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Permits & Licenses Registry (iRP) - Printable Version

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Permits & Licenses Registry (iRP) - The Gallic Union - 05-08-2018



A/)- Technocracy of Auxo Technocracy Prototype Components, cannot be headed away from Gallic Space 31/10/749 Provisional
Rheinland Corporations ALG, Dauman, Kruger, RGS Military Salvage, in Gallic House space or headed for Rheinland 1/11/749 Pending inclusion into Gallic Law


Corsairs/DTR Corsairs Raba - not classified as Hogosha technology in Corsair hands 29/10/749 29/10/750
Starfliers - '\S/' N/A - Starfliers '\S/'Velorum - JD4, Bustard access. Hyperspace Matrixes - all '\S/' vessels 05/11/749 05/11/750

A/)- Technocracy of Auxo Technocracy Snubcraft, Freighter, Transports under escort by Law Enforcement. 31/10/749 Provisional
Kaiserliche Rheinwehr Rheinland Military [RM]H- transports and any snubcraft escorts with up to two gunboats 05/11/749 Provisional

AdZ) - The Zurich Accord Unione Corse §2.5. Trespassing: Languedoc: Planet Quillan-Tau 23
Trade Lane and Jump Gate
31/10/749 Provisional

  • All applications must be submitted as a separate communication in Permits & Licenses. Each licence request will be open to Gallic Law Enforcement, Corporations and Unione Corse for recommendations, concerns, input and approval where one is required.

  • The applications can be sent by a faction leader, their representative or a particular member or independent individual interested in a cargo permit, technological license or other access. The license request process may be initiated by Gallic factions on behalf of others.

  • An administrative fee of 200,000 has to be sent to the account Gallic.Union for the application to be reviewed

  • Bustard class vessels are subject to a 1,000,000 yearly license fee.

  • The use of Gallic Navy technology requires the approval of at least one Gallic Navy Official Faction High Command in the licence request communication.

  • Applications for section IIIc: Approved military presence for entire factions requires the agreement of Official Gallic Law Enforcement Authorities' High Commands. Licenses for individuals do not.

  • All licenses by the registry are valid for up to one (1) year, counted from the date of approval, and their validity needs to be confirmed and extended after that date. The burden of confirming the license lies with the licensee. Gallic Law Enforcement and Corporations or Unione Corse may at any time raise concerns in the license communication thread which could lead to amending of a licence.

  • All licenses and permissions can be amended, revoked or made indefinite by being included in the main body of the Law at any time as a result of decisions of the Office of the Maréchal de Gaule (Story and canon changes and developments)


    Name and affiliation:
    Accompanying documentation: [url=screenshot_link]ID[/url]/[url=screenshot_link]IFF[/url]; [url=screenshot_link]Stance with the Gallic Navy[/url]
    Category: Cargo/Technology
    What exactly do you want to request?
    What is its intended destination (cargo), use (technology), purpose (military presence), and reasoning (additional licences)?
    Proof of 200,000 credits sent to [b]Gallic.Union[/b] bank account:

    To be posted as part of a separate communication in Permits & Licenses

    - - -

RE: Gallic armaments leasing and exportations centre - MasterL410 - 05-16-2018

Sender ID: Master L
Affiliation: 410th army
Location: Fort Lune, Orleanais
Signal strength: 85%
Subject: Armament leasing

Bonjour, the 410th army would like to request one of your fightercrafts.

- Name and affiliation : Master L of the 410th army
- Category of the request : A / C
- Type of request : both ship and guns
- What exactly do you want ? One XJ-3 "Lynx" Gallic Very Heavy Fighter and two "Carbine I" Gallic Civilian Pulse Cannons
- Why do you want it and how will you use it ?
We mainly want to use this ship to secure our home-system Orleanais. We wish to keep all dangers away from this system, and we are sure that this fighter is the perfect choice to fullfill this task. It will also be used for:

- Supporting the Royal Navy in the warzone
- Escorting our transports whereever we need them
- Escorting our business partners ( Gallic cooperations, Independent Miners Guild)
- Fullfilling bounty-contracts for the Independent Miners Guild and other friendly contractors

We already stated our intention to get one of those ships in this communication to the Marine Royale Gauloise: (X)
I hope we will hear from you soon.

Master L

RE: Gallic armaments leasing and exportations centre - The Gallic Union - 05-20-2018

Direction générale de l'armement

Cher monsieur L,

Owing to your good reputation, previous dealings with elements of the Marine Royale and long-standing service to the Crown, we have determined no reason that would preclude you from obtaining the armaments you requested. The 410th Army is now entitled to make use of one Lynx-class fighter. It has been decided that the Kingdom would cover the fees relating to ship delivery, retroffiting and eventual maintenance, due to the 410th Army's good standing with the Crown.

According to our registry, your association is Gallic in origin, and therefore does not need to request permission to use armaments from Category A. Still, your diligence is much appreciated. The Crown knows that you will make good use of the requested craft and will continue to keep a benevolent eye on the Army's achievements.

Please accept the expression of our sincere salutations.

RE: Gallic armaments leasing and exportations centre - EFL Oil and Machinery - 05-25-2018

[Image: EFLBanner2.png]

Transmission Begins

- Name and affiliation : EFL Oil & Machinery; Gallic Corporation
- Category of the request : C
- Type of request : both
- What exactly do you want ? Two: Perilous-class corvettes| Multiple: Caracal-class light fighters / Serval-class heavy fighters / Taureau-class armored transports / Lynx-class very heavy fighters
- Why do you want them and how will you use them ? For escort purposes, our work of supplying the front lines is proving to be ever more dangerous with the rise of Bretonian and Libertonian threats on all sides in addition to Sirian pirates who refuse to acknowledge our superiority. The fuel that is the life blood of our fleets must get from Gallia to the front lines and the distance is ever growing. Unfortunately, that means the trip is becoming more and more dangerous by the day.

Together, we can build a Stronger, Faster, Gallia™
Closing Connections..

Transmission Ended

RE: Gallic armaments leasing and exportations centre - The Gallic Union - 06-09-2018

Direction générale de l'armement


EFL has, time and again, demonstrated full commitment to the Crown and has been instrumental in its righteous battle against injustice. We are well aware of the risks your pilots take on a daily basis, venturing right at the frontlines to bridge the way for our conquest : this work is as dangerous as it is essential. It is only natural that we ACCEPT your request and hope that you won't need to make an extensive use of these armaments. Maintenance and eventual replacement will naturally be handled free of charge.

Please accept the expression of our sincere salutations and apologies for the lateness of this reply.

RE: Gallic armaments leasing and exportations centre - The League - 06-15-2018

[Image: R8aZzzh.png]

Incoming Transmission
The Exitus Called
Encryption: TITAN-Proof


Having acquired the Black Asp through a third party some months ago, my associates are now very interested in procuring further examples of Gallic engineering further upstream. With our attempts to contact GMS independently some months ago not bearing fruit, we now turn to this office to procure the kit we need.

- Name and affiliation : Exitus Wing - League of Einstenian Transitors
- Category of the request : B
- Type of request : ship
- What exactly do you want ?
Exitus Wing wants a few Pliers. Five or so should do for now.
- Why do you want it and how will you use it ?
We're hunting pirates, terrorists, and aliens, and only the best tools for the job that we can get will do.


"Black Asp"
솜틀 Holt, Senior Staff Liaison

RE: Gallic armaments leasing and exportations centre - The Gallic Union - 06-19-2018

Direction générale de l'armement

Monsieur Holt,

The Royaume has, thus far, not heard of your association in particularly negative terms. While we are not accustomed to exporting our exceptional technology to unknown border-worlds-dwelling peasantry, your request certainly isn't extravagant and Pliers being seen removing ruffians with remarkable rapidity is not an unappealing thought. The Ministère has henceforth decided to tentatively ACCEPT your request, as a first step in the cooperation between Gallia and the League of Einstenian Transistors. Here are our terms.

The League will wire the sum of 100 million standard credits to MRG|Banque which will cover the following ;

- Construction and delivery of five (5) Plier heavy spacecraft,
- Delivery of an A1 Short stay visa in Gallia in the name of the League plus access to a designated shipyard to take possession of the aforementioned vessels. The visa will become active on the day of payment by the League. This will allow agents of the League to personally take possession of the Pliers in complete legality and without having the Roi's wrath wrought unto them.
- Maintenance services, including spare parts manufacture and delivery, refitting and replacement,
- Basic training to operate the crafts,
- Regularly scheduled supply of Oil according to the League's needs. Extra Oil may be purchased at a preferential cost (NOTE : the DGA will NOT be held responsible of any damage, temporary or permanent, sustained to either the ship or its pilot if the Pliers' engines are modified to accept anything other than pure Gallic space gasoil)
- A liability fee for first-time dealing with a previously uncontacted group,
- Delivery of five (5) CERTIFICATES OF AUTHENTICITY, guaranteeing that 100% of the ships' hulls, systems and livery were designed, built and assembled in Gallia. ROYAL STAMP INCLUDED !
- 6 months warranty : in case of unsatisfactory performance, the ships may be returned within six months and half the funds will be returned to the League, along with EXTREME SCORN from the entire Gallic shipbuilding industry for not showing the necessary flair to appreciate its blatantly superior services and products.

Do you agree to these terms ?

RE: Gallic armaments leasing and exportations centre - Praxor23 - 07-15-2018

Incoming Transmission
Sender: Marcus Galway - THP|
Recipient:The Kingdom of Gallia
Encryption: Low
Subject: Plier Acquisition

Attachment: [x]

Greetings esteemed representatives of Gallia.

I apologise for not answering your message sooner, Miss Holt is on leave at the moment attending to more personal affairs in the Libertonian Border Worlds and thus has left me to manage some of her less demanding administrative duties. With that out of the way I as representative of the League find your terms of purchase acceptable. The allocated funds for this deal has been transferred to your accounts and evidence of this has been attached to this communique.

I personally look forward to seeing these fine examples of Gallic engineering in person, I am aware the Exitus has been needing new hardware and I could think of no better place to turn for such acquisition. The aesthetic tastes of the Maison Royale de Gallia have always tickled my fancy somewhat, oh but look at me ramble on. I best not let my personal passions interrupt my professionalism. I know among certain circles in the League, especially that of Mr Tordai are very eager to see relations progress between our organisation and the Kingdom of Gallia.

In any case please relay the location of the shipyard where our Exitus pilots may pick up their craft and one of our Bustard Carriers will be dispatched.

Best Regards

Marcus Galway
Chief Adjutant to Merchant Captain Tordai
League of Einstenian Transitors

Transmission End

RE: Gallic armaments leasing and exportations centre - The Gallic Union - 07-16-2018

Direction générale de l'armement


The Royal accountants have verified the transfer of the francs. Thank you for your somewhat timely reaction, monsieur Galway. You may recover the purchased vessels from either Guise (in Picardy) or Toulon (in Provence), with the latter being perhaps more easily accessible to your associates. Either way, as your visa procedure has been completed, you will not be troubled by the local authorities, provided your IFF system has not been mishandled.

We trust you will enjoy the exceptional performance of the Plier class. Truly a formidable piece of engineering, whose primary rock-busting function belies a great many capabilities in combat scenarios. We demand an impeccable victory ratio from you against the unwashed space ruffians you will be facing.

The certificates are being prepared as we speak and should be ready by the time you collect the ships.

Thank you for your interest in Gallic armaments. Au revoir.

RE: Gallic armaments leasing and exportations centre - Ile De France Shipping® - 08-13-2018

Permission Request

[Image: bmO53h5.png]

Name and affiliation: Ille De France Shipping - Gallic Corporation
Category of the request: C
Type of request : Both

What exactly do you want: Our company would need following:

- - Several GAT's
- - 2 Perilous-class corvettes
- - 5 Lynx - class very heavy fighters
- - 2 Serval - class heavy fighters
- - 2 Caracal - class light fighters

- - 60 Grand Culverin series Guns
- - 60 Musket / Musketoon series Guns

Why do you want it and how will you use it: The requested Gallic Armored Transports will mainly be used by personnel that the main task is to transport Gate and Lane parts to Leeds. The two corvettes alongside those fighters shall improve our escort's capabilities. We plan on equipping fighter crafts with the requested weaponry.

Signed: Sophie Pomeroy