all of your screaming about not breaking the rules, and the Bounty Hunters having loads of cash, so they get
big ships, you have entirely missed the point of this server, and its 'fun' ...
It ain't fun for anyone else boys, when you take a capital fleet in, to gank what you expect to be fighters ...
This server ain't about that, or have you entirely missed the point of it, this is not a 'kill all PvP server', there
are plenty of those still out there if thats your bag, but this ain't one of them ...
Why is it always Bounty Hunters, and why is it always capitals ships ? You just spoil it for everyone else.
I had numerous complaints hit my skype messaging pages, and on top of that I was trying to find out who just
crashed the server, so excuse me for being a light on humour this evening.
Do not do it ... Work out a raid with the Corsairs in advance if all you want to do is fly big ships, so they can put
up a reasonable defence force, but if this happens again, you will all be back in Starfliers ...
Are we all quite clear now ?
You will there for a least a couple of days till this is discussed by the rest of the team not involved tonight.


ADMIN NOTICE - UBICA - 01-14-2009

' Wrote:
Do not do it ... Work out a raid with the Corsairs in advance if all you want to do is fly big ships, so they can put
up a reasonable defence force, but if this happens again, you will all be back in Starfliers ...
Are we all quite clear now ?


or perhaps we should all first ask a permission from corsairs if we can attack them????...

I just want to know,for the future times.....

ADMIN NOTICE - Xoria - 01-14-2009

' Wrote:or perhaps we should all first ask a permission from corsairs if we can attack them????...
I just want to know,for the future times.....
For a large scale fleet invasion, yes, that is exactly what the scary administrator with the glowing, green eyes of doom suggested.
And I suggest you say something less easily interpreted as sarcasm and more obviously apparent as an apology and a pledge to work towards everyone's enjoyment on the server if you want out of Bastille anytime soon, which would also require you posting your character name, because they are staying in there until each of them asks to get out.

And since one of you were interested in the rules earlier :
Quote:1.2 Server administrators will impose sanctions on players for violating server rules and for any actions that harm server gameplay.
Edit : If you aren't involved, stay out...2 posts to delete in just the span of typing my own message...

ADMIN NOTICE - UBICA - 01-14-2009

1.2 Server administrators will impose sanctions on players for violating server rules and for any actions that harm server gameplay.

very nice rule.....says a lot but in the same time says nothing...very nice......

ADMIN NOTICE - Har3 - 01-14-2009

Hmm i just dont get it, really. How did we spoiled the fun? As i know, ZOI of BH includes Omicron Gamma system, and after all there was a bounty on all corsairs, outcast etc. We didnt come and camp in front of planet. We were 40 k or more away from the planet. Correct me if i wrong, last time we "raid system" [with boba if u can remember Fellow Hoodlum ] u said to us, its ok to come to gamma, but camping is forbiden. Im sorry because all of this, as always i respect your descision, i have to, after all, but you need to be more specific, and then everything will be just fine.

[edit] btw - and i did spoke to "Guerdia" and i told him about our "invasion".

ADMIN NOTICE - Gundam - 01-14-2009

' Wrote:It ain't fun for anyone else boys, when you take a capital fleet in, to gank what you expect to be fighters ...

Then why dont we go back to version 1.01...We'll all drive fighters and everyone is happy

ADMIN NOTICE - Fellow Hoodlum - 01-14-2009

You know what UBICA, call that rule 'The Fair Play one' ... We can call on that when necessary.
And gentlemen, we are the biggest game in town currently in Freelancer terms, so we do call the shots on
who, and to be honest, how gameplay is conducted on the server. It is for the benefit of -all- our of players,
not just those who turn up to do what they see fit.
And I noticed before I made the other thread invisible, that you quoted that you are not 'out of kindergarten'
No I guess not, you seem to be acting like 7th grade schoolyard bullies to me. When you guys, and that means
all of you, can understand a little bit more about roleplay, and not just a blue death message, then maybe we
can all get along. Till then we have a problem.
And sir, if you are not happy with the way our server works, and the way our rules work either, then you
already know the answer ... We -are- not the only game in town.


ADMIN NOTICE - UBICA - 01-14-2009

' Wrote:......., and the way our rules work either, then you
already know the answer ... We -are- not the only game in town.


Well i've been visiting some of those ''games in town''...somewhere stayed as regular somewhere not...

but ALL those places have only ONE thing common.....

when it comes to ''likethis'' situations with admins....upper quote is the only thing you know to say......

ADMIN NOTICE - Sparxy - 01-14-2009


This is the first time I've been sanctioned in any way and I have admit I am perplexed by this. I agree there were a lot of ships and they were a mix of caps and gunships. However, at not point did any of the group approach Crete and we gave plenty of warning of our presence. The intention was not to massacre a small group of fighters via total over kill but to see what response was mounted, if any. If it came to nothing I would certainly not have stayed long.

SO we entered Gamma and started some role play.... then without warning the fleet was transferred to Bastille.

It does seem odd that just a few nights before when the corsairs and others mounted a MASSIVE assault on 5 BH caps that were passing through Gamma not a single complaint was raised. I have a screen shot of my final moments surrounded by more than 12 ships, of which at least 4 were Battleships of superior firepower to that of the BH BS. At the end of this battle ALL BH were destroyed but we went down fighting and took numerous ships with us. I had a conversation with one of the corsairs who took part and we both agreed it was a great battle, fought fairly and with honour.

I have seen it so many times that the BH mount a small force to go hunting and the response is that they call in overwhelming support. If this situation had been allowed to pan out I am sure there would have been a huge response and even with the number of ships we had, we would have found it hard to survive....even sent running with our tails between our legs. OR it may have gone down in history as one of the greatest battles known in Sirius.

One of the admin messages on the server asks players to think before they file a sanction report and to discuss their problem with the players in question. This seems like very good advice but that is not often followed. IF someone had spoken to me and asked us to leave as they felt this was overkill, I would have been happy to discuss and would have called off the fleet. It could also have have allowed them to mount a response and possibly kept everyone happy.

I cannot say for certain but I am pretty sure that there are a lot of corsairs who relish the chance to defend Crete and to take out a fleet of BH's.

Just my thoughts on the matter.

ADMIN NOTICE - Sparxy - 01-14-2009

Sorry should have mentioned that I am commander of the Independant BHG Battleship Europa and would like to be released from Bastille.

I also command the following BH ships that were not involved in this action:

[BHG]GS-"Elise" - BH gunship
[BHG]Jonah.Hex - BH Bomber
[BHG]Rick.Deckard - BH Manta VHF