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To: The Gaian Gaurd || From: Apostatas - Printable Version

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To: The Gaian Gaurd || From: Apostatas - Bulldog. - 02-05-2018

[Image: 0j96sPF.png]

Buenos días

My name is Alexander Cordoba. I am Elder of a group called Apostatas from within the Corsairs.
It is well known among the elite of Crete that the strong alliance between Corsairs and the Gaians has been forged by blood, sweat and friendship.
While Apostatas might never have had any dealings with the Gaians or the Gaian Guard, we believe it is time to bring that to pass. I am here to start a direct comms between the Gaian Guard and Apostatas. While you may know little to non of us, I believe with time we can show you. I have explained a lot over the years to everyone I had encountered on who we are, what we stand for and where we wish to go. Part of this..well more like especially the part of this would be that we wish to modernize the Corsairs. But we would like to do it in a proper fashion. What fashion you may ask?

Well recently the CoE has given Antikythera to Apostatas to manage and maintain. It is in your neighborhood and it would be easy for us to convene trade and more...But we face a problem...
You see this shipyard has become our home and one of our main focus points. This shipyard is to be the beacon of our mission and progress... The problem is our new home is in very bad shape. Can you imagine a faction standing for progress having a home where it is spewing all sorts of stuff into space? The sight in itself is bad...But what about the pollution.? The CoE gave us mere old plastic foam to fill the holes up! Can you imagine!? We want progress and here we are stuck with limited resources like this....

Will the Gaian Guard be willing to to assist with this polution?
Should the Gaian Guard wish to assist I will provide gun cam footage of the current state of the base.

We will await your reply.

Elder of Apostatas

[Image: leLEkBz.png]

RE: To: The Gaian Gaurd || From: Apostatas - Bulldog. - 02-07-2018

[Image: 0j96sPF.png]

-:::Boosting Signal:::-

[Image: leLEkBz.png]

RE: To: The Gaian Gaurd || From: Apostatas - TheSauron - 02-09-2018

[Image: vVB48QI.jpg?2]
From: Warden Lily Collins, Gaian Guard
Subject: Trade exchange
Source: Skye Base, Newcastle
Encryption: High
Priority: High

Greetings, Elder Cordoba.

My name is Lily Collins, and I am the Warden of the Guard. I have to admit that your message is quite... surprising. Although the Guard would be glad to assist the Empire with what little we can, one of your claims has raised a couple of eyebrows among our command. We find it incredibly difficult to believe the Council left you with nothing but plastic foam. Antikythera is a shipyard, potentially a functional one. With what is currently taking place in Omicron Xi in mind, it is baffling that the Empire would treat such a valuable asset so lightly.

Please do not take this as an outright refusal. We would merely like to receive a little more elaboration on that detail. We would also like to know what exactly would the Apostatas possibly require, as our logistical capabilities are currently streched over a vast area, and we might simply be unable to provide.


Message end.

RE: To: The Gaian Gaurd || From: Apostatas - Bulldog. - 02-10-2018

[Image: 0j96sPF.png]

Buenos días Warden Collins

Si it is baffling...This was one of the reasons why we requested that Apostatas take over the Administration of the facility. See.. At this point in time the Council has it's hands full with Omicron Xi's events and that of Sigma-21. The Coalition would most likely see the inaction to properly secure and repair the shipyard and take advantage of the situation. The Council has it's limit when it comes to spending valuable resources and they knew that Antikythera is a valuable asset. This is why they agreed that Apostatas take over the facility. I do not blame them for this and nor should your Command Waren.

Warden Collins...This facility is a fine piece of construction and engineering. The problem we face is that we do not wish it to be rebuild and repaired from Junker knowledge. Forgive me for saying so but our other shipyards are only sub-par to Antikythera. We need experts who can help us repair the facility and make sure that it is not toxic to the space around us. You see..Apostatas wishes to modernize the Empire, but we lack knowledge in some regards. This is where we hope the Gaian Guard would help fill that need..Maybe even learning some of crew in the process.

So..Would you be willing to assist us with your expertise in the repair of Antikythera?

Elder of Apostatas

[Image: leLEkBz.png]

RE: To: The Gaian Gaurd || From: Apostatas - Bulldog. - 02-13-2018

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[Image: leLEkBz.png]

RE: To: The Gaian Gaurd || From: Apostatas - TheSauron - 02-15-2018

[Image: vVB48QI.jpg?2]
From: Warden Lily Collins, Gaian Guard
Subject: Trade exchange
Source: Skye Base, Newcastle
Encryption: High
Priority: High

Elder Cordoba.

Ensuring the station is not contaminating surrounding space should be an easy task. As long as the shipyard itself, or the operations around it, do not vent any substances into the nebula, everything should be fine. There is little esle that can be done without cutting edge technology and immense costs involved.

As for repairing the shipyard itself, I'm afraid we are unsure what insight do you expect us to share. We have only ever assembled a large installation once, and it does not even compare to the station at hand. Repairs, maintenance and possible upgrades to large constructs are not something the Guard had to undertake so far. I dare to doubt there's anything we know that the Empire hasn't yet mastered. Moreover, most of our logistics are already tied up on the gallic frontline, leaving us with only token amount of ships or manpower that we could spare. We would be glad to assist with what little we have, but you would need to be more precise. Only then will we be able to determine which of your needs the Guard can provide for.

Additionaly, Matriarch Ross has expressed interest in a slightly different matter. As far as our knowledge of the Reapers goes, Antikythera was the only major production facility they had. We believe it is reasonable to assume there has been plenty of technology left behind, that was subsequently seized by the Empire. We are also aware of the existance of a research station named Kara, the fate of which is currently unknown to us. With the Apostatas appearing to be the governing entity of Imperial assets in Cayman, she'd like to inquire about the possibility of acquiring, or jointly working on, Reaper ships and equipment.


Message end.

RE: To: The Gaian Gaurd || From: Apostatas - Bulldog. - 02-16-2018

[Image: 0j96sPF.png]

Buenos días Warden Collins

We appreciate the assistance that you are willing to give. We only wish to make sure that the environment is not being contaminated by repairs or anything else from within or outside the Shipyard. This is where we request your expertise. I would guess that I may have misled you into thinking that we wish the Gaians to undertake the project alone. Apologies for my poor choice of words. This would not be the case. Apostatas has it's own logistics division that would assist in supplies that you would need.

As for the complete repair of the Shipyard..we are already busy with the repairs and we are yet to request external help to assist us where we fail in our expertise. We value the shipyard and do not wish for just anyone to work on it as you would expect.
We would want you to help keep quality control on our engineers and whoever we request to assist us. As I stated we want to keep it clean and safe.

As for the research base that was called "Kara"...It has met a catastrophic demise. We recently did a scouting mission for the CoE and found nothing of use in the remains.

Regarding the Reapers tech and ships...I am rather interested in your question as well. We do have some of their tech and ships. While our engineers are unable to make out head or tails from them, we would like to jointly research and work on them with the Gaians. I am sure between our and your engineers we will be able to come to understand their tech.

We would also like to ask whether the Guard has maybe one or two ships to spare. We would also like to do some research on them and additionally do some field tests. I would maybe ask for two of the "Anaconda" class Very Heavy Fighters. I would understand if you would ask for something in return and we would do our best to do so.

Elder of Apostatas

[Image: leLEkBz.png]

RE: To: The Gaian Gaurd || From: Apostatas - Bulldog. - 02-18-2018

[Image: 0j96sPF.png]

Buenos días Warden Collins

I am going to keep this short....
We demand an explanation!

Elder of Apostatas

Guncam #1
Guncam #2

[Image: leLEkBz.png]

RE: To: The Gaian Gaurd || From: Apostatas - TheSauron - 02-18-2018

[Image: vVB48QI.jpg?2]
From: Warden Lily Collins, Gaian Guard
Subject: Trade exchange
Source: Skye Base, Newcastle
Encryption: High
Priority: High

Elder Cordoba.

The Guard is a bretonian organisation. Our well-being is deeply tied with Bretonia's fate. With her people, especially those that see our cause as just. Gallia is a threat. To them, to us, to our beliefs and things we hold dear. As it stands, our and Armed Forces' goals align more than ever. Major Wallace worded it well. Their victory is our victory. Their survival is our survival. It was only logical for us to reach an understanding with Armed Forces to better combat the gallic invasion. We have established a non-aggression pact, and more or less actively cooperate against the Royal Navy. We are doing this out of necessity, elder Cordoba, and you can rest assured that our cooperation does not extend to the southern front.

That being said, we are worried as well. Your presence as far as the Magellan system is concerning. We would be deeply disappointed to find out the Apostatas are yet another group overtly supporting our enemy. It would be very damaging to our trust in the Empire.


Message end.

RE: To: The Gaian Gaurd || From: Apostatas - Bulldog. - 02-19-2018

[Image: 0j96sPF.png]

Warden Collins

As it pains me to say it...Your words speak that of truth.
I personally understand why you did it. Your fate is tied to the war with the Gallic Kingdom and I do belief your heart is with your people.
But this has complicated things for us. The fact that we might stand at odds when we battle the Bretonian Armed Forces or even in the case where we might land on the same side with Gallic forces should we battle in New London against the Armed Forces.

Apart from the obvious conflict of interest the Gaians has also betrayed our trust. You are saying that finding Apostatas forces helping the Gallic Navy covertly would damage relations with the Gaians and the relations between the Empire and the Gaians? Yet we find ourselves in that very same boat Warden.

Our ship was in Magellan on an observation mission. Yet he got engaged by Liberty and Bretonian forces. The only thing that kept him alive was a Royal Navy Battleship. Your vessel refused to assist him and thus declares that the Gaians will assist the Armed Forces over the Empire regardless who the Armed Forces are facing.

I am sure you will shed some more light on this, as we do not wish to further damage our relationship with the Gaians. As for now please do understand our distrust of Gaian ships in Bretonian space.

Elder of Apostatas

[Image: leLEkBz.png]