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A meeting on battleship York - Printable Version

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A meeting on battleship York - Vovasishe - 08-12-2018

Battleship York, New London system

The 2nd hangar of battleship “York” met Eva with the usual noise. She gets out from her"Templar" fighter and looked around. The rescue team freighter entered hangar and landed near Eva’s Templar. The pilot of the freighter has opened its cargo door. After few moments the loader operator took out seven escape pods. each was inscribed with the name of a ship. “HMS-Northampton”- Eva read the name of the ship and sighed. “I hope, everything will be fine with them”.

Eva moved out from the hangar, and went to the elevators. “Command bridge” she said. The doors of elevator closed and elevator moved her to the command bridge.

The doors opened, and Eva entered the hallway, which was located between elevator and command bridge before branching off to other parts of the ship. The security officer approached the young lieutenant. “Madam, this is restricted area of ship. Please, leave now.” Eva sighed and answered “Sir, I have meeting with admiral Edmund Steiner. If you don’t believe me, get in touch with the admiral and ask him about meeting with lieutenant Flameheart”. The Security officer pressed the transmitter in his helmet and reported to the Admiral about the lieutenant. After this, he turned to Eva. “Sorry about that, lady Flameheart, he didn’t warn me about your meeting”. “No problem sir, all fine. You are doing your job well. Very well”. She nodded to the officer and finally entered command bridge of Her Majesty Battleship York. After few minutes Eva found admiral and saluted to him. “Sir admiral Edmund Steiner, lieutenant Eva Flameheart reporting in”

RE: A meeting on battleship York - Victor Steiner - 08-15-2018

Edmund turned around to look at this new arrival who gave him something of a fright. I'm not a Knight, Leftenant. Admiral will suffice for now. Mathews make sure these orders are delivered to the provost this evening please, and ensure Hall gets the amount he requests, he's done well lately. The Admiral said to the Boatswain he was talking too. This way, if you please miss flameheart.
Vickers, you have the helm.
They left the room and made their way out into the hallway, walking through the ships interior before reaching the wardroom which was surprisingly empty. Would you care for a drink? he asked as he walked over to the bar and pulled out a bottle of scotch for himself. I apologise for calling you here without giving you much indication of what it is I wanted to discuss with you, but I've always preferred face to face communication rather than over the phone communications. Feels a little more real.

RE: A meeting on battleship York - Vovasishe - 08-15-2018

Battleship York, New London system

“Ah, thank you, sir, but I don’t want to drink today. You are very kind”. She sat opposite Edmund and continued: “For me it is a great honor, to meet with you, admiral. I perfectly understand, why you wanted a personal meeting. Indeed, face to face conversations are more… pleasant. Glad to see, that we have same opinion, sir”. She put her hands on the counter and put her chin on them. After that, she tilted her head to the right and smiled. “Sometimes it is useful to talk to someone in private, right?”.

RE: A meeting on battleship York - Victor Steiner - 08-23-2018

He smiled lightly while he poured a drink, Yes. he said as he finished and took a sip. So the reason I called you here was to figure out who you are. And I mean that as in service history, merchant navy escort pilot before suddenly applying for the primary fleet, why?. He didn't know this girl very well, but he was surprised that she'd give up a promising career in the Merchant fleets simply to transfer to the front lines.

RE: A meeting on battleship York - Vovasishe - 08-23-2018

Battleship York, New London system

She glanced quickly at Steiner and lowered her head downward. “I transferred to primary fleet for many reasons. Everyone wants their family to be around, right? One the reasons- my brother, Jonathan. He and Victoria- the last living members of the Flameheart family. I simply can’t let them go, since they are the last reminders of my family.” She suddenly smiled and continued “However, this only one of few reasons. I also want to liberate my homeworld and… and… I hope you know how to keep secrets, right?”. She rose from her chair and went towards Steiner. After that, she leaned toward his ear and whispered “Commodore Kaze Reidman Dragon” She got up and laughed out loud. “Surprised, huh?” After these words she sat on chair next to Steiner and continued “I'm her fan. She's so cool! She always looks calm. I always dreamed of being at least a little bit the same as she. Now you know one of my biggest secrets, sir Steiner.”

RE: A meeting on battleship York - Victor Steiner - 09-21-2018

His smile only grew at the mention of Dagon, Many words I can use to describe the good Commodore, but 'cool' is certainly not one of them. She is a talented Lady, without a doubt, but someone to aspire to? Perhaps...perhaps not. He took a sip of his drink, leaning over the bar, So. How are you doing in your new posting?