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Daumann Heavy Construction - Code of Conduct {WIP} - Printable Version

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Daumann Heavy Construction - Code of Conduct {WIP} - Daumann Heavy Construction - 10-26-2017

[Image: eWpstjj.png]

Employee Manual

Pilot Manual Content;

The content of this file will have the following information inside;
1: Our goals
2: Code of Conduct
3: Miner Pilot Manual
4: Transport Pilot Manual
5: Fighter Piloting
6: Bomber Piloting

Our goals

Daumann Heavy Construction is the largest mining and manufacturing corporation in Rheinland. It has a partnership with Republican Shipping and competes with BMM, and the Independent Miners Guild. Daumann often uses mercenaries to attack competition and protect its interests. The Red Hessians often attack Daumann ships.

Primary Goal: To local and mine materials that can provide assistance in futher manufacturing builds and upgrades. This can go be either ship builds or even stationary builds.
Secondary Goal: To compete with BMM and the Independent Miners Guild while using mercenaries to make attacks on them to protect it's interests.
Third Goal: To retailiate against the Red Hessians and defending what belongs to Daumann.

Code of Conduct

A) Pilots carrying this lawful ID is an employee of Daumann Heavy Construction who:

- Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation, both within and outside of their Zone of Influence.
- Can attack ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by Rheinland within their Zone of Influence.
- Can attack Red Hessians anywhere.
- Can demand Blood Diamonds from any ship carrying them and destroy those who refuse to comply.
- Can engage in piracy against the IMG and BMM in the Omegas only.
- Can engage in piracy against corporations affiliated with houses at war with Rheinland anywhere.
- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls.
- Cannot participate in unlawful actions expect as described above.

Zone of Influence: Rheinland, Saar, Omega-3, Omega-7, Omega-9, Omega-11
Allowed Ships: Fighters, Freighters. Transports, Gunboats

B) Piracy Rules (This section is //OORP. This is only to help you cope with piracys interactions.)
You will get pirated when flying DHC, it is part of the game, and it is our role to deal with pirates. There are moments that will cause trouble making your emotions go high or low. These few tips will help you deal with these and explain some things that can help you in these situations.

- DHC- Does not pirate even though our ID says we are able to.
- If you are a victim of piracy here are a few things you can do;
1) Relax, it's apart of the game, it keeps trading fun and interesting. You don't want to fly alone and not have any interaction now.
2) Roleplay. Make sure you roleplay with the pirate, do not just ignore and attempt to run because it will only end badly.
3) Expect roughly a 10% loss to a pirate, if you are being pirated. 10% is not too much of what you can earn, think of it as paying an escort. Let's face it, if you did not pay that pirate you are pvp dead for 2 hours so there is no trading that route for you.
4) If there is a "no piracy policy" with an unlawful group/ semi-lawful group, make sure you pay them a small amount (up to 2 million). You never knew they could just pirate you for more. Make sure you stay friendly to them at all times. They may come to your rescue one day.
5) If the demands are acceptable for your cargo, make sure you roleplay and pay the pirate. DHC- does not want high risk profit ore transport or materials to be destroyed for a small demand. Think of it as "Pocket change" or even better "You paying an escort".
6) If the demand that has been given is unacceptable, and you know you can win: Fight while running (Turret Steering/Turret Zoom) to the cloest/next base that you are able to dock with.
7) If the demand that has been given is unacceptable, and you know you cannot win: Die with dignity (Do not PM that player and start swearing or calling him bad things.)
8) Do your very best to never give the pirate cargo/money and your blue message. This can be very frustrating for you.
9) Never give the attacker/pirate money/cargo and an easy sanction report because you went to oorp text and then insulted that player or rule-lawyered them. This never ends well.
10) Remember: Blowing up in dignity while fighting or running is perfectly fine and is acceptable. After all it was only pixels that made nice fireworks.
11) Make sure you always: Take screenshots of any unacceptable demands and engagements. We can react with bounties, diplomatic pressures and if the worst comes to the worst, we can file a sanction report on the player. That is if the material is good enough. Make sure to /timestamp everything.

Miner Pilot Manual
As a pilot of the Daumann Heavy Construction Mining Wing, you need to have a basic understanding on piloting, but also a rather good knowledge on how to mine the different ore's within the Sirius Sector. The duty of a miner is very important to Daumann Heavy Construction. That is because as a miner your role and job is to be successful in mining ore's which will be transported to our stations, shipyards and smelters to be processed, then later be materials that can be used for upgrading weapons, ships and station modules and components.

So with a small introduction to the mining wing, we will now give you a short overview on the mining ships that Daumman Mining Wing have access too. Let's start with the smallest, most nimble and the one with the fastest mine rate.

[Image: 254px-Dsy_miner_lf.png]
MV-422-B "Surveyor" Civilian Light Miner
Welcome to the MV-422-B "Surveyor" Civilian Light Miner. An old design that has been continuously updated and upgraded, the Surveyor is one of the few ships that still has its roots back in Sol. A large number of these vessels was loaded on each sleeper ship, designed to allow the fledgling colonies to quickly send out scouts, in order to seek out resources that could be used to make the new colonies prosper. Lightly armed and armored, these craft depend more on agility than endurance to perform their jobs.

Typically armed with a limited number of concussion torpedoes, a few light blasters, a small mining laser and sampling equipment, a Surveyor's primary task is to seek out the richest pockets of high grade resources, so the larger mining vessels can come in and harvest them. The torpedoes are generally used to break up larger asteroids, but threatened miners have been known to employ them defensively. Cheap to operate, a number of companies have begun using the Surveyor as an auxiliary mining vessel, using it to speed up existing mining operations without risking more costly assets.

Now what equipment you should purchase;
- Deep Scanner
- Enhanced Thruster
- Adv. Bulwark L. F. Shield
- Train Cruise Disruptor
- Nuclear Mine Dropper
- Light Mining Array's x6
- Silencer CM Dropper

[Image: 254px-Dsy_miner_vhf.png]
SMV-612-C "Scraper" Civilian Medium Miner
This is the SMV-612-C "Scraper" Civilian Medium Miner. As mining operations pushed outward, the limitations of the Surveyor quickly became apparant to the fledgeling colonies. It was not suited to retrieve a large amount of cargo, and it could not operate autonomously for more than a few days, which limited their operations to roughly 50 kilometers around a friendly port. This hurt Kusari in particular - which was already starting to near the limits of the asteroid fields in range of New Tokyo. Samuran engineers began modifying a few Surveyor ships, adding a dedicated mining array in a forward assembly, and replacing the existing one with additional storage and life support. Thus the "Risosugyazara" was born in 180 AS, although it quickly gained the nickname "Scraper" among it's pilots. As it was still far from clear wether the colonies would thrive, Kusari, in a never repeated act of generosity, shared the design with all the four Houses, so that humanity itself would have a better chance at survival. The design was quickly adopted in all of Sirius.

Although over the years improvements have been made, the basic design is still the same. A small mining array and processor in the nose of the craft can pre-refine most minerals, and the robotic claws that provide its nickname can still be employed to latch the vessel to a medium sized asteroid, while either concussion torpedos or a large-scale blaster tears it to pieces. As with the Surveyor, miners have been known to employ their tools defensively, and over the years the upsurge in piracy has prompted mining companies to fit some defensive weapons to their Scrapers.

Now what equipment you should purchase;
- Deep Scanner
- Enhanced Thruster
- Barrier H. F. Shield
- Train Cruise Disruptor
- Nuclear Mine Dropper
- Light Mining Array's x6
- Silencer CM Dropper

[Image: 254px-Dsy_miner_shf.png]
MEMV-971-AH "Arrastra" Civilian Heavy Miner
Now the MEMV-971-AH "Arrastra" Civilian Heavy Miner. The first attempt at creating an autonomous deep space mining vessel rolled off the production line at Edison Shipyard, Colorado around 312 AS. A direct result of the Colorado Silver Rush, many smaller entrepreneurs wishing to risk their fortunes on striking silver invested their entire savings into one of these vessels. Capable of self-sustained deep-space flight for over 3 months, the vessel is considered to be autonomous within a solar system. It does not have the capability to bridge the stars themselves unassisted, however. Edison Shipyard flourished for over two centuries, its interior construction bays filling orders of these craft as fast as it could produce them. As word of these vessels spread to the other Houses (in no small part due to Interspace pushing it's trade lane network outward) additional orders began to pour in.

The ship has been upgraded over the years, but the basic framework has remained the same. A generous crew compartment capable of housing five people, adequate regenerative life support systems, and a cargo pod capable of storing up to three months worth of provisions have all been added. Three independent reactors keep the craft's systems powered, and allow for the strongest defensive measures a ship of its size can muster.

Now what equipment you should purchase;
- Deep Scanner
- Enhanced Thruster
- Barrier H. F. Shield
- Train Cruise Disruptor
- Nuclear Mine Dropper
- Light Mining Array's x4
- Flammenwerfer-C1Turret x1
- Flammenwerfer-C1 x2
- Silencer CM Dropper

[Image: 254px-Rh_armored_trans.png]
204-ARKM-B10 "Ragnar" Rheinland Armored Transport
Now, one of the favourites. The 204-ARKM-B10 "Ragnar" Rheinland Armored Transport. "Ragnar" follows same basic design of Rheinland's transport ships. However, increased power core capabilities, advanced hull plating and powerful weapons array make this vessel unique among transports. Although its main purpose is transporting classified or precious cargo, lately police utilizes several of these ships in effort to cut of smuggler routes.

Now what equipment you should purchase;
- Deep Scanner
- Enhanced Thruster
- Light Transport Graviton Shield
- Train Cruise Disruptor
- Nuclear Mine Dropper
- Light Mining Array's x4 (First four turret slots)
- Flammenwerfer-C1Turret x2 (Last two turret slots)
- Flammenwerfer-C1 x3
- Silencer CM Dropper

Transport Pilot Manual

[Image: 254px-Behemoth.png]
568-ARKG-B6 "Behemoth" Rheinland Transport
The 568-ARKG-B6 "Behemoth" Rheinland Transport. Following the end of the 80 year war in 669 A.S the Rheinland economy was in shambles. Government bailouts saw Stuttgart opened for plundering at the hands of Synthfoods and unemployed miners and dissident citizenry caused crime to skyrocket planetside and space alike. These conditions coupled with the low moral of a poorly paid police and military force allowed for space faring piracy to skyrocket overnight.

Boasting a defensive capabilities and a hull that pushes the boundaries of even heavy Rheinlandish manufacturing philosophy to extremes, the Behemoth is in every way a vessel designed to restore Rheinland's commercial might regardless of what obstacle she must bulldoze along the way.

Now what equipment you should purchase;
- Deep Scanner
- Enhanced Thruster
- Light Transport Graviton Shield
- Train Cruise Disruptor
- Dulzian Transport Turrets x8
- Silencer CM Dropper

[Image: 254px-Dsy_rh_c_trans.png]
RT-41-PFT "Uruz" Rheinland Container Transport
The famous RT-41-PFT "Uruz" Rheinland Container Transport. As the Rheinland Military campaign against Liberty ground down into a long, sustained conflict, much of their forces had to be tasked to the frontline. This left large gaps in the patrols at the borderworlds, in the Omega and Sigma regions. Increasingly, the heavily armored but lightly armed Colossus convoys came under pressure from Corsair and Hessian raiders. A distress call could no longer guarantee help would arrive in time.

Realising they were largely on their own beyond Rheinland's borders, Republican Shipping started to look for an alternative with more firepower. Not willing or able to invest into designing a new vessel from scratch, engineers looked through the archives until they came upon the design of a heavily armed H-Fuel transport, a relic from the 80 year war. Releasing it had many of the desired characteristics, a huge cargo capacity, and an extensive point defense system to deter smaller raiders, work was started to adapt the ship as a general cargo vessel. While originally designed for gaseous or liquid cargo transporting, it's pods can now accommodate a wide variety of cargo. This has drawn the attention of various other Rheinland corporations, especially Kruger and ALG.

Now what equipment you should purchase;
- Deep Scanner
- Enhanced Thruster
- Light Transport Graviton Shield
- Train Cruise Disruptor
- Dulzian Transport Turrets x12

[Image: 254px-Rheinlandtrain.png]
"Colossus" Rheinland Train
Now the "Colossus" Rheinland Train. A beast of a ship designed to laugh off the concerns of traversing the burning asteroid fields of Dresden and the Omegas, the Colossus is equipped with special armor plating and enormous cockpit shields that grant it the ability to plow through whatever obstacles are foolish enough to loom before it, natural or otherwise.

More than one such vessel has come into berth with fresh detritus of pulverized asteroids melded into her frame... Or a would be pirate not quick enough to get out of the way while issuing vain demands.

Now what equipment you should purchase;
- Deep Scanner
- Enhanced Thruster
- Light Transport Graviton Shield
- Train Cruise Disruptor
- Dulzian Transport Turrets x3

Fighter Pilot Manual
All security pilots of Daumann Heavy Construction, must have completed basic pilot handling. This is normally completed when you first graduate a flight school. In this manual we will briefly overview some of the fighter-crafts that are flown by some of our best pilots in the Security Division. What you will learn from this manual is the most basic weapon system, external and internal systems to purchase when and if you feel ready to join our security wing.

Now let's get started, we will start from the lightest and the faster of crafts, slowly moving to the most popular. We will make sure you fully understand how to equipped and weaponize your ship correctly, down to the last cruise disruptor, mine dropper, countermeasures, shields and thrusters. We will also cover what weapons will suit you. The average pilot will use four hull busters and two shield busters. But let's show you.

[Image: 254px-Cv_fighter.png]
CTE-4000 "Griffin" Civilian Light Fighter
Firstly, we have the CTE-4000 "Griffin" Civilian Light Fighter. Based on the popular Hawk, the Griffin's similar external appearance hides a completely rebuilt interior, with a lighter frame supporting expanded nanobot storage banks and an expanded cargo bay. The wings have been completely restructured, with reinforced armor struts and extra power cell storage to support its superior maneuvering thrusters and enhanced weaponry over its predecessor.

Now what equipment you should purchase;
- Deep Scanner
- Enhanced Thruster
- Adv. Bulwark L. F. Shield
- Train Cruise Disruptor
- Nuclear Mine Dropper
- Flammenwerfer-L3 x2
- Adv. Debilitator Mk II x2
- Silencer CM Dropper

[Image: 254px-Cv_elite.png]
CTE-3000 "Falcon" Civilian Heavy Fighter
Now, slowly moving forward, we are now going to look at the CTE-3000 "Falcon" Civilian Heavy Fighter.
As the name attests, this ship is formidable and is well-deserving of the reputation that it enjoys. With a balanced combination of refined offensive and defensive technologies, the Falcon delivers an astonishing amount of potential firepower to potential adversaries quickly and efficiently.

Now what equipment you should purchase;
- Deep Scanner
- Enhanced Thruster
- Barrier H. F. Shield
- Train Cruise Disruptor
- Nuclear Mine Dropper
- Flammenwerfer-C1 x4
- Adv. Debilitator Mk I x2
- Silencer CM Dropper

[Image: 254px-Cv_vheavy_fighter.png]
CTE-6000 "Eagle" Civilian Very Heavy Fighter
Now the CTE-6000 "Eagle" Civilian Very Heavy Fighter. Few vessels have seen as much popular and widespread use in Sirius as the CTE-6000. With her ease of maintenance, rugged reliability and near universal supply of readily available parts, the nimble Eagle often finds itself in service as the space superiority fighter of choice for pilots ranging from convoy escorts to house terrorists.

Now what equipment you should purchase;
- Deep Scanner
- Enhanced Thruster
- Adv. Barrier H. F. Shield
- Train Cruise Disruptor
- Nuclear Mine Dropper
- Flammenwerfer-C1 x4
- Adv. Debilitator Mk I x2
- Silencer CM Dropper
- Sidewinder Missile Launcher

[Image: 254px-Cv_starblazer.png]
CTE 1440AV Starblazer
The CTE 1440AV "Starblazer" Civilian Very Heavy Fighter. Boasting significant structural upgrades and a larger power core, the Starblazer improves the Startracker's core advantages while preserving its role as a light escort or scout fighter. While possessing only three gun mounts, its armor and agility enable it to compete with other light fighters, although it should not be relied on to form the core of an combat wing.

Now what equipment you should purchase;
- Deep Scanner
- Enhanced Thruster
- Adv. Barrier H. F. Shield
- Train Cruise Disruptor
- Nuclear Mine Dropper
- Flammenwerfer-C1 x3
- Adv. Debilitator Mk I x2
- Silencer CM Dropper
- Sidewinder Missile Launcher

[Image: 254px-Ravenstalon.png]
CTU-7f "Raven's Talon" Civilian Very Heavy Fighter
The CTU-7f "Raven's Talon" Civilian Very Heavy Fighter. The Raven's Talon is a civilian vessel built by many independent shipbuilding factions, such as the Independent Miners Guild, Zoners and Junkers. A ship not usually bought for its looks, it is a good choice for the freelancer who prefers solid performance over flash.

The Raven's Talon can be found in service across Sirius, having made its way onto the black market, and is sold all over the sector. In addition to being flown by civilian pilots, it can be found in the hands of many mercenaries, freelancers and pirates. Its popularity is in no small part due to the widespread availability of compatible replacement parts, making the Raven's Talon one of the most easily maintainable ships on the market.

Now what equipment you should purchase;
- Deep Scanner
- Enhanced Thruster
- Adv. Barrier H. F. Shield
- Train Cruise Disruptor
- Nuclear Mine Dropper
- Flammenwerfer-C1 x4
- Adv. Debilitator Mk I x2
- Silencer CM Dropper
- Sidewinder Missile Launcher

Now to successfully use both of these vessels the best way to activate your weapons (groups) would be as follows;
Activation Key 1 (Group 1): All Weapons, all Hullbusters and Shieldbusters
Activation Key 2 (Group 2): Hullbusters only
Activation Key 3 (Group 3): Shieldbusters only
Activation Key 4 (Group 4): Cruise disruptor
Activation Key 5 (Group 5): Mine dropper
Activation Key 6 (Group 6): Countermeasure dropper

For basic handling of the ships, the pilot must be able to use the strafe thrusters (Strafe left, right, up, down) and also be able to successfully take control of the ship when the engine is killed, shuts down or malfunctions, this is also called in training -engine kill- (Bind: Engine Kill).

Now as you are a security wing pilot. You will now need to proceed through some more basic training which will give you the confidence, knowledge and space awareness to be able to know how to defend yourself in any different situations. This will make you a survivalist. Let me provide you with a few examples of what you should do and what you should not do.

Scenario: You are provide an escort for two Daumann Uruz Kapitan's when they come under fire by one Thor-Bomber Red Hessian Pilot. The Red Hessian Pilot has demanded for the Daumann Kapitan's to cut their engines at once and drop all their cargo or he will open fire. You are providing security for both of the Uruz Kapitan's. The Red Hessian informs you to not do anything stupid and he is in the process of calling reinforcements. This what you should do and what you should not do.

What you should do?
You should focus on making sure both Kapitan's of the Uruz's get to a safe location, that being a station, planet or anywhere they are safe from dangerous. What you need to do is, focus fire and make some sort of distraction for the Red Hessian pilot, make yourself a threat to that pilot, make him focus his fire towards you and not the Kapitan's. This will give them the opportunity to escape. Then you will follow shortly after once they have reached a safe location.

What not to do?
In this situation what you must not do, is continue to proceed to the destination of the transporters leaving them in danger to a Red Hessian Bomber pilot who has called reinforcements. Doing this will leave two pilots vunerable and in danger, risking not only two large amount of materials, but also two lives.

Bomber Pilot Manual
Some of our Daumann Heavy Construction Security Wing Pilots, prefer to pilot something that feels a little bit more heavier, bulkier and can deal more damage to a larger threat of a larger size. This could be from a Gunboat-class all the way to a Battleship-class. To get a better understanding, knowledge and to recieve some training for doing this and being able to successfully pilot what we call a Bomber-class. Take the time to read this short overview on two of our finest ships.Just like before, we will take you through how to fully equipped and weaponize your ship correctly. Now let's begin.

[Image: 254px-Civbomb.png]
CTE-19000 "Roc" Civilian Bomber
Let's start with the CTE-19000 "Roc" Civilian Bomber. ronically labelled a 'civilian' bomber by its Libertonian designers, who also developed such classics as the 'Eagle' fighter, there is little civil about this piece of kit.

This ship is now being used by various civilian corporations that find themselves being pirated by gunboats and similar, who purchase this ship from construction yards or build it themselves after acquiring the rights to its patent. Also of note is the rather large amount of these ships found in the possession of criminal organisations such as the Xenos in Liberty and the Golden Chrysanthemums in Kusari space.

This may indicate that these groups are able to cannibalise the hulls of their Eagles and modify them to make them into bombers, or that they have more financial support for their military machines than lawmen would have previously imagined.

Seen all over Sirius, in the hands of corporations, criminals, Zoners and Freelancers, this bomber is a versatile piece of equipment, handy for those that all-too-often find themselves on the wrong end of big guns.

Now what equipment you should purchase;
- Deep Scanner
- Enhanced Thruster
- Adv. Bulwark H. F. Shield
- Train Cruise Disruptor
- Nuclear Mine Dropper
- "Panzerfaust" Rheinland Antimatter Cannon
- Bomber EMP Cannon
- Hellfire Rocket Pods x2
- Silencer CM Dropper

[Image: 254px-Waran.png]
CTU-6b "Waran" Civilian Bomber
Now let's move to the heavier, bulkier CTU-6b "Waran" Civilian Bomber. Based loosely on an old, unpopular bomber design, the "Waran" still bears the name of the vessel it has come to replace. Many rumors circulate about it's origins. Some say Junkers mated the powercore of the old Waran to the Raven's Talon frame. Some say the Independent Miners secretly constructed this bomber as a craft for unscrupulous clients such as the Lane Hackers. Whatever the origin, the result is a sturdy bomber capable of unleashing withering firepower on a hapless target.

As with all bombers, this ship maneuvers poorly for a craft of its size. Nevertheless, its firepower and widespread availability found quick popularity with the "more power, more guns, fewer problems" crowd, which it turned out included virtually anyone interested in blowing things up. From Junkers to Gaians to Bundschuh to Xenos, this ship has found universal employment by pilots for whom style is not a concern.

Now what equipment you should purchase;
- Deep Scanner
- Enhanced Thruster
- Adv. Bulwark H. F. Shield
- Train Cruise Disruptor
- Nuclear Mine Dropper
- "Panzerfaust" Rheinland Antimatter Cannon
- Bomber EMP Cannon
- Hellfire Rocket Pods x2
- Neutralizer Bomb / ASARUS
- Silencer CM Dropper

Now to successfully use both of these vessels the best way to activate your weapons (groups) would be as follows;
Activation Key 1 (Group 1): "Panzerfaust" Rheinland Antimatter Cannon
Activation Key 2 (Group 2): EMP Cannons only
Activation Key 3 (Group 3): Hellfire Rocket Pods
Activation Key 4 (Group 4): Neutralizer Bomb / ASARUS
Activation Key 5 (Group 5): Mine dropper
Activation Key 6 (Group 6): Countermeasure dropper and Cruise Disruptor

For basic handling of the ships. Just like before, the pilot must be able to use the strafe thrusters (Strafe left, right, up, down) and also be able to successfully take control of the ship when the engine is killed, shuts down or malfunctions, this is also called in training -engine kill- (Bind: Engine Kill).

Now as you are a security wing pilot. You will now need to proceed through some more basic training which will give you the confidence, knowledge and space awareness to be able to know how to defend yourself in any different situations. This will make you a survivalist. Let me provide you with a few examples of what you should do and what you should not do.

Scenario: You are patrolling Omega-7, when you come across a Red Hessian Gunboat-class along the trade lanes, heading towards Stuttgart jumpgate. You have already called for reinforcements to aid you. The things you must do and you must not do will be provided now.

What you should do?
In this situation, what you need to do is to make sure that the Red Hessian Kapitan does not get away, or endanger any civilian's that could potentially enter into Omega-7. So what you are going to need to do is inform the Rheinland Military, Police on the situation, give them as much information about the Gunboat Kapitan as possible. This could be the weapons, how they are pilotting, how they speak. So on, you are to gather intelligence in a way. You also do not want him to escape so you focus your cruise disruptor on the gunboat's engines. Then wait for reinforcements and deal with it as a team.

What not to do?
You do not want to attempt to become the "hero", or the "brave one". You want to use the brain you head, fly safe, and play with strategy. Do not be suicidal and think, "Hang on a moment, I can deal with this alone with no reinforcements." Do not go head to head with a Gunboat-class Kapitan when you are a solo bomber-pilot. It will not end well for you.

Now how to fly a bomber correctly?
1: Make sure you keep distance from any enemy fighter craft, this is what will cause you problems.
2: Never get within 500m of any hostile capital ship, this includes gunboats and gunships.
3: Never fly alone, on a bomber.
4: Make sure when and if you are using ANC-2 "Nova" Antimatter Torpedo Launcher, you have shields online, activated and above 50%. Always announce when you are launching a nova also to your team via comm channels (group chat, teamspeak).
5: Do not ever engage a fighter, or a smaller fighter craft on a bomber. This will not end well for you.
6: If you are fighting gunboats or gunships use our main tactic and strategy the entire Republic knows. Which is hit-and-run. How to successfully do this? Well you move in from a distance while using strafe thrusters, aim and fire the antimatter cannon (SNAC). Once you have released the SNAC you must move out of enemy fire and make sure you are at a safe distance to recharge your power plant to go back in. To make this work well, you must time each shot with your teammates, wing, squadron. If you are not coordinated then this could taken longer allowing the enemy to call for reinforcements to come in and take you out.
7: Do not engage in group fights which consist of alot of fighters on a bomber.