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The Four Guardians of Kusari - Mr.Fabulous - 08-17-2018


Suzuran Koba Personal Log #825-0817-144236 Wrote:It's been one hundred and fourteen days since Koba battlegroup mobilized in orbit of Planet Tomioka, Nagano system to assist the Matsumoto battlegroup against the growing Blood Dragon threat. The attacks have slightly abated since twenty-five days since this log entry, but they're still quite present.

We've some degree of certainty that the Blood Dragons are using the lull to mobilize a large-scale attack in the near future, but because of the increasing presence of goldens around the core systems, namely Kyushu system, I've ordered Sumiku-chan, and therefore the Kobanagi, to base her division from Shinjuku Station for quick response and assistance with the state police. Obviously, this delays Koba battlegroup from organizing proper scouting parties around Takasaki Dust Field and Midori Cloud, but I believe the state police will need every advantage they can get.

Not only that, but there are talks among the naval forces that a massive attack from the Rheinland Military is to happen sometime this week on Sigma-21. A lot of the mobile assets are ordered to be redirected there, likely to include Koba battlegroup, which we don't have much of a problem since Matsumoto is still here to defend Tomioka.

The signs are getting more evident that Kusari is entering into another war as bloody as the one we had with Bretonia all those years ago. It would've been fine if the border skirmishes at S-21 had only been between gunboats and such, but Rheinland seems intent on sending entire battlegroups at our doorstep. It's a wonder how those green skins are still afloat after having gone through three wars in succession...

Anyway, Suzuka-chan says the Kobakage is operating at ninety-eight percent efficiency, the other two percent probably from the wear-and-tear of four months out of drydock. Thankfully, re-mobilizing Koba battlegroup closer to Sigma-21 affords us a detour to Yokohama Shipyard for needed maintenance. I've already forwarded our full maintenance prerequisites to Samura, so by the time we get there the repairs will go underway immediately.

Sukaku-chan, meanwhile, was annoyed at having been called all the way from Tomioka to help a Kempetai at the core systems chase after a storta that turned out instead to be an aspis full of cardamine. The Kobayashi 3 even got to the scene only after the smuggler had popped. She of course would try to hide her annoyance, but the subtle twitch in her eyelid said otherwise, heheh. At least she got to shoot at the contraband, as far as she told me, so that's nice.

Lastly, we recently encountered an Outcast sarissa of some alleged Maltese Exiles a dozen clicks from Tomioka. Callsign, ::: {MaEx}-RV-Spirit.Fire :::. Couldn't give chase, because Sukaku-chan was still in the core systems, so we had no disruptors. The captain of the sarissa called herself 'Veraz'. I'll see about forwarding this information to KNF command after I finalize this log.

That should conclude today's log... Hopefully, Suzuka-chan will appreciate the bento I've made for her. She's been working really hard lately, keeping the Kobakage in tip-top-shape, the least I can do is lift her spirits up with a job well done.


Suzuka Koba Personal Log #825-0817-154333 Wrote:... UGH! I can't believe Suzuran-chan actually made bento for me! The nerve of him, to still treat me like I still can't handle myself! ME! The tigress of Koba battlegroup! Hmph!

I already captain the largest capital ship of the Koba battlegroup, the Kobakage! I make sure everything in this ship is running at optimum efficiency-- Well, except that it isn't, it's sort of running at ninety-eight percent efficiency, but that's not my fault! We've been out of drydock for far too long that the wear-and-tear is getting more noticeable.

[...This part of the log indicates six paragraphs of technical mumbo-jumbo that the log computer will save the reader from going through...]

I'm just glad onii-chan's finally letting us head to Yokohama Shipyard so we can have a full maintenance job on the poor girl. She could certainly use the resupply and rearming!

... Now where was I...? OH! The nerve of onii-chan to still think so lowly of me that he'd bring me bento as if I couldn't get some for myself! It's not like I can't make my own bento, I can certainly make my own just fine!

It's just that I've been so busy lately with getting all the necessary preparations for the Kobakage to re-mobilize to Planet Honshu, and then carefully laying out the stratagems in case a full-scale war with the Rheinlanders breaks out, and then the sudden summon of Suzuka-chan to needlessly help out that Kempetai out on a false alarm operation and wasting precious Koba battlegroup resources, and THEN the sudden increase of chrysanthemum vessels in the core systems forcing onii-chan to relocate Sumiku-chan to Shinjuku Station, so I've had to talk with Samura on helping Sumiku-chan establish the necessary supply lines for the Kobanagi.

Hmph. Onii-chan is just lucky the bento he made tastes really good, or else I would've just thrown it back to his face for his grave insult. I can still make my own bento! Can't I?! Of course I can!

I should head to the mess hall to make my own bento! Maybe ask chef-san what onii-chan used to make these dumplings taste so good...

... Right after I've finished with these other reports of Blood Dragon movements from the current scouting parties we've had... and the stratagems... and the planetary report...


... This bento onii-chan made tastes really good.

Sumiku Koba Personal Log #825-0817-155323 Wrote:Waaaaaaaah! Why do 'I' have to help out the KSP? And on my own too! Well, of course I'm with my division, but still! Onii-chan and the other two are still staying at Tomioka, while I have to chase after these blasted chrysanthemums!

Hell, one of them even slipped from my grasp! It was this outcast gunship called ::: GC|F~Unmei :::, and she was a big old meanie! I swear, if I catch that meaning, the phoenix of Koba battlegroup is going to lock her up in the deepest of the Kobanagi's brig!

I bet onee-sama and onii-chan are having a fancy dinner there at Planet Tomioka, while I'm stuck here alone...


Sukaku Koba Personal Log #825-0817-165023 Wrote:Haaaaayyy... What an unproductive day.

First I get asked by Kempetai-san to help against a storta, but it turned out to be just an aspis, which Kempetai-san was able to deal with just fine on his own. By the time I arrived, all I did was shoot the cardamine contraband that was left floating...

Then when I got back to Tomioka, onee-sama told me that a sarissa was orbiting a distance from Planet Tomioka while I was gone, and that Koba battlegroup couldn't intercept because I arrived too late... But at least I got to see onee-sama blush from getting onii-chan's bento, hee-hee!

To top it off, several hours after, I get called to help support the IKN against today's wave of attack against the Rheinland military... and I get there only to see the last turtle-san die to sun-seppuku. At least the fireworks were nice...

... It's tough being the turtle-chan of Koba battlegroup... Haaaayyy...

Maybe I should just make a bento for onii-chan and onee-sama... Especially onee-sama. She's been working really hard lately. It's really silly that she still doesn't trust us to help delegate the work, even after all these years. I guess that's the tigress for you.

That's the end of my log. Sayonara, log-chan!

RE: The Four Guardians of Kusari - Mr.Fabulous - 08-19-2018

Yokohama Shipyard, New Tokyo System
825 A.S., August 19, 14:30 SMT

[Image: unknown.png]

"NO! Onii-chan needs to stay with Sukaku-chan!"

"What?! But I'm Jyunshou of Koba Battlegroup!"

"Which makes it all the more important that Onii-chan remains behind, while I bring the Kobakage to Sigma-21 to fight the Rheinlanders!" The tigress of Koba Battlegroup, Suzuka Koba, stamps down her foot!

"But I must see to the war myself! It's imperative that I lead to make sure the skirmishes will go much more smoothly!" The dragon of Koba Battlegroup, Suzuran Koba, stamps his foot down too!

"Onii-chan can oversee the Kobakage from the safety of Kobayashi 3's bridge! There's no reason for Jyunshou to face danger haphazardly!"

"But I-- But it is--"


Both Suzuran and Suzuka glare at the turtle of Koba Battlegroup, Sukaku Koba, a bead of sweat dripping down her forehead at being unable to further interject.

Suzuka fixes her officer's garb and says, "Look... It isn't Koba Battlegroup's place to be involved in this developing war, Onii-chan! Our place is in avenging our father's honor at the hands of the Blood Dragons! And to do that, Jyunshou-sama must remain focused against them. Let Imouto-chan handle this diversion with the foolish Rheinlanders."

"We both know the tides of fortune have been growing more and more in favor of the Rheinlanders, what with their ever-increasing attacks, Imouto-chan. There's a huge risk this border skirmish is growing into something more serious. It's imperative that I see to the reinforcement of Sigma-21 personally."

"Onii-chan can personally see to the reinforcement of Sigma-21 after today's expected wave of Rheinlanders. Onii-chan has to--"

... Her fist clenches before continuing.

"Onii-chan... has to stay behind and maintain leadership over Sukaku-chan and Sumiku-chan."

"Why can't Imouto-chan do that? After all, it is my responsibility to--"


... A heavy, lingering atmosphere hangs in the hallways of Yokohama Shipyard.

An audible swallowing of one's throat eventually breaks the silence.

"Please... Trust your Imouto-chan with this... Let me have this honor... this responsibility to fight the Rheinlanders in Koba Battlegroup's stead."

"Im... Imouto-chan..." The eldest sibling looks hurtfully at his younger sister. The latter lowers her head, her bangs shrouding her eyes from him.

"... Fine. I'll stay. Just... bring the Kobakage back in one piece, hai?"

"H... H-Hai..."

The eldest of the triplets shuffles to her older brother, burying her face in his shoulder. With a slowly-let-out sigh, he wraps his arms around her in a gentle hug that soon tightens into a full embrace.

The middle sibling also joins in the hug, sighing to herself. "There there, Suzuka-san...! I'm sure you'll do great, Onee-san, kicking those kame back to their kame lands."

RE: The Four Guardians of Kusari - Mr.Fabulous - 08-22-2018

IKN.CC-Kobayashi.3, in-orbit above Planet Tomioka, Nagano System
825 A.S., 21 August, 19:35:29 SMT

[Image: unknown.png]

"... I knew it..."

Before the glaring eyes of Jyunshou Suzuran knelt his younger sibling, Daisa Suzuka, her knees touching the cold, metal plating of Battleship Hyono's floor instead of her own. Head bent low with hair messed up, hands placed squarely on her lap, she sits in seiza towards the camera on the opposite side of the monitor, her golden officer uniform slightly charred and dusty with smoke.

"So... Hyono Battlegroup informed me that the Kobakage was lost as it was docking into Hyono..."

The sibling says nothing...

"... as it was docking into Hyono... Really??? Really...?" The Jyunshou rubs his aching temples with evident frustration.

She dared not to raise her head... dared not look at him directly.

"Hell, even the traffic control alert was there in Hyono's logs...! How the hell could you muck up something as simple as quick-docking into a battleship?!"

She flinches to the side.

His word cuts her deeply.

Her noble kusarian pride bleeds onto the unforgiving metal.

"G... Gomenasai..."
With shakey voice, she speaks out.

He looks at her with raised eyebrow, his arms folding together in displeasure.

"That's all you have to say, Imouto-chan...? After having lost us the Koba Battlegroup's flagship, all you have to say is gomenasai??? I told you I should've been there to help oversee the Rheinland warfront! I thought you wanted to prove yourself!

"But now here you are, with your tail between your legs and without a capital ship to your name! What else do you have to say about yourself?!"

"M... M-Moushi wake arimasen deshita... O-Onii-sama..."

Heavy tears well up in the Daisa's eyes as she humbles herself before him. Her burning forehead touches the cold, metal floor...

"I have brought... great shame to the Koba Battlegroup, for having lost our flagship to such ridiculous circumstances.

"I am... unworthy to lead... I should've listened to you, Onii-chan... B-Bushido dictates that my rank be stripped from me for causing such great military loss to Koba Battlegroup. I am unworthy to remain the Kobakage's Daisa..."

A fist clenches tightly on the other side of the monitor.

"Kusari is right... Women weren't meant to lead... I... I am unworthy of leading, of being Kobakage's Daisa. Moushi wake arimasen deshita, I--"


... The following silence weighs heavily on her.

He lets out a long sigh, and berates, "Look. The report says everyone aboard the Kobakage made it safely to their escape pods and lifeboats, so we've in fact received no fatalities. Also, you were actually close enough to the Hyono that its shield arrays were able to maintain most of the Kobakage's superstructure, even with the reactor meltdown, meaning it's mostly still in one piece. That means it's still repairable, if not without significant cost on Koba Battlegroup's part.

"Anyway, aside from not having quick-docked fast enough, there wasn't much two Tokugawa-class battleships and a random dragon bomber could do against a full Maltese invasion force. Plus, you also got intercepted around ten clicks from Hyono, but you still managed to reach the battleship, if not successfully quick-dock into it.

"All in all, I'd say the escape was... sort of a success, while also being a failure at the same time? Point is, while it's still not going to be cheap, it's not gonna be as expensive either as getting another battleship for Koba Battlegroup."

"... Y... Y-You mean...?"

"No, you baka, of course you're not getting demoted... Unless you lose the Kobakage a second time in less than a month, then maybe I'll consider demoting you back to Daii.

"Now pick your sorry, shameful arse off your knees and begin cooperating with the Samuran repair teams to tow the Kobakage back to Kure Shipyard. It's disgusting to see the tigress of Koba Battlegroup groveling in front of me like this..."

"H... H-Hai!" She quickly rises and throws a salute to her Jyunshou, before jogging away to follow through with her orders.

He lets out another sigh before turning to the daisa beside him. "... Ahya... You think I should've demoted her, Sukaku-chan?"

"Ehhhhh..." The Daisa of Kobayashi.3 adjusts her spectacles sheepishly. "I don't think her prideful heart could take such a blow to her ego. She looked like she was ready to commit seppuku at any moment! I'm just happy Onii-chan gave Imouto-san another chance."

"And besides..." The oldest sibling looks on as Suzuka almost stumbles her way out of the debriefing room. "This is only Suzuka's third major engagement commanding the Kobakage. I figured she needed the wake-up call to realize she isn't invincible behind the walls of a battleship."

"Jyunshou-chan is most generous to Suzuka-san... Why do I feel like Jyunshou-chan's showing favorites within Koba Battlegroup?" She nudges an elbow into Suzuran's side with a playful smirk.

"Wha-- S-Shut up! You and your lewd shipping fantasies! Get back to your post before the holotainment hentai rots your brain!"

The turtle of Koba Battlegroup only giggles in response as she walks out of the battlecruiser's debriefing room, leaving Suzuran to himself and his thoughts...