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Ghosts of our past - Agent Bravo - 05-14-2018

High above Jericho orbit, lays the “Cerberus” , once it had been a Fleet vessel but with the new restructuring of the Organisation, it was part of the newly refurbished ships sent to them.

Agent Zeta is slowly checking the CIC of the ship and he smile satisfied about the situation.
“Finally, we get the recognition we deserved. Good thing we managed to take out that Gate.” he thought while grasping his side arm, a kemwar device, top of the market.

“Chief Agent, we managed to establish our communication satellite and the warning buoys”

“Perfect. Inform Fleet that Jericho is still under CIS quarantine”

“Should I mention why?”

“No. Just mark it CIS and remember to encrypt it for Higher Echalon only. Remind them that we still have a situation here on Jericho.”

“Yes sir.”

The situation Zeta refers is one that haunted him even in the night time. “What are you hiding down there ?” he used to mutter while studying the maps, while in his small office.

The 53rd Squadron managed to send a couple of Probes planetside but they couldn’t get much information but a Ship was there. And the signature was not Sirian.

“Who build you? Why you crashed here?”
the questions which always tormented his mind and were always on his lips. He again looked at the photos the Probe took and he cursed the high radioactivity that prevented a normal landing.

“We must find a way to get there. We must!”

The beep of the door wake him from his daydreaming and a CIS agent, in his black uniform, came and sent him a data pad regarding some Fleet operations and remembered him that Enigma is here.

After a few minutes, the heavy steps of a fully armored Agent could be heard and once the door closed, agents outside looked with interest and some started to wonder what is going on behind the closed doors. “Matters of State, nonetheless”

“Welcome Enigma, I am Zeta, Chief Agent for this Operation. Must inform you that this operation was marked as Priority One by CIS and the Office of the President. At ease, we have much to talk, but first, tell me what you know of Jericho?” he said with a grin.

RE: Ghosts of our past - Havok - 05-15-2018

"Barren, Radioactive, almost unscanable with something down there where we don't quite know what it is."

Enigma smirked, nodding as a greeting to Zeta. There had been some back and forth on the Bridge and she had been watching from the shadows like she always does. The commotion on the Command Deck wasn't much unusual from daily operations so whatever was being planned wasn't quite in effect yet.

"So, why is it I have been sent here? What do you need the Rapiers for, Zeta?"

She glanced out the front of the Bridge, toward the Planet, wondering what their plan was.

RE: Ghosts of our past - Agent Bravo - 05-19-2018

Zeta followed the Agent eyes and smiled "As you know we are in time of war. In war we need information. And also a long hand to get those information. I need the Rapiers for two missions. One: Tau 31. I want to know the Gallic capabilities in that system. And I mean , the true numbers. Steal, kill , bribe. Just GET ME THE INFORMATION."

He looked at Jericho "Second, we have a problem with Jericho. Our probes showed a ship down there, a ship which may not be human made, Sirian or Crayterian. We need to find a way to make our way there. Is anything you may think off at the moment, Agent? "

RE: Ghosts of our past - Havok - 05-20-2018

She couldn't help but chuckle, looking at Zeta she shook her head.

"So you want us to do the things we did before we were declared Rogue? That's interesting."

She paced up and down the room they were talking in, looking around herself and the other Agents that were around, running her hand through her hair she thought about the second part of his Missions. How were they going to get to that wreckage? That is a very good question.

"It has not yet been possible to get to the surface and conduct tests, it was never able to due to radioactivity and the harsh surroundings. What I would suggest is contacting the IRG - Ingenuus Research Group. I've heard of their work, perhaps they have a scientific solution to your problems. There is surely no military solution."

Once again, Enigma gazed out into the space before her, her arms crossed behind her back.

RE: Ghosts of our past - Agent Bravo - 05-22-2018

Zeta looked at the agent and smiled

"Listen Enigma, I don't care what happened before. I care what happens now. You know as well as me that we are responding directly to the President and we oversee the Fleet and all the Nation. We are the last bastion of Crayter. Why you were declared Rogue I care less now, I know that NOW you are an Agent of our Organisation. I expect you to do your duty at the best of your capabilities. You and your squadron" he stopped and continue with a grin "Now, our fleet is increasing, we are having Thanatos class ships at our disposal, Argus , even a Zephyr. It seems that president Payne trusts us and we must not let her down."

He looked down at Jericho "As for the Ingenuus, contact them. BUT make no reference to why we called them, or make any connection do the Republic of Crayter? I will clear some funds for you. Meanwhile, send your squadron to Tau 31. I need the reports as soon as possible. Try to infiltrate them on Harris. Use IMG ID and see what you can access."

RE: Ghosts of our past - Agent Bravo - 05-26-2018

Zeta spend some time looking on the strange moon beneath them. "This ship is not here by it's own design. Yes I know Enigma, I am jumping to something else now, but truly, I am more then curious what is with that ship. " and he puts the projection on the ship board.

"Look Enigma, look what is keeping my mind occupied and why I am here. Look what our probe managed to get." the feed show a vessel of strange designed, spiky and yet compact "Look at the sheer beauty of it. I was thinking, maybe this ship is connected with the Gate we destroyed. Is not Nomad, is not Wild. Maybe we encountered an enemy of the Nomads? If that is the case, were they spying on them? Why Coronado, why the Gate was here? Who are they?" he stopped as he sensed the tension in the room.

"This questions Enigma, I must find an answer to them. And I need you."

RE: Ghosts of our past - Havok - 06-19-2018

Enigma had left on her mission after their last conversation. A few days had past in which multiple things were going on already, returning to Agent Bravo to report of her progress, Enigma returned to the Cerberus. Entering the bridge, she glanced around before walking up to Bravo.

"Alright Bravo. I've gotten you your information on Tau 31, as well as sent out communications to the Ingenuus Group, we're waiting on their reply now."

She then paced the room up and down, glancing down at Jericho.