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Carrier Esquimalt re-commission - Goatman - 07-20-2018


Ref ID: 817-A-819

Liberty Navy
Washington Shipyard, Virginia

Project High Liner

Project Status: Open

Date: March 18th 816,
To Liberty’s navy Admirals,

With the rise of the tension between the Republic of liberty and the Federal Republic of Rheinland, it’s time to speed up the production of capital ships. We need to get ready to, if needed, to be able to deploy fighters wings in systems bordering both republics.

The Project High Liner include the productions on dreadnoughts ships but will also include the building and commission of Atlantis Class Carriers. The production will be splitted between the following shipyards:

Norfolk Shipyard : Interdictor Class
Juneau Shipyard: Archer Class / Defiant Class
Washington Shipyard: Overlord Class / Atlantis class

The production will start soon the credits are allowed by the government of the republic.


Project High Liner

Project Status: Closed

Date: December 4th 822,

To Liberty’s navy Admirals,

With the end of hostilities between the Republic of liberty and the Federal Republic of Rheinland, it’s time to end the Project High Liner. The following shipyards will restart their production following the needs

Norfolk Shipyard
Juneau Shipyard
Washington Shipyard

Upon request of the 5th fleet, the half completed Atlantis class carrier will towed to Juneau shipyard. The fleet will use their allowed credits to commission the ship.


Diary of Shipmaster Commander Madison Young

April 3rd , 823 A.S - Juneau shipyard

I wished this day would come later. *sighs* Seem like i have more to do than i bargained for when i accepted the task. They told me it would be more than half complete ship to work with. As usual, it’s was a lie. I will need to put alot of menpower and time to commission a ship using an empty shell.

June 12th, 823 A.S - Juneau shipyard

Another day, another demise. *shake her head* Not even 3 months into trying to make something out of this piece of scrap and we’re already discovering construction’s flaws. In the hurry of building ships for the front, they used low grade alloys for the bridge. The port side is so poorly constructed that we will have no choices but change the whole structure.

July 2nd, 823 A.S - Juneau shipyard

Happy birthday to me! *smile* My crew gave me a great gift today. They managed to complete the replacement of the bridge ahead of time of time. I decided to give them the day off and we will head to Manhattan and have some cold ones. *look excited*

July 12rd, 823 A.S - Juneau shipyard

The sky has fallen on me today. *look at the roof* The engine and the armor plating i was expecting are back order according to Washington Shipyard’s Master. He can’t even give me a delivery date so the build coming to a grinding halt. After a quick talk with my commanding officer, if we don’t get them we might discard the whole project. *sighs*

Septembre 7th, 823 A.S - Juneau Shipyard

Bummer!. I received the engines and the plating for the Carrier yesterday but this morning, there was a badly maimed LABC was towed from the Galic’s front. Guess i’ll have to put my current project aside and put the whole team to help repair the LNS-Aberdeen. If that stupid Commander wasn’t such reckless with his ships, i wouldn’t have to stop working on my chef-d’oeuvre. Jeez! Look like i'll have alot of sleepless nights ahead! *alot of swearing words*

December 30, 823 A.S - Juneau

More and more ships show up from the front at Juneau, Norfolk and Washington shipyards. Look like the war won’t be as easy as we thought. I requested more technicians for Juneau. My crew won’t be able to keep up with the flow of ships coming in. I had to create place in the drydocks so my crew so i decided to do alot of overtime to work on the carrier. We managed to put the engine and core in. We will, hopefully, be able to move it using it’s own power soon. *look really excited*

February 4th, 824 A.S - Juneau Shipyard

Look! It's moving. It's alive. It's alive... It's alive, it's moving, it's alive, it's alive, it's alive, it's alive, IT'S ALIVE! *huge smile on her face* Sorry! Always wanted to say that! *giggle* I love the feeling of the engine growling and the core humming. Today, we achieved a milestone. I feel like a proud mom looking at his kid first step. *blush* Biggy as we now call her, moved using her own power. She’s now moving slowly to the next bay to get her some clothes on. *grin* She’s far from done but we still need the life support completed tol allow us to work inside the shell.

April 10th, 824 A.S - Juneau Shipyard

Another setback! What you expect from Biggy? *look enraged and really tired* She’s an unlucky lady and jinxed us since the first day but i love her so much. We discovered that a third of the ablative armor plating wasn’t suited for our needs. They shipped us the wrong ones and they blame me. *hit her desk* They said i requested the 18-9090 while i needed the 18-9082. I’m pretty sure i ain’t the one who screwed up but as usual, i can’t find the manifesto's carbon. It’s doesn’t matter much but i don’t know when i’ll have them. *sigh deeply*

October 5th 824 A.S - Juneau Shipyard

It was a warm summer on the front-line. We had to do alot of work to keep the fleet combatworthy. *shrug* I missed Biggy so much. I almost have shame looking at her half-naked but today we starting to put the final touch at her plating. The Armor upgrade, without being the best, should be enough for now… i hope that a Capital upgrade Mk 7 ablative armor will be enough to keep her safe. Meanwhile, the life support is fully completed and the interior work as begun. The living quarters, galleys and bridge are completed. The docking bays, control rooms, gun rooms, brig and sick bay will be fitted out in the next months. I am so happy. *giggle*

January 16th 825 A.S - Juneau Shipyard

Today my baby starting school. *laugh* The ship is nearly completed and will undergo her first trials. I expect her to perform well during the engine and core stress tests. The 5th commands getting weary and i need to deliver her soon. I must admit that i’m going to shed a tear when she’s going to leave. *look sad*

January 16th 825 A.S Late - Juneau Shipyard

*hitter her desk non-stop* I wasn’t expecting this. During the testing the core almost melted due mainly to a faulty overheating switch. We got lucky but we’ll have to replace the whole coils set and switches to make sure we don’t have the same problem again. *growl out of anger*

March 19th 825 A.S - Juneau Shipyard

The commission date coming fast but Biggy will be ready. All the trials are completed with success. *smile* It’s about the time we give my sweety some punch. The 5th Fleet logistic unit and the cute Captain Watson *blush* started to ferry guns from Washington shipyard and those bad boys will be mounted soon. I’ve heard that a wing of fighters or bombers are getting trained to join the crew. Wish i could join the crew. Who know her more than me? Nobody. I will send a transfers request to the admiral. I really want to stay with her. *silly laughs*

July 13th 825 A.S - Juneau Shipyard

It’s done. She’s ready for a fight. *she's shaking out of excitement* I hope she’s going to be up to the task. Sitting here, in the captain chair make me happy and sad at the same time. *shed some tears* I guess it’s the feeling the parents have when their child is about to leave home. While i don’t excited much about your new name, The Esquimalt, it’s not my decision. Well, it’s “exotic”. *laughs* Biggy you officially going to work in few days. I’ve heard you going to be under Rear Admiral Reyes commands.. He’s a good man honey, he will take care of you well. Not quite like me but he will otherwise i’ll show up, kick him in the nuts and take care of you myself. *laughs*

July 17th 825 A.S - Juneau Shipyard

Last day on the bridge. And there a change in the plan for you baby. There is a new appointed Rear Admiral and he’s going to take care of you. You remember captain Watson? *blush* The man in charge of the logistic unit that helped you getting built in the last year. He’s seem like a good man and if he’s half smart as Reyes, you’ll be in good hands. *soft laugh* I must admit he’s cute but don’t let him charm you. Show him who’s the boss but take care of him and his crew. I know you will. Come visit me sometimes honey! *start crying*

July 17th 825 A.S late - Juneau Shipyard

Oh my god! Oh my god! *hyperventilate* I got answer for my transfers request. I’m staying with Biggy and will be taking care of her longer. I’m officially appointed as second in command. *look thru the windows that give sight on the Esquimalt* I should start packing my stuff because tomorrow we’re leaving honey. *smile*

On the July 18th 825 A.S, The 5th fleet officially commissioned The Atlantis class carrier dubbed Esquimalt. The newly appointed Rear Admiral Adam Watson III is the commanding officer of the ship. Commander Madison Young got her wishes fulfilled by being named, in recognition of her work, second in command.

RE: 5th Fleet - Carrier Esquimalt building - Goatman - 07-21-2018

The officers lounge is the private bar of the main fleet on Juneau Shipyard. The ambience, while not being quite like a club on Manhattan, is a relax one. Pilots and officers from the main fleet gather there mostly to take a drink after missions or during their day off. The clients are mostly 5th fleet members that use the lounge to release pressure, celebrate life and death. They also use the facility as informal debriefing room after missions.

Watson looking throught the porthole in Juneau officers lounge and raise an eyebrow in disbelieve. Before his eyes stand a brand new Atlantis Class Carrier. He been only few days since he got promoted as Rear Admiral and he already get his hands on such ship. Some people would sell their own mother to acheieve this feat. Adam close his eyes and the noise around him seem to dissapear. *He's getting lost in his memories. *

"She's pretty impressive isn't Admiral?" softly say Commander Young.

*Watson keep on looking at the ship and smile.*
"Indeed! Indeed! But i'm not quite sure i'm ready for her." *Shy laugh* Watson then turn around and look at the Commander Madison Young. "So you wanted to fly with us that bad Commander?"

Madison start clumsy babbling "Admi..Sir.... Yes Sir" *blush*. She try to regain composure after she realize that she acted worst than a teenage girl. "Sir! It's going to be a honor to serve under your command on Biggy...errr i mean the Esquimalt!"

*Watson raise an eyebrow and laugh* "Biggy heh? Guess it's the name you gave her right?"

"Yes Sir! I'm sorry and i'll get acquainted with her new name." She starting to stress out a bit and look around the lounge trying to see another familiar face that could join the conversation.

"It's fine with me if you wanna keep caller her Biggy Commander. After reading the complete report i'm pretty sure you concider her like your own child." *Watson take another look throught the porthole and smille*

Madison was almost holding her breath expecting the Admiral to laugh at her. *laugh*

"You're right Admiral. She's like a daughter to me and the only family i might ever have" *she shrug in despair*

Adam turn back to Young looking dead serious and look at her right in her eyes.

"You got a family Commander. Maybe not the best but you got the navy. We taking care of each other" Watson obviously trying to gauge his new second in command and Maddy try to avoid getting into this game.

*She wink then smile*

"You're right Admiral and i'm proud of our disfonctional family and since we're here, are we going to get a drink to celebrate this moment?" *both laugh*

Watson and Young sit at a table and order a drink before others join the celebrations.

(from here, the thread is open to 5th members)

RE: 5th Fleet - Carrier Esquimalt commission party - FreshP - 07-21-2018

As the people in the bar are chilling they can see Dayton's ship docking to Juneau.

In the next minute, Dayton runs through the passageway and stops for a few seconds at the door of the bar. He is holding some strange looking documents in his hand and looks exhausted. He drops a quiet "Good Day" and smiles at Watson, but as fast as he arrived he disappears in the direction of the offices.

This was a strange sight because Dayton is calm in most of the times.

RE: 5th Fleet - Carrier Esquimalt commission party - Frostpfote - 07-21-2018

Between all those the people in the lounge, a young, relatively tall woman with a higher ranking uniform makes her way to the barcounter. In her hands she holds a datapad with some sort of e-book on it. Nobody seems to recognize her immediately, as she tends to be rather quite, even at such a special day. After looking at the "Esquimalt" for a moment, she sits down on a chair and continues reading her book. Right when her glasses are about to fall down, she looks up at the bar keeper and says with a soft and quiet voice: "Can I have a bottle of coke or something similar, please?". After ordering something to drink, she eagerly continued to almost inhalate the e-book infront of her.

Carrier Esquimalt (re) commission - Goatman - 07-26-2019

one year later

*Watson sit on the commander chair and caress the velvet then smile*

*whisper* Missed me honey? Been a long time isn't? I shouldn't have left you in the first place. We'll get you cleaned up and ready to go.

*Commander Madison look at Watson and restrain laughing*

Sir, Are you talking to the ship? It's kind of creepy even from you. *Before watson even reply she continue* I've tried to maintain her in good shape but the secondary fleet budget isn't what it use to be with the war. She's space worthy.... i think. And for the weaponry, that's another story.

*Watson look at her an sighs*

So you telling me you have no clue if the engines will fire nor if i could use the peashooters? So what we should do?

*Young shrug*

Maybe we could simply fire the engines and do a test run. If anything go wrong we can come back to Juneau on impulse. And for the guns, we might have some stuff to shoot at in the system. We could have some drones launched to test the targetting systems.

*Watson look at the ceiling and look around*

That's the best we can do Sir. I can't do any promise about the status of the ship. Should be fine but you know she was maintained to minimum. I took good care of her.... well the best i could.

*Watson smile*

I know you did what you could. She was pretty banged up when she got back here after the Magellan incident. If there someone to blame it's me. I shouldn't have left Gallow in charge. I should have been me who gave the order to go ahead and engage the gauls while the odds we're stacked against us. I should be the one who was fatally injuried, not him He was a good second in command. He will be missed.

*Madison put her hand on Watson's shoulder*

Sir, don't be that hard on yourself. It's war and nobody could predict what happened. We will our chance to avenge his death. This ship carry his soul and all thoses of who gave their life for freedom.

*Watson nod*

You're right, their souls inhabit her but it's not about vengeance Commander. It's about ending a war that bring more deads everyday. I simply want to make sure the kids on the battlefield. Now let's wake her up and let's do some tests.

RE: Carrier Esquimalt re-commission - Goatman - 07-26-2019

Commander Madison Young personnal logs

July 26th, 826 A.S - Juneau shipyard[/b]

Well, was a good test. The ship should hold it together. The engine slightly overheated but nothing to care about. The techs already working on changing the coolant. Was overdue and i shouldn't have overlooked the details.

The repairs to the hull we're done right but sadly we had to use grade 6 panels instead of the grade 8. Sadly with the war, there is shortage of decent components. It's not top of the line but isn't bad either. Should hold the Esquimalt in one part. *sighs*

The guns.... the guns... it's the only thing we have enough. *smile*. They are in tiptop shape and no problems we're uncovered but i'll have techs check them anyway. Better be ready than be sorry.

Last thing about the ship; The systems and life support are all in perfect working order. While i have full trust into into the ship, i have doubt about Adam. He use to be fun to work with and a real gentlemen. During the tests he was laconic at best. Seem like he was looking alot at the wreck in he drydock. We'll see if was only a bad day for him. Hope it's only a bad day.

Adam Watson III, captain, 5th fleet
26th July 826 A.S
Written log /off-record

I thought at first that it was a dream. It can't be true. The Odyssey here after so much time... Nobody told me about it. I'm trying to get informations about my mentor and someone i saw has a friend and nobody care to give me clear answers. *hit the table*

When i got here earlier i thought was only another of those salvaged ship getting fixed to get back to the battlefield. But i couldn't be more wrong. The ship is in bad shape... really bad shape. Wonder how many men died trying to save her. Is Sader and Drake are alive?

Guess i'll have to request the high command access to the informations. I should go see Madison and ask her to forgive me. The sight of the Odyssey troubled me. I didn't had the head totally to the tests on the Esquimalt. She's space worthy for sure. But the odyssey...

i need to go for a walk. I'll try to pull some string to have access to the restricted area of the medbay.

RE: Carrier Esquimalt re-commission - Goatman - 08-11-2019

Adam Watson III, captain, 5th fleet
august 11th 826 A.S
Written log /off-record

I feeling like a proud dad today. The crew at Juneau pull out a miracle again. She is back to her former glory. Fully repaired, rearmed and a whole new scanning system.

Don't know how Madison pulled that miracle but she did. Speaking of her, i should, at least, thank her. She been around the Esquimalt since day one and nobody ever noticed. I fear people might claim a conflict of interest if i get her to a nice restaurant on Hattan.

Well! It's time to give the Malt a spin and see if everything that use to hold with duct tape will stay in one piece. *laugh*