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Seduction? - Printable Version

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Seduction? - Aoi Voilé - 08-14-2018

[Image: NMFX8LF.png]

Working as a substitute bartender on Perth Station has proven quite useful these last few weeks. Enyalius has been able to send a steady stream of intel to the rest of the Mindshare, however, something big was coming through and she could see it in all the men she was serving drinks to. Being a bartender brings no risk, you make drinks and everyone comes to you. Whether you're having a bad day, or just need someone to talk to, you're always gonna spill your heart to the one serving you drinks. Enyalius took advantage of this, and used her beauty to get what she needed.

One day at noon a new officer came to her bar. Well dressed, his posture upright, hair combed back. He had this walk, a look per say of someone very important. This officer slowly walked up to a chair, pulled it out, sat down and he started to type on his neural net computer. Enyalius walked up to this handsome officer and said "Good evening Sir, is there anything I can get for you?" Enyalius seductively whipped her hair behind her and gave him a subtle wink. The Officer replied "A steak, cook it medium rare, a Sidewinder fang, and your name." Enyalius fluttered her eyes. "I will have our chef get right on it. My name is Enyalius, hun." She slowly turned her back to him glancing at the computer and noticing a manifest of sorts, walked away showing off her assets in the hope to get his attention, and it worked.

Enyalius kept playing her manipulation game, getting the officer to drink more than he intended to. The officer stumbled away from his computer and Enyalius made her way to try and retrieve the intel. "Damn," she said as she realized the Officer wasn't drunk enough to keep his computer unlocked. "I'll be damned if I let this intel get passed me." Enyalius made her way to the restroom, ensuring no one was inside and realized she had one chance to get this Intel out of him quickly.

She walked into the bathroom, locked the door and her eyes started emitting a purple haze as she approached the stall the Officer was in. She kicked the door in and, as the officer was caught by surprise "What is the meaning of this!" she wrapped her arms around his body, large tentacles coming out of her mouth. He yelled,"What is this.. Someone he-!" his muffled screams fell short as the tentacles bolted inside him. After several moments the tentacles resided, Enyalius' eyes fazed back to blue, and the Officers body fell limp. Enyalius set him down on the toilet to allow the infection to take its course. The Officer finally woke up, the incubi inside him started to share all the information the Officer had in his mind, along with it an interesting transport manifest, what its cargo contents were, and its route.

[Image: fTycJa3.png]

//Written by @Kalhmera