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Clarity on Perk Requests - Printable Version

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Clarity on Perk Requests - Lythrilux - 07-29-2018

The usage of Faction Perks has/is expanded/expanding beyond what's actually written here. Perks have recently been used in the following ways (AFAIK at least):
  • Getting a new NPC base.
  • Requesting an (entirely new) ID.
  • Turning your Official Faction into an NPC faction.

There are some other usages that I think I've come across in the past several months but they're just on the very tip of my tongue. So for the sake of clarity, could it be specifically elaborated what perks could be used on?

RE: Clarity on Perk Requests - Skorak - 07-29-2018

Getting a new NPC base. - For Harmony I made a dev request for the NPC base. Aux has been talking about this before the current dev team even. They requested merely a unique model and got this instead.
Requesting an (entirely new) ID. - That was treated as a player request - The UN with their Zoner Marine stuff.
Turning your Official Faction into an NPC faction. - Dev request.

RE: Clarity on Perk Requests - Sombs - 07-29-2018

The Model Change of Nichols Trade Station was both SRP and Faction Perk Request, and I don't know what it was taken as in the end. The filed SRP was about the FOW removal of the station, the filed Faction Perk Request contained the model change assets. Both requests were filed interconnected, though.