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[Event Bugs] Uncharted II - Sigma Week (August 2017) - Printable Version

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[Event Bugs] Uncharted II - Sigma Week (August 2017) - Skyelius - 08-21-2017

Hello, I've just repurposed this thread, from being a separate feedback-only (no spam) discussion about the event, to a bug report thread.

The current "Discovery Mod Bug Reports" section in the Developers Forum does not provide practical, quick-reaction information to modify an undergoing event (since the developers must attend and list multiple reports, and events are more FLHook-related).

RE: [Event Bugs] Uncharted II - Sigma Week (August 2017) - Skyelius - 08-23-2017

BUG: Shooting the Nomad Jump Hole to "Uncharted II" turns it permanently hostile to the player; this is not fixed by relogging. It's as if the jumphole was a faction asset that belongs to an unlisted faction, and that pseudo-faction will consider you hostile permanently.

It is yet undetermined whether a server restart fixes this for a normal player, but perhaps this can be temporarlly fixed, by setting event jump holes to a permanent "full friendly state" with all players (Rep = 1.0).

I understand it may be difficult to completely eliminate this bug because I presume that event "jumpholes" function using the "Player Docking" mechanics, but perhaps a command to restore a players' rep with that invisible "event jumphole faction" can be created.

RE: [Event Bugs] Uncharted II - Sigma Week (August 2017) - Laz - 08-23-2017

The bug occurs because the jumpholes are done using the pob plugin. This means they act them and when shot they go hostile and prevent docking. The only way this could be fixed if an admin beamed themselves onto the jumphole "station" and added tags to them with so they didn't do this. I may be wrong on this, as its been a long time since I've used the pob module on my server, but I don't think pobs can be beamed to.

In the event that they could, they'd need to add tags with like the vowels or something, as most characters have them in their names and would be seen as friendly.

edit: To clarify, I could be wrong on a few of these points as its been over a year since I touched the POB module. Gonna be trying it in a test for my thn scripts soon tho Big Grin