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War Declaration accepted - Printable Version

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War Declaration accepted - geohxx - 02-06-2009

***transmission incoming***
///modulating open cannel///
***From HAF - Hispania Armored Forces***
//from.*.*.*./*/estatic***..ewhere in Corsair Spaces, inside our ZOI///

The Hispania Armored Forces accept the Declaration of War from Council of Corsair Members. We cant afford more casualties during negotiations, untill the Council opens the dialogue, we are forced to respond to their actions with our guns and all of our military forces.

This bloody war inside The Corsair Nation its only a OPG responsability, and now we are changing our status, from simple resistance to open war. From this moment, every OPG vessel is considered hostile, and will be engaged until his destruction


HAF-M-Sir_Dark, Commander in Chieff

HAF-G- Megadeath, Diplomatic CEO

*******channel closed*******

War Declaration accepted - Zapp - 02-06-2009

Opening Transmission
Comm ID: ********27
Location: Freeport 11, Omicron Delta
Target: Corsairs and various other scum listening on this channel

Message begins:

Nothing quite like watching the dregs of Sirius blow each other outta the sky. Saves me and mine -- the Bounty Hunters -- the trouble. Of course this will make hunting you all the more interesting.

Taking bets on Freeport 11 - personally, my money's on the OPG. Best of luck though *laughs*

Transmission Closed

War Declaration accepted - Dra1003 - 02-06-2009

incoming transmission
Com ID:Order|Rick.Svaren
Location: Omicron minor
Target: Planet Crete

Are you serious.. sigh..

Anyway some of my patrol paths take me through gamma if you see me there im not getting involved in this civil war. I hate needlessly killing people anyway.

transmission terminated...

War Declaration accepted - Quorg - 02-06-2009

Source: Desert.Snow

Some of us are in neither faction, you know. Whichever side convinces my crew and me that theirs will be more profitable has our guns at its service.
Until we hear back, we will be continuing operations as usual in Kusari space.


War Declaration accepted - kikatsu - 02-06-2009

Comm ID: Toledo Diaz

Let me be blunt with you. I cannot see how this at all will have a favorable outcome, I see this as a pointless loss of our pilots and ships. If the two of your factions must absolutely go to war, I please ask that you keep it away from Cadiz. We have enough trouble out there in dealing with Hessians, SCRA, and of course the Bounty Hunters. I do not want to see needless damage come to the base on your part.

I do not want part of this war in the least, I find it foolish at best.


War Declaration accepted - Dashiell - 02-06-2009

Incoming message...

Comm id: Dashiell Damoclass.
loacation: Cambridge medical center

messege begins:

This is rich. This should make Core operations that much easier. By all means, kill eachother every chance you get. Now if only the Order would start an intensive war with the Outcasts my day would be perfect.

Dashiell out.


end of message.

War Declaration accepted - Blackstarr - 02-06-2009

--Hacking into corsair comms-
--Location unknown--
--Comm id : Adrian Corte Vasquez--

Haha.... this is a great day for the outcasts indeed. Yes some of you may remember me... some of you may not. But i am still here. The corsairs will pay for what they have done to me and my familia. Maybe i should use this war as an opportunity to attack the corsairs from the inside... hmmm

*evil laughter is heard over comms*

-Transmission disconnected focefully-

War Declaration accepted - Jimothy - 02-06-2009

From: Diego.Rolando

Oh petty squabling among our enemies? This can only have favourable outcomes. They kill each other, we sweep up the peices. Though us at outright war with the Order, that would be foolish.

War Declaration accepted - Asgardian - 02-06-2009

[Incoming Encrypted Transmission]

Ladies, did this all come about because I accused one HAF-Sir.Dark of engaging inside a Freeport No-Fire zone? This has been blown way out of proportion...I like it *Laughs*. You have to ask yourself: Was this my plan all along? Well, that doesn't really matter, because you fools will continue to blow each other apart no matter what. All the while, I sit back on Freeport 11 and drink this fantastic martini.

"Bartender, I'll put 500k on the OPG to win."

Linda Jacobson

[End Transmission]

War Declaration accepted - Jinx - 02-06-2009

from: freeport 11
to: freeport 9

"that is very strange - and oddly stereotype. - while the short crisis about the FP11 no fire zone happened, the corsairs stood like one body of men, united. - now they fall apart and fire each other. - a heavy blow to the corsairs reputation that is damaging much more than just a bit of damage on a few vessels. - it is a blow to their political strength and vulnerability.

when we made the demand and placed a bounty on one corsair, we actually had to consider alternative ways to solve the issue. - but now that we see that the corsairs are a lot less united. - our political position is stronger than ever.

it is a classical situation - one side weakening itself - while the vultures sit around it - however.. we must make sure that they don t weaken themselves too much - equilibrium must be kept between the outcasts and the corsairs - it would be a nightmare if one side would really gain the ability to overpower the other side."

anonymous source, unidentified user on FP11 com station...