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A New Born - Printable Version

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A New Born - Felsvar - 08-07-2018

It was twenty-one: twenty-four at night on Freeport Nine, Omicron Theta. A young fellow, a Freelancer, to be literal, was sitting alone in the corner of the Bar table. He was slim, with a messy hair look, wearing a dark coat as he drank his glass of water; he dislikes alcoholic beverages no matter what anyone says. As he slowly swept his eyes around the Bar room, there were few others mining their business and playing eight-ball on the pool tables. Many kinds of folks were there - Corsairs, Bounty Hunters, Freelancers, Zoners etc. However, it was a neutral Station where everyone acts civilized and stood on their respective corners and trading glare threatening looks at one another. He returns his eyes to his glass of water, looking at his reflection.

He sighs, "Tired of this crap!" Placing the glass on the table, he hails at the Bartender, "What is my damage?" he said with exhaustion.

The Bartender looks at him disturbed, "Are you okay Eric?- you're not drunk because of water, right? Cause that would be silly."

Eric gives off a chuckle, [color=##0080FF]"No Samantha, just tired that there is not even an agent here to get a mission from."[/color] He rests his forearm on the bar table and continues, "I need credits, I mean I got sufficient, but not enough to buy a new ship." He puts his hands on his head as he sighed weaving his fingers on his hair.

Samantha looked around the Bar room, "Well, give it another ten minutes." She pours more water on his glass. " A lot of the men and women here are waiting too! Here, another glass of water - your drinks is on the house tonight." She winks her eye at him.

"Thanks!" he shares a smirk back at her.

As time past and ran out, he stood up and waves at the Bartender - "Later Samantha." he says as he leaves the Bar Room.

Eric walks out of the Bar to his quarters he rented for a few nights. As he nears his door to his room, his comm-pad started to produce alerting sounds of receiving messages. He gets startled, as he was not expecting any kind of communication. All hope lost after he did not have the luck to find a planetary mission to get enough credits for a decent Fighter, a random person contacted him.

"Meet me at the Bar." Eric reads out.

He looks around confused and speaks mutter to himself, "I was there five minutes ago." Grabbing his pad with both hands he quickly used his thumbs to write back at the anonymous messenger. Eric typed, "I WAS THERE A FEW MINUTES AGO! WHO ARE YOU?" - he then sends it with an expressive sigh afterward. Seconds later, right after he opens his room, a return message was received. "I heard you are in need of a starting ship? I got you one but it comes with a mission." the message stated. Eric read the message twice to guarantee of what he read is real. He quickly locks his door to his room and power walks back to the Bar.

Eric returns to the Bar and everything seemed to be the way it was when he left it. However, he looked to his right, there was a middle age woman sitting at a table, staring at him with a soft smile. She had blonde sleek hair that was combed down on one side of her shoulders and a white, long sleeve, leather coat with ranks on her shoulders. She calls him to the table.

"Mr. Cozco. So nice to meet you." She gently shows an open seat at a table just reserved for him, "Come and sit. Let's have a chat."

Eric walks to the open seat keeping an eye to eye contact with the unfamiliar woman. [color=##0080FF]"Do I know you from somewhere?"[/color] he asked with curiosity.

She nods, "No, no, no. We never met before." She smiles and sips on her martini. "But, the Bartender told me you are in need of a new ship and some credits. With that said, I am Johanna Limberg, Zoner Research Specialist at Conrith Research Station on Omicron Kappa. I am in need of a personal pilot to fly to a violent, yet deadly system."

"Zoner. Researcher. Conrith Station. You want me to go into the depths of the Nomad Worlds I'm guessing?" He crosses his arms and looks at her seriously. "I am risking my life for your 'research' work! It is how I lost my ship in the first place working for an idiot and was brought back in pieces to be sold for scrap!" He vented out.

Limberg sighs, "Well, I am not that Employer." She laughs. "However, the reward is very hard to walk out from. One Billion Sirus Credits will be transferred to your account and a bonus of six hundred fifty million if everything goes through well in my research - which is a ninety-nine point six percent chance of it being successful. You can buy one hundred sixty-five snub-crafts with that kind of credits, OR better yet, invest on a larger vessel and trade across the Sirius Sector." Her face was immediately weighty after stating the reward to him.

Eric was silent after hearing her. He looked around thinking but then Limberg snaps her fingers few times, "Eyes on me, fly-boy."

Eric did not hesitate any further and looked at her Ranks. "You're a Captain and a Researcher?"

She glanced at her shoulder, "Indeed I am. I am the Captain of an Exploratory 'Aquilon' Class Carrier. Most of my work is done on my Ship while dry-docked on the Research Station. Also, your new ship is currently docked on its Hangar bay."

Scratching his head, Eric looks at her green steady eyes. He sighs at his decision, "I'll take your offer. What does the mission consist of?"

Limberg read his body language and got her intrigued. "What is wrong? The mission is very rewarding - very RARE to find these job-"

Eric sits up straight and interrupts her with a cough. He then leans forward, resting his forearms on the table top. "It's also very rare to see these pilots return home with that kind of reward. Reason being, they never make it out alive while you guys get your 'candy' and act as if nothing happened." He says with a calm and meaningful tone.

Limberg rolls her eyes and sips on her martini - "You know, I've been the Captain of a Carrier that I purchased years ago and I have never failed to accompany my fly-boys. I have taken on Nomad Giants before with little to no casualties. When I am in 'active duty' - my role is very serious as a Captain of a Carrier. Wherever my pilots go, I go because I am their 'momma'."

She rests her martini on the table and folds her fingers. "Nevertheless, I do confess that those pilots onboard are under a contract on my ship; they aren't really working for me. Though, I have to be responsible for their lives and my crew. You in the other hand will be working for me." She searches her pocket on her coat and pulls out a datapad, "The ship you'll be flying is an Osprey Class - very durable and it is specially equipped with a cloaking device. It's the only one I could come up so far with - so you will be flying solo while my Carrier will be ready to jump on your coordinates if danger finds you." She sits back properly again, "So, Eric... what you were saying?"

Eric looks at the Datapad screen that showed the schematics of an Osprey Super Very Heavy Fighter. "When do I start?" he tells Limberg.

"Good! Meet me at the Hangar two in six hours. In the meantime, I got a research meeting to attend. See you in a few." Limberg stood up and fixed her coat as she was prepping to leave the Bar. Her Guards walks in from outside the Bar to escort her out. Eric felt lucky for this chance and hopes she keeps her side of the deal.

He gets up and walks to the bar table and calls Samantha to give her the thanks for the job. "Just wanted to say thanks for helping me out. Really appreciate it."

Samantha smiles at him, "Of course and absolutely! I look out for my pilots."

He looks at her suspiciously, "Uhm... are you flirting with me?"

Samantha immediately panics and spills liquor on the counter-top after he says that. "N- nono! Sorry if I made you uncomfortable." She grabs a towel to clean up the mess, blushing as she cleans.

He grabs another towel and helps her a bit. As he cleans, he looks at her and shakes his head, "You sure are blushing." he laughs.

"Well, that was a surprising yet interesting question. I was caught off-guard." Samantha claims.

"Tell you what, how about you and I go to... let's say, Planet Curacao! Nice summer, beaches, recreations - Paradise! Just you and I; as friends?" He tells her, as he gave her back the towel, with a soothing tone of attraction.

"I would definitely go with you, Eric." She didn't hesitate what-so-ever on his request.

"Cool!" Eric expresses. "As soon I return, I am coming for you!" He walks out of the Bar leaving her with his promising words.

RE: A New Born - Felsvar - 08-07-2018

Eric packed his belongings into his personal back-pack after suiting up for the epic mission that awaits him. He made sure everything was left that way he met it before he left his dorm room. He looks at his com-pad to figure out the time hoping he was not late for the departure. It was only an hour before meeting Limberg in the Hangar. As he secured everything on his dorm room and locked the sliding doors, a young boy showed up in front of him when he turned away from locking his door. Eric got startled and looked around but the boy just remained there looking at him. "Hey, little man. Lost?" Eric said to him kneeling down in one knee. However, the boy just stood there silent. He seemed to be 10 years of age, Eric imagined. Having brown skin tone with dark brown long sleeked hair. He was not wearing any footwear and a long lightly-purple T-shirt that was knee high. "Do you speak?" Eric wondered, but the boy just had a stare-down at Eric. Eric carefully looked into his eyes and saw no iris. He quickly looked into his bag to get a flashlight to look closer but when he looked again to where the boy was standing - he disappeared leaving no trace. A random man came up behind him,

"You lost something on the ground?" He chuckled.

Eric was so confused and slowly tucked his flashlight back into the bag. "No. Uhm... have you seen a boy? He was right in front of me."

The guy looked at Eric, "Bro, what are you smoking? I have been standing in the corner watching you speak to the air" he laughs.

"Oh. I probably didn't sleep well. Or maybe the allergy pills." Eric replies. But, Eric knew he saw a boy in front of him. Eric just shooked his head and walked off as the guy laughed behind him. Probably would be the joke of the day in the Station.

Eric finally made it to the Hangar where Limberg told him to meet her. As said, Captain/Professor Limberg was speaking to other Leaders in the hangar near a Civilian X-Class shuttle. He walks to her to let her know he is present on the Area.

"Professor Limberg?" Eric calls her out.

Limberg turns to him after being interrupted, "Ahh, Mr. Cozco - good timing!" They both shook hands and was introduced to the Commanding Officer of Freeport Nine. "This is Commanding Officer Thomas, Nate. He is basically the person that Runs the Station chosen by the Zoner Council."

CO Thomas stretches out his hand from his stance, "Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Cozco. Miss Johanna was speaking highly of you. Hope you do well as her personal Pilot for her research."

Eric looks at Limberg as he only met her hours ago and already she is speaking greatly of him. "Sure! She sure is a handful." He says sarcastically speaks of her and walks to the shuttle, "I'll be waiting in the shuttle."

Limberg watched him as if he was bothered by something. CO Thomas says to her, "He's the right fit for you. Really rough attitude."

She turns back at Thomas, "Indeed he is" she wondered.

"I'll be in touch later on about our discussion." CO Thomas stated as he walked off to perform his duty.

Limberg walked into the shuttle with her Guards and finds Eric on the piloting seat. She sits on the passenger side while her guards seated behind them. She looked at Eric as he was prepping for take-off. "You sure know what you are doing." She buckled herself.

Eric pauses for a moment. "Its only been hours of you and I meeting and you are already speaking "highly" of me? Do not expect I to work for you forever. This is just a one time mission and that is all. I complete the mission, I get my credits and leave."

She smiles sarcastically, "Do not tempt me, fly-boy. I was just sharing and adding more points to your reputation. Else, you want me to say you are a low-life pilot that lost his ship and has no credits for a new toy. I am giving you another opportunity. Take it, for your sake."

Eric looks at her and nods, "Whatever. Besides, I flew these ships before I lost my own personal junk."

The X-Shuttle engines ignited and lifted from its pad gently, slowly turning around and keeping it steady. The Hangar Crew directed the hovering shuttle to the Exit. Everything went clear and green to go. Airlock Doors opened before the Main Doors, as the Shuttle propelled forward to the open area. As it stopped and held its position, the Airlock doors closed again and the doors to the Open Void opened. Eric pressed-on the propulsion lever and flew out of the Hangar smoothly.

Eric taps on few numbers on the navigational screen, "Setting coordinates to Omicron Kappa."

A wing of Fighters proceeded to his port and starboard side to aid on the travel. "This is Leader Theta-Kappa of the Escort wing two-one Zeta - do you read me? Over." the radio sounded out.

Eric pressed on his mic button, "We hear you Escort Wing two-one. Should we proceed to the Omicron Kappa Jumphole? Over."

"Affirmative. Comms will be cleared from here on out until we are ten klicks from our final destination. Understood?"

Eric looks at Limberg with a confusing look. "That is understood. Over and Out."

Limberg gets a little more comfortable as she plays her mini-game on her pad. "You are doing well."

"Thanks. Uhm... don't you have work to do on your research?" Eric wonders.

Limberg sighs and puts down her game, "You know... too much work can kill you. I balance things out with entertainment and studies. Besides, I want to relax on the ride."

"For a Captain and Professor, you are very laid-back," Eric confesses at her while she resumes on her entertainment.

She pauses the game and stares out to the void. "Don't get used to it. I am a whole different person when I step foot on my ship. Like I said - I take my responsibilities seriously." She returns to look at him, "Right now it's my 'me' time and I'll like to take advantage of it before we head out to the dangerous system."

Eric chuckles, "Of course - Boss."

RE: A New Born - Felsvar - 08-07-2018

Finally, after thirty-six minutes of travel time, the Shuttle along with its Escort wing approached the ten-kilometer boundary of the Aquilon Class Carrier. Limberg put on her communication gear and contacted her Bridge Crew.

"This is X-Shuttle ninety-one Sierra requesting to dock." Limberg sounded off.

Seconds after, a response was heard. "This is the 'Limberg' Aquilon Class Carrier. Your request to dock has been accepted. Welcome back, Captain."

Eric stood in suspense, "Really. 'Limberg'? Could not have named it something else?"

Limberg stood up and open the small personal Locker behind her. She grabs her belongings and her Captain's Cap. "You will receive bunker number on your pad. Drop your belongings there and meet me at the Bridge; giving you temporary access where all the action happens." She says, ignoring Eric's unnecessary question.

For a moment Eric wondered all the generosity, kindness and most suspiciously access to a Bridge. Nevertheless, the shuttlecraft was nearing the landing pad on the Hangar Bay. Eric gently maneuvers the craft to its position before shutting off the engines and opening the exits. He lands the X-Shuttle successfully and stood up from the piloting seat wondering if Limberg changed her personality. "What should I call you now?"

Limberg walking out of the shuttle humbly says, "Call me Ma'm from now on, Prospect. That's your callsign." and continues walking away with her Guards escorting her.

Eric nods as she moves off, "What a weird person she is." as he grabs his coat and backpack. As he exits out of the Shuttle, Eric stops to look around. Many different faces where he looked, on his left and right. As well a wing of fighters that were under maintenance while the Carrier is semi-inactive.

"Impressive," Eric says. He then moves on to his quarters to change into his temporary uniform to meet with Limberg on the Bridge. Walking to the nearest elevator, he slightly looked to his left and sees the same little boy he saw on the Freeport starring at him from a distance. "You again," Eric says to himself. Now walking with a purpose, Eric lost eye contact for a few seconds as a service cart drove pass right in front of him. The mysterious boy disappeared once again. Eric was confused again for the second time. Seeing that boy once again and disappearing got his mind a little out of track. He quickly pulls himself together and continues to the Elevator.

After an hour landing on the Carrier, Limberg was already at the Bridge sharing out commands to her Crew. She walks towards the Navigation Hologram Table, the Edgeworld Systems were projected in a 3d view on the chart. As she shares out information to her top officers on the bridge, Elevators swooshed open and Eric walks out of it wearing his new Pilot Uniform. It was well fitted with few leathered areas on his shoulders and glossy solid boots. Limberg moved her eyes to the opening Elevator and saw him, "You're a few minutes late, Pilot." The whole Bridge stood silent and all eyes were on him. Everyone on the Bridge knows if a reporting officer is late to his/her post, they are deemed to be replaced immediately at her will. "Since you are new and temporary, I'll exclude you from my 'post' rules." She says with a firm and serious face. "Anyways, report over here."

Eric approached the Nav. Hologram Table and saw the Officers and Limberg discussing the Task. He was a little overwhelmed. However, he glanced at the Front glass of the Bridge and saw the mysterious boy sitting on the floor looking outside, into the Voids of Omicron Kappa. Eric immediately walked towards where the boy was and was stopped by Limberg. "Prospect!" Limberg shouted and the crew stopped there task. "Where do you think you are going?" Limberg said.

Eric looked at Limberg and return his look to where the boy was sitting, and he was gone. "W-Wh-What?" he mumbles.

"Excuse me?" Limberg stated. She trudges to him calmly and gets at arm's length from him. "Your access to this Bridge is limited and temporary. It doesn't give you the RIGHT to just be walking around this room freely. Understood?"

"Yes, Ma'am," Eric said and stood highly.

Limberg looks at his eyes and reads his body language. "What happened?"

Eric looks to the floor where the boy was sitting but still saw nothing. He shook his head thinking he might be going nuts. "I thought I saw a boy sitting on the ground."

"A boy?" Limberg was baffled. "What do you mean a boy? We have no children or young ones on this Ship."

"I probably need some rest. I have not slept for the past twenty hours, Ma'am." Eric says to Limberg.

Limberg hesitates about giving him a few hours of sleep but considers it. "Fine then. Go to your bunker and I'll call you in four hours. I expect you back to the Bridge in three minutes after I call you or the deal is off." She stated with authority. She calls a Security Officer on the Bridge, "Officer Stern, escort the Prospect to his bunker will you please? The Kid needs a nap."

The Security Officer escorted Eric out of the Bridge room respectfully.

RE: A New Born - Felsvar - 08-07-2018

Eric laid on his bed for a few minutes before he closed his eyes. As his body entered into a light sleep, his muscles and thoughts began to be at ease. Breathing and heart pulse slowed down as the mind entered into a deep sleep. He then begins to dream about his mission that has not occurred as of yet. Seeing himself in his dream inside the cockpit of an Osprey Class Super heavy fighter on a clouded purple system. It was quiet, unnatural for him. He looks around but saw nothing outside the ship. {'Anyone there?'} he stated in his dream. Suddenly, he saw the same mysterious boy walking towards him in the middle of open space; no oxygen, impossible for Eric to believe. Eric panicked, {'What the?! Hey!'} Eric shouted but notice the boy came closer to him. The mysterious boy stood right outside the Osprey and squats down. He opens the Canopy, {'Hey! Hey!! No-WAIT!'} Eric shouted. The Canopy was lifted open and Eric, after panicking, recognize he was breathing normally. Eric stood in surprise and stared at the mysterious boy, {'Who are you?'}

The Boy stood up straight again after lifting the canopy. He looked at Eric with curiosity and spoke for the first time in echoes, (((Yours, worthy.)))

{'Worthy?' Worthy of what?'} Eric replied with confusion.

Stretching out his hand to help the Pilot out of the Canopy, the Boy's and Eric's hand came in contact in the dream and caused a connection. An immediate rush of thoughts about the Boy's origin was shown. A spark of an unknown knowledge was shared with Eric's mind and cause him to break away from the dream.

Panting in fear, Eric quickly realized it was only a dream. Calming himself down, he got out of his bunk and walked to the restroom. He washed his face with water before looking at himself in the mirror. The mirror reflected the clock that was on the night table. It was only fifteen minutes before Limberg calls him back to the Bridge. Nodding his head, he sighed as he thought of the weird dream. "Worthy?" he says wondering what it meant. He grabs a towel and pat-dried his face, rinsed his mouth with a freshening mouthwash before heading back to the Bridge.

RE: A New Born - Felsvar - 08-07-2018

Returning back to the bridge, he meets Limberg sitting at her Captains chair after the elevator doors opened. Eric requested Limberg if he may come into the Bridge, "Requesting to join you guys on the Bridge, Ma'am?"

Limberg saw his refreshed attitude pleasing, "You may, Prospect."

Eric joins the Bridge crew and stands out of the way. The Bridge was filled with officers communicating with one another across the Bridge as the Captain sits and overhears them. Her Lieutenant Commander walks up to her and briefly stated, "The Jump Drives are charged and ready, Ma'am."

"Great! Let's begin the jump, Lieutenant." Limberg replies back at him. She gets off her chair and walks towards the Front of the Bridge. Her Lieutenant gives the 'Go Ahead' to the Nav. Officer to proceed with the Jump. As he taps to a few keys on his workstation touchscreen, the Carrier's forward bow began to stretch out forward as space and time were being bent for quick travel. In a blink of an eye, the environment outside of the Bridge's window changed instantly. From a green murky cloud to an open dark void filled with shining stars.

"Destination reached. Carrier status is showing green - no faults. Jump Successful." informed the Nav. Officer towards Limberg.

"Ninety degrees to starboard side, Pilot," Limberg stated out loud.

"Affirmative, Ma'am." Pilot responded.

As the humming of the engines was heard, the Carrier turned to face a giant object that was separated into three parts. The three objects were identical but were oriented forming a center ring.

Limberg walks up to Eric, "Come with me." she says entering the Elevator.

The Doors of the Elevator closed with both Limberg and Eric on it. She pressed on the Elevator button on its wall-pad. She then briefs him on the mission. "Okay, Prospect... This is a one-man mission." She stops the elevator after activating it. "Listen, I highly believe you can do this and walk away nearly with a fortune. I need this for I to prove my Leaders that my research is valid. The Mission objective is to find a specific Nomad Vessel that is very rare. It was last seen entering the gate you saw outside. Thus, your ship will be equipped with a cloaking device and before entering, you will need to activate it. However, be advised that this device draws it out and it will disrupt it, enabling you to be detected. As soon as you encounter it, you need to send us your coordinates for the Carrier to jump in. You wouldn't need anything for this mission. All your needs are packed on the ship cockpit compartment behind your seat. Understood?" She stretched her hand out for a solid handshake.

"Understood, Ma'am," Eric replies with encouragement and that said, shook hands with Limberg. Between the shake of hand, she leaves a beacon in his hands.

"Activate that and we will be there in seconds," Limberg says to Eric.

She then resumes the Elevator to proceed to the Hangar Bay. Stopping at its destination, the doors opened and Eric meets his ship meters away of him, the Osprey Class Super Heavy Fighter. He gazed at it for a moment until one of the Hangar Crew members walked up to Eric, "Let's go, boy. She is ready."

Eric walks out from the elevator and before Limberg closed the doors behind him, she says, "Good Luck, fly-boy. You'll do well." The doors closed, leaving him on his duty.

The Crewmember introduced himself towards Eric as he proceeded in doing final pre-flight checks. "The name is Ken. I see she gave you a callsign?"

"Yeh. 'Prospect' she calls me, I guess." Eric says as he walks around the ship admiring it.

Ken chuckles, "No too bad."

As everything seemed to be cleared and checked, Ken gives Eric Data-Pad. "Take this. You might not need it but just in case. It shows all of the ship's schematics and minor fixes that can be performed inside the Cockpit." He taps Eric's shoulder. "Do not worry, she'll protect you," he smirks.

"Didn't know the ship have a gender?" Eric sarcastically says.

Ken looks at him, "I meant the Captain, Prospect."

"Oh... of course." Eric stood shame thinking that his name is probably right for his acts.

The Canopy opens for Eric as he stepped upwards on the ladder to sit inside the cockpit. He gets comfortable and buckles up before fitting the Headgear as he activates his hud, systems, and engines. Everything showed green across the screens and was ready for launch. Ken gave him the thumbs-up, showing the all-cleared. The Canopy closes after Eric hit its close switch. He then disables the activated 'locking mechanism' for him to freely maneuver the Osprey from its land-pad. Gently, the Osprey gains lift and turned forty-five degrees to the port side. As the Osprey propelled carefully outwards the hangar to the open Void, Limberg checked in on the Comms.

"This is Captain Limberg to Prospect. How do you feel?" She asked.

Eric breathing calmly and reacted normally as if it was nothing new to him, replies back at Limberg, "This is Prospect, feeling normal for now, Ma'am. Requesting to proceed to the Giant Gate?"

Limberg agreed on his request for the mission, "Good. Proceed to the Gate. Remember, cloak the Osprey before entering it."

"Understood." Eric enables the cloaking of the device. A humming sound was heard as it became visually invincible. "Cloaking Screen complete, proceeding to Gate."

"Good. We're watching and keeping eyes on you, fly-boy." She replies.

As Eric neared the Giant Gate the scanner readings were getting quite large. The Osprey began to shake but Eric maintains control. As he got closer, a portal was being opened in the center of the gate. "Ma'am, are you seeing this?"

"We are. We're scanning the readings. Seems like anything with energy or magnetism activates the gate when near it." She says as she quickly looks at the readings.

Eric continued to proceed forward. After a few seconds, the Osprey was then pulled in and the Gate deactivated itself after the event. The readings on the scanners quickly normalized. "Prospect, Do you read me?" Limberg quickly stated but nothing was heard after ten seconds. Everyone on the Bridge stood in suspence waiting for Eric to respond. "Eric, this is the Limberg. Do you read me?" Limberg continued.

After a short minute, Eric responded "This is Prospect. I am on the other side. Quite pretty, however, there is nothing on the area - no Alien signs."

Limberg was relieved as well the crew of the Bridge. "Good man! We thought we lost you for a moment."

"No, Ma'am. The wormhole ride was pretty long compared to other Jump-Gates I have taken." Eric cheerfully stated to Limberg.

Limberg noted everything he is experiencing on a recorder. "You said no Nomad signs, correct?"

"Yes, Ma'am," he replied.

Limberg found it strange. Normally Iota is usually crowded with Nomad drifting around the area, especially a gate. "Weird. That system is supposed to be infested-" Limberg got interrupted by Eric.

"WAIT! I see a group of Nomads coming my way. Going to get close to get a scan."

"Careful, Prospect," Limberg warned him.

While cloaked, Eric maneuvered the Osprey closer to these wing of Nomads. Only a kilometer, he performs the scans. "Scanning..." As he scans, the data is simultaneously transferred to Limberg's Carrier. Limberg got amazed as the first group of Nomad have the information she needs. "Keep on them, We are gathering the data. There is a bigger one on the pack, isn't it?"

"Yes, Ma'am. They are almost transparent like." Eric said gazing at the pack of Nomads.

Limberg needs more time to get as much information as she needs. "Just two more minutes, Prospect."

"Understood, Ma'am - maintaining course. Wait... they stopped." Eric said. He started to get nervous for a moment.

Limberg quickly asks, "Stopped? What they are doing?"

"I do not kn- ... the smaller ships made an about-face and now facing me," Eric said nervously. "Ma'am I think I have been detected."

Limberg quickly walked to the Navigational Station and spoke to the Officer, "Is it ready?"

The Nav officers quickly ran through the checks, "It is, Ma'am. Ready to Jump on your go."

"Thank you. Listen, Eric - this mission just turned to a rescue mission. The 'Anzu' probably knows you are behind it. Get out of there while you still can!"

Eric immediately pushed forward the propulsion lever and zoomed pass the Nomad pack. Little that he knows, the Anzu released an EMP wave to reveal any cloaked objects within its area. [Claoking Screen - OFF] the Osprey AI stated. "What?! No!" Eric shouted in disappear.

Limberg heard him panicking, "What is going on, Eric?! Talk to me!"

"My Cloaking Screen is down, I am trying to get to the Gate, but all of a sudden my screen is disabled!" As he tries to get away and reach to the gate, the Nomads began to fire at him. The Osprey's Shields has not been activated since recalibration was still processing. Nevertheless, the Osprey began to take fire from the Nomads.

The Nomads focus its aim at the Osprey's engines - taking advantage of it being unshielded. Thus, the engines started to malfunction and shut down; it was utterly damaged when Eric looked over to his left and right. "Crap!" In distress, he activated the beacon that was given to him.

Limberg notices the beacon was lit on the wristwatch. "All crew, Prepare for Combat! Jump!" Limberg commanded with a shout. The Carrier jumped into the grid, five kilometers away from Eric's ship, and launched fighters to support and defend the disabled Osprey. As the fighters of the Carrier defended the disabled Osprey, another pack of Nomads came in and more after the other. "It's too many! We are outnumbered!" The squadron leader shouted on the Comms.

Limberg recalled her pilots, "Return to the Ship, Squadron Leader!"

Sadly, she called it too late. The wing of fighters was being destroyed by the rain of spit-fire that was being unleashed. None of the pilots returned back; all killed in action.

Her Lieutenant walked to her, "No pilots survived, Ma'am."

Limberg stood in shock, "They knew we were coming ..." She looked at the Nav. Officers, "Charge the Drives!"

"Yes, Ma'am! ETA Three minutes!" the Nav. Officer replied.

Her Luietenant looked at her and status of the disabled Osprey, "What about your Pilot? His comms are down."

Limberg sat on her chair and thought of a risky idea, "We are coming for him. Full power to the Engines! When closing in on him, steer the ship ninety degrees to the starboard side. We are going to perform a quick strafe sweep."

As the Carrier propelled forward at its top speed, the Nomad swarm, by the hundreds, orbited the carrier creating an artificial gravitational pull that slowed the Carrier sharply. Limberg couldn't believe what she was seeing before her eyes. "They are creating gravitational well. Impressive." She then commanded her Security Officers to fire on the swarm with everything the Carriers got. "Make an opening!" Limberg stated.

"Captain, the charge is being interrupted by the effects that the swarm is creating. The Jump-Drive spool is not creating sufficient. We are only sitting at sixty percent." Her Engineering officers said on comms.

Suddenly, her Lieutenant shout out, "Captain! Two very large entities just appeared on scanners. Ish'tars by the looks of the readings."

Limberg eyes enlarged and stood in shock; did not know what else to do. She realized that the Carrier could barely take on one of those Colossal's but two is overkill. This is the moment that she lost all hope, her Life's work, along with the crew that will be purged from human existence. "It's over... I am so sorry," she said softly to her crew onboard the Bridge. The crew looked at one another with great sadness. Everyone stood calmly knowing what is about to come is a quick pain before death.

The swarm of Nomads suddenly stop their effect that was affecting the Carrier as the Ishtar's approached closer. Both Ish'tars came into range of their organic firing membranes. They began to glow brightly and unleashed their wrath on the Carrier hull. Limberg final words were, "Sorry fly-boy..." before the Bridge was caught on the explosive blast.

In minutes, the Carrier 'Limberg' was wrecked and engulfed by the massive plasma that was released from the Ish'tars.

RE: A New Born - Felsvar - 08-07-2018

Eric watched as the Carrier got crippled and exploded in different areas of the hull. Chunks of debris were all over the area. He couldn't do anything nor communicate with them after his ship got disabled. He was a sitting duck. He was frustrated, stressed, and saddened after what he watched.

Unfortunately, things didn't end here. Three smaller size Nomad vessels approached the crippled Osprey. Eric starred and shouted towards them, "END ME NOW, YOU MONSTERS! PUT ME OUT OF MY MISERY!" Promptly after shouting, an echoing voice was heard in his head.

(((Yours are worthy.)))

Eric recognized the phrase, "Wait, what?" he said.

(((We have been watching yours. AMUSEMENT.)))

"What do you mean? I am a nobody that strives to survive. Why watch me?" Eric asked with curiosity.

With that being said, another Nomad Vessel appeared in front of the Osprey. Eric got startled by its appearance as it was huge, but a lot smaller than the Ishtar's he saw. It was a 'Nammu' as scientist classified it as.

"Oh dear!"

((( We is the male youngling you saw in the dream. Yours asked for our 'names'... Perseis we are known to be.)))

"Yes, ... I remember. I saw you more than once. What do you want from me?" Eric asks politely as he knows he cannot defend himself.

(((We want yours. We chose you. To cleanse you.)))

Eric was baffled as to what they were saying. "Cleanse me of what? What have I done that made you decide to spare me?"

(((We decided yours join us. We will provide the Light a newborn.)))

"Newborn? Am I the newborn?"

Perseis, the Nammu, began to glow. Its vessel shield grew wider, which in turn took a lot of Perseis energy. the disabled Osprey was consumed by the effect of the enlargement of the shield field, thus creating an atmospheric pressure on the containment area. Perseis, with its telekinesis abilities, opened the Osprey's canopy by force.

Eric panic when the cockpit began to tremble. "What the?!" Eric quickly pressed on the locking switch, but it was no use. He tightened his oxygen mask quickly, but little he knows the shielded area was climatized for a short moment. Disoriented, Eric was lost on what was going on. He then again heard the voice on his thoughts...

((( Amusement. No need to be afraid, lesser being. Yours belong to the Light's care now.)))

As Eric stood still, panting in distress. He then sees a very small glowing object that approached right before him. Floating few inches before his eyes, Eric carefully grabs the object. He examined it and wondered what it was, "What is this?"

(((To become One with the Light, yours must consume the seed.))) The Nomad responded.

"What do...You said something about 'New Born'. What do you mean by that?" Eric demanded, frustrated and terrified of what he is experiencing.

(((Consume, and yours will know.))) The Nomad insisted.

Hesitating on his decision, Eric looked at the seed. "Will I be free if I do?"

(((Yours will be free indeed. With the Light's guidance within you.)))

Eric had no choice but to consume the seed that he was given. He places it in his mouth and swallowed the seed. As he swallowed, Eric felt the pressure running down on his esophagus for a moment. After it was fulfilled, the Nomad glowed brightly.

(((The Trial has been Fulfilled.))) The Nomad claimed its fulfillment and forced the Human to enter a short hibernation. (((Yours will sleep...) ) )

Eric began to feel laziness, nausea, exhaustion, and drowsiness all at once. "I...I...I do not feel well..." Eric stated and rapidly became overwhelming for him that in a matter of seconds he fainted.

The Nammu shut its canopy of the disabled fighter with Eric within it. It slowly wrapped its tentacle-like limbs around the ship, grabbing it and brought it tightly close to itself. The Nomad began to pulsate its glowing interior along with the other Labraids, charging its energy to make a leap through Time and Space with the Osprey. Minutes after... they vanished to the unknowns with the New Born.