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Happy Birthday, Malaclypse - Printable Version

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Happy Birthday, Malaclypse - Doc Holliday - 04-04-2018

You're only gone in body but your spirit lives on here in Disco. To a man that I owe much, Happy Birthday, Mal.

RE: Happy Birthday, Malaclypse - Sand_Spider - 04-04-2018

Though I only had the privilege to bump into Mal once in-game, it's an encounter I'll carry with me for a lifetime.

Ozei: "I am not really certain on religion... It is something I tend to be conflicted about."
Mal: "And that is why you'd make an excellent Discordian."

His words have stuck with me, and I do wonder sometimes what might've happened had I made my main character a TAZ. Either way, he was a real pleasant man to have had the chance to meet - He even trusted me enough to show me the Orbital Skyhook, back when it was above the nebula in Baffin and restricted-access...

Here's to a Happy Birthday, Mal. I wish I had come to know you more, and hope you're havin' a grand ol' time in the cosmos beyond.

RE: Happy Birthday, Malaclypse - Yaoquizque - 04-04-2018

23's, Doug.

RE: Happy Birthday, Malaclypse - oZoneRanger - 04-04-2018

One shot of Whiskey waiting for ya at the bar. 23´s Mal

RE: Happy Birthday, Malaclypse - Atreides2 - 04-04-2018

*raise a glass* To Mal !

RE: Happy Birthday, Malaclypse - Karlotta - 04-04-2018

Doug was cool.

RE: Happy Birthday, Malaclypse - Panzer - 04-04-2018

23s, Doug.

RE: Happy Birthday, Malaclypse - Zephyranthes - 04-04-2018

Wish I had gotten a chance to meet him. Happy Birthday, Mal.

RE: Happy Birthday, Malaclypse - Kazinsal - 04-04-2018

Miss you, Doug. 23's.