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[CLOSED] Rascal Vanished. - Printable Version

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[CLOSED] Rascal Vanished. - Sand_Spider - 12-17-2017

*Airing Broadcast. . .*
*Signal Origination: Pennsylvania, Planet Erie.*
*The following is sponsored by Sandra Carter.*

Howdy hey there, folks! How're ya'll doin' today?

I've got a bit of a dilemma on my hands. See, I'm a bit of a shipper for some folks near Pennsylvania. I'm a right decent gal, I like to think. Most of those I come across who decide to walk on the opposite side of the law are right decent folk, in a way. Y'gotta make a livin' somehow, an' I do by my best to accommodate folks when I can. At the end of the day, I've got my job, while some folks got theirs.

Today, I bumped into an especially mean, low-down an' sorry individual. This "outcast" only hit me up for about 500,000 credits, but without any provocation whatsoever, he decided he was gonna go an' insult a lady out've the blue. To add insult 'ta injury, he shot up my rookie wing-man fer failin' 'ta stop buzzin' around after, quote, "3 seconds to stop."

I'm thinkin' this outcast needs a lesson in manners. Fer anyone listenin' in on this frequency, I got a job fer ya: Pirate.Boka(House.Fexx)

This rotten bloke needs a lesson in how to treat a lady with respect! (Or at least some common decency..)

Here's the meat 'n' 'taters of the meal: I'm offerin' a one-time mark on Pirate.Boka(House.Fexx)'s Spatial-Class Super Heavy Fighter for 15,000,000. He was last seen toting an Anti-matter style energy torpedo launcher, so watch it if 'yer flyin' a bigger vessel.

Nearly any party's allowed to take this job, save fer if'n yer also an' Outcast. I can't go lettin' ya'll make an arranged date with Boka, I hope ya'll understand. Fer the rest've ya'll listeners, jus' respond to this frequency an' acknowledge receipt of broadcast before goin'ta town.

Here's the catch: Y'gotta tell this Boka bloke somethin' before doin' in his fighter. Somethin' along th' lines've "Disrespect a lady, an' yer gonna get whacked." I might jus' throw in a bonus if'n yer creative with the wordin'! If 'ya don't say somethin' *before* blowin' him up, yer gonna have'ta try again, since I won't pay without provin' a point. Proof of Boka's demise is also necessary, of course. He might have a Waran with 'em now, since I saw he's got a goon to hang with. I'm jus' payin' fer Boka himself - None of his associates have earned a whackin' from me.

Have at 'im, folks! I very much appreciate yer time.

*The broadcast ends with static for most listeners. . . Save for one particular group.*

*Begin Encrypted Broadcast Segment*

The followin' is fer those of the Commonwealth or Hellfire Legion:

Ya'll have been right polite folk fer lettin' me haul through ya'll's territory. Every time I've met the Legion's forces, they've treated me nice and friendly like.

It's fer this reason that I'm givin' ya'll a bonus on this one - Teach Pirate.Boka(House.Fexx) some manners, and I'll give ya'll what I'm offerin' to other parties, plus 15,000,000. That's a total've 30,000,000 fer ya'll's pilots, claimable once, even if other parties manage to claim before ya'll. I've got a special line fer ya'll to tell Boka before 'ya shoot 'im: "Tempt not Lady Carter's Wrath - For the velvet glove hides a calloused hand."

This claim is open for claiming even after other party's have claimed it. The exception: If ya'll beat other parties to it, ya'll shall receive the full 45,000,000 fer a single claim.

Thank 'ye kindly fer ya'll's time. Happy trails!

RE: Rip Open a Rude Rascal! - Username removed - 12-18-2017

[Image: 30m2vja.jpg]
[Image: 34phwed.jpg]

Well what a surprise miss Carter.

This pirate Boka has been a torn in my side for a while so much so, that I am also paying people for trashing him up.

It would be an insult to myself if I didn't take up your offer.

I just hope I get to him first, as I understand this is a one time offer only, a lot of people want him beaten up after all.

[Image: 30m2vja.jpg]

RE: Rip Open a Rude Rascal! - Sand_Spider - 12-18-2017

*Airing Broadcast. . . Setting: Private.*
*Signal Origination: Pennsylvania, Planet Erie.*
*Data Recipient: Previous Mark Responder.*

I'd be much obliged if you manage to rip his Spatial open, Mister!

I'll admit I ain't normally one to issue marks on folks, but it sounds like Boka is a right unpopular snake.

I'm lookin' forward to seein' what you'cn do, an' how creative you'cn be wit' that pre-termination line, Mister... Uh,

I don't think I got yer name, but I'cn appreciate some folk wantin' to remain incognito.

*The Private Broadcast is left open.*

[Closure] Time Mends Wounds. - Sand_Spider - 04-05-2018

*Airing Voice Broadcast. . .*
*Signal Origination: Planet Houston, Texas System*
*Wave-length from Sandra Carter, Junker's Congress.*

Well, I ain't seen hide nor tail've this guy fer months, now.

Seein' as how I set this 'ere bounty while I was still an employee fer Universal Shippin', an' how no one's gone an' claimed this, I'm gonna go ahead an' say that Mister Boka might've got smart an' went underground.

That said, I'm gonna go ahead'n close this contract, since no one's stepped forward with a kill-shot. I reckon four months is enough time fer me'ta fergive a man fer his rudeness.

Ya'll have a good'n, y'hear?

~~Happy Trails
~Congresswoman Sandra Carter