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CNS - New London Prepares - Croft - 08-27-2017

Colony News Service - 824 AS

[Image: New_London.jpg]
Bretonia Readies for Renewed Battle

The final remaining connection between Liberty and Bretonia has become a whirlwind of activity, fueled by the threat of invasion. Military transports have begun surging between the two Houses, funnelling much needed supplies for Bretonia’s defence and what military strategists predict may be the deciding battle of the war.
The monumental task of fortifying New London has fallen upon the shoulders of the armed forces and civilian transporters, both of which must withstand repeated assaults by the forces of the Gallic Royal Navy as they pass through the North Sheffield ice cloud.

Gallic strikes within Manchester have reportedly doubled in response to the buildup, with an estimated one in three convoys coming under attack by the illusive battlegroup. One Liberty navy pilot described their attacks as surgical and highly focused, each raid aiming to rupture the transports cargoholds with up to four attempted strikes per interdiction.
Rumours of hired smugglers under government employ have begun to circulate in wake of these attacks, as have alleged sightings of Bretonian privateers.

Nation employed pirates, or privateers, are known criminals granted amnesty from past actions in return for their services against a National enemy. Such captains would be free to harass and plunder the enemy forces while often keeping the majority share of the stolen goods, making those who hold letters of marque during wartime extremely wealthy.
However, no conclusive evidence of such individuals under Bretonian employ has been revealed beyond select images used in Gallic propaganda.

Reports of escalating military buildup continue throughout western Sirius as Gallic and Bretonian forces prepare for renewed warfare.
Civilian pilots are strongly advised to avoid the Manchester and Tau 31 systems for the foreseeable future

Bretonia Correspondent Bernard Smythe

Tags: New London, Bretonia, Gallic Invasion, Privateers, Smuggling.

RE: CNS - New London Prepares - Querious - 08-27-2017

William Reed
Reputation: +2

This news is troubling to say the least. Finding a safe alternative route to Liberty will be difficult. I hope my friends working on Birmingham are safe from this senseless violence.

RE: CNS - New London Prepares - Thunderer - 08-27-2017

Reputation: 0

Comment removed.

RE: CNS - New London Prepares - Enkidu - 08-27-2017

Nesrin Khan
Reputation: +32

Look, the Gauls are never going to take the fight out of the Bretonian people with guerilla warfare alone. Bretonia's got a nearly three-thousand year history of surviving logistics sieges - that isn't going to change because Charles wills it. We've got ample food from Cambridge and fuel from Rheinland to replace the stocks lost from LD-14 - and that's the backbone, well behind our defensive lines. They'd have to take out London to even start to think about pushing down that far, and even if we lost the capital (which we won't), we've got fallbacks enough in Newcastle and Poole to bathe the Taus in blood if we need to. You should try going to Gallia sometime, listening to the tales the Maquis tell of the underworld - the brigands have been having a field day as they pull more and more forces away from the Normandie border - they're getting desperate. Gallia can't survive a standard-of-living rip from adjusting into a war economy - Bretonia can. Even if they cut the Cortez route, there's no way in hell they're getting troops on New London soil. They can't even dig the Royal Marines and the Fusiliers out of Leeds, and they've got the largest fleet Sirius has ever seen bombarding them out there.

Look, trust a Bretonian war veteran - they're going to break their backs on Manchester. If I thought Bretonia was in any real danger I'd go re-enlist. We survived the Nomad war when every other house fell to the Aliens; compared to the Nomads, these cheese-eaters mean diddly-squat. Just look at their casualty rates.

I feel sorry for the DeFrances.