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Bounty on a cowardly sadist - Lord.Boka(House.Fexx) - Printable Version

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Bounty on a cowardly sadist - Lord.Boka(House.Fexx) - Egmund Tauber - 03-28-2018

[Image: ObrZg6j.png?1]

My fellow gentlemen and ladies beloved, I believe I have just come to witness something horrid. I have come to witness a cruiser, this flee-bitten little runt, open fire on my son, who was learning his first life lessions in trade, outfitted with a tiny little Gull, while operating in the Pensylvania system. This was a sight I did not need to see, my fellow capitalists.

So it seems as someone has obtained enough credits to outfit their ship to smite defenseless citizens with. I would like to step up to show them that there is always going to be someone with more capital to stand right above them.

[Image: EDvBs3M.png]

To teach this fellow a lesson most deserved, I am issuing a bounty of 8 000 000$ credits on his head, repeatable up to 100 times, or until he learns his place. This bounty is valid only within the Pennsylvania system. I will pay something extra for every line of crying you can obtain from him.

The only things I care about are thus:
This bounty is issued only for Freelancers and Bounty Hunters as well as Libertonians. You do not need to register for this bounty in this transmission.
This bounty is valid only in the Pennsylvania system as well as one trade lane leading out of it in the New York system.
Before you collect, you must inform them that "You should pick on someone who can shoot back."
As usual, you must provide a valid guncam image of the target and the line as mentioned above, as well as your own papers and identification.

I would like to see this man hurt. Do this for me, and you will not need to worry monetarily.

Egmund Tauber