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Die Blaugrünen Drachen - Freya Throne Room (//[RHA] and Invite Only) - Printable Version

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Die Blaugrünen Drachen - Freya Throne Room (//[RHA] and Invite Only) - Neonzumi - 09-08-2017

Aboard [RHA]RHC-Freya...

Die Blaugrünen Drachen

Inside Lars Denise's flagship, man cave and speculated sex dungeon all in one, there was a large area separated purely for the Major's drinking pleasure, a bar conveniently named "The Blue and Green Dragon's" referencing his heterochromia iridium. Even if built for his personal enjoyment, the place is always open to everyone within the ranks of the Rotte Hessen Armee, and of course to people which the Major invited himself.

Upon entering through a small reinforced door made out of fine wood, you'd be greeted by a couple of bar maidens standing there as heart warming eye candy for the lonely souls traversing through the place. Along a well organized maze of round tables and comfortable dark wood chairs matching them, right ahead of the entrance was a cleared out pathway leading to the long bar desk set inside a cavity in the wall. Three bartenders were its guardians, so that everyone could receive quick and painless service.

[Image: zCEd2Gq.jpg]

Right where the bar desk ends, both at the left and the right end, stood two statues. A large blue sapphire dragon statue breathing cyan flames onto the ceiling to your left, and a same scale green jade dragon statue breathing teal flames which converge with the sapphire's ones.

Most of the walls were an odd shade of brown to match the atmosphere and furniture, except a single one which was set in a room sort of speaking, separated by half a wooden wall. The wall furthest to the left (or straight ahead when walking through the "door") had been painted over with a dragon image, neither blue nor green. Though if the statues didn't, this made Major Denise's dragon fetish obvious.

[Image: qvsCCb1.jpg]

On the other side unlike with the main area, instead of round tables and wooden chairs, there were comfortable green sofas and square tables, each one having a fancy looking ashtray in the middle. A more professional environment for those who found the generic crowded bar a bit too suffocating.

The drinks were currently in good stock, having a fair amount of variety. There were no prices, the guest would pay what they find was fair. Every few tables you'd find a small chip connected to the center which opens a pop up holographic menu showing whats in stock.

Throne Room

Rather than just being showoff material, sometimes Lars would hold certain meetings in his throne room. Its something he built as a small demonstration of his power. While the room itself isn't really large, being more like a really roomy hallway, wherever you'd look there was something to blind you with the thought of credits invested. From the throne itself, covered in gems and made out of pure gold and good knows what else, to the very carpets and plated walls.

[Image: KeHPtNb.jpg]

As you'd enter, a well groomed and suited up, feminine Kusarian butler would greet you. Looking around and walking down the exquisite red furr carpet, you would see various holosculptures of dragons and triumphant norse gods, if not distracted by the fact the walls are covered in gold and platinum picture frames, which displayed scenery of ancient battle. Eventually, you'd reach a staircase, which lead up to the Majors gem embeded, hand crafted golden throne. The first two steps had two security guards on each side, all well dressed and equipped with a mix of local Rheinlandic and Libertonian weaponry. It was the Major's personal guard, which seemed quite fierce even at first glance.

The place is only accessible to the Armee's high command, leadership, and individuals invited by the Major himself.