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Tutorial: How to Bundschuh - Printable Version

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Tutorial: How to Bundschuh - Die Weiße Rose - 09-03-2017

[Image: xRenhnC.png]
How to Bundschuh

Before we start...

... you should know what the Bundschuh is, so here a short summary: A populist left-wing Rheinland political party, they are currently outlawed and seek to overthrow the corrupt regime of the Chancellor. Large amounts of the Rheinland population are sympathetic to the well-educated organization, and donations mean that the Bundschuh focuses on political targets, rather than distasteful piracy. Recruiting members from mainstream society, as well as numerous pirate “organizations” the Bundschuh are a corps of ideologically-motivated activists. Attempts to gain amnesty from Chancellor Steller after the Nomad War have failed, and while many are still faithful to their political goals and ideas, others have turned away from the Bundschuh to piracy and terrorism as a desperate attempt to cause damage to the government.

In easier words

The Bundschuh is not a smaller RHA without caps and less ZoI, or any small pirate faction. The Bundschuh are mainly rather educated people who wish to overthrow the government and have big support of Rheinland's people. Many people don't play the Bundschuh because they only look at the allowed ships and the ZoI and wonder why people bother. If you want to understand the Bundschuh, you need to look into the deeper RP activity.

What makes the Bundschuh interesting?

Character choice

Let's use the Hessians as the comparing faction here, if you want to RP a Hessian, your character needs certain attributes to fit into the Hessian scheme, rarely, if ever, you will find a Hessian who is not instantly targeting you to either die or be pirated (no ooRP judgement for any player involved). A Bundschuh character can be anything, from terrorist to pirate, to pacifist talkative revolutionary, or something in-between, which the Weiße Rose is. This allows you to widen your character spectrum and development range without having to switch factions.

Roleplay reach

The ZoI is pretty small compared to the Hessians, right? Not quite. As a Bundschuh, you are allowed to legally enter Liberty (if not in a pirate ship), Bretonia and Kusari. Which gives you a far reach of RP so you are not trapped inside Rheinland.


Technology, oh boy the technology... The Bundschuh might have the biggest tech cell in the unlawful game. You can fly Borderworld ships, Rheinland lawful ships, Hessian ships, LWB ships, Order ships and Civilian Ships. This includes weapons. Apart from the Borderworlds technology, all of these will give you a 90% powercore, though, this is not a problem at all. This also includes gunboats.

How does the normal infocard Bundschuh react if...

...he encounters a Rheinland corporation trader?

That depends on the corporation. ALG supports the Bundschuh (thanks to cyber between @Karst and @LunaticOnTheGrass), so you should generally not attack or pirate those. A normal Bundschuh generally doesn't "pirate" in such a sense. They mostly ask for donations for their movement, which makes a lot of traders more willing to pay even. If they refuse well, give them some propaganda at least. This generally depends if you RP as a political activist who shoots in defence or militarist Bundie. If the latter is the case, you could shoot him down, if not, better not, but it is your choice.

...he encounters a foreign corporation ship?

If a ship is from a foreign corporation, then you can easily pirate it, though, a bit of propaganda would do the trick as well, this depends entirely on you. Note, though, that a normal Bundie wouldn't pirate a libertonian ship due to the roleplay

...he encounters a freelancing trader?

The same applies to the previously said, though, I would ask about how they see the Bundschuh first, maybe you can make them join us in the future, don't let a chance for a good RP slip because of profit or a blue is all I can say.

...he encounters a Rheinland civilian?

You should heavily insist on propaganda here and not shoot in any case. The civilians like us to a big extent and we love them for being our people, hurting them can barely be justified, so don't attack them.

...he encounters a Rheinland Military or RFP ship?

While being our enemies, a normal Bundie would probably try to talk to the pilot first and try to give him a chance to join the other side. But wasting a lot of time with this is useless if they don't want you, you can, depending on your character, either run or fight.

...he encounters a BDM/MND ship?

The Bundschuh despises the MND for what they have seen in the Westerwald, so don't fear to act however your character would. Shooting down the MND as Bundschuh makes much sense.

...he encounters a smuggler?

Fine him or take the cargo from him, a Bundie wouldn't allow a civilian or anyone but their allies to smuggle things like Artifacts, Slaves or anything. It is just for their best to take it away.

...he encounters a criminal/general enemy of the Bundschuh?

The most logical reaction would be to tell them to leave Rheinland or simply fight them, you can add a fine to the demand to leave.


If you are ready to give up battleships and cruisers (wink, wink), as well as a bit of ZoI in return of a lot of technology and most RP possibilities from almost all unlawful factions, then the Bundschuh is your faction, of course, it is always your choice.