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Docking on bases in PVP combat - Printable Version

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Docking on bases in PVP combat - smellybellynath - 11-24-2018

Hey guys, I've got a question. I was just finishing a mission and heading back to Harrisburg Station to sell the loot I picked up when a player intercepted me. I kept him at bay long enough to make it to a tradelane and dock. It was at that moment he went from being just behind me to miles in front of me (I assume this was due to ping). I didn't think too much of it as I travelled down the tradelane and docked with Harrisburg Station. I sold my loot and then figured I'd head back to see if this player was still flying around. I made RP statements saying there was a hostile ship on scope, and that I would engage the hostile player vessle and it was at that moment he accused me of dying in pvp combat. I told him I hadn't died and explained how I'd docked with the tradelane. He then went on to say that I had docked on a base (which I had - Harrisburg Station) and said read the RP. Now I'm assuming by this he means docking on a base during pvp means you're dead or something (which sounds a little absured) and he's saying by coming back I've broken RP rules. Can someone tell me if I have infact broken RP rules or if this player was just ill informed? Thankyou

RE: Docking on bases in PVP combat - Gardarik - 11-24-2018

Docking during combat (distance to a hostile player is <15k) is considered a PvP death. Therefore, all the repercussions of a PvP death apply.

RE: Docking on bases in PVP combat - smellybellynath - 11-24-2018

I traveled from Philadelphia Station to Harrisburg Station, that's definitely over 15k, so that would mean I didn't break any rules right? Thank you for letting me know about that but, I wasn't aware.

RE: Docking on bases in PVP combat - smellybellynath - 11-24-2018

Just checked the distance, I traveled 43.2K away from the player using the tradelane before docking. So I didn't break RP rules right?

RE: Docking on bases in PVP combat - Gardarik - 11-24-2018

I mean, 15k from you to the player you fight. Not the distance you travel. As long as you dock a base while a player you were engaged in combat with is within 15k, you are considered effectively PvP dead

RE: Docking on bases in PVP combat - smellybellynath - 11-24-2018

They were 43.2K away. They hadn't docked with the tradelane, they weren't even on scope.

RE: Docking on bases in PVP combat - smellybellynath - 11-24-2018

Unless their ping was really bad and it hadn't caught up to me, they weren't anywhere in sight.

RE: Docking on bases in PVP combat - Gardarik - 11-24-2018

In this case, they were wrong and you inRP escaped.

RE: Docking on bases in PVP combat - smellybellynath - 11-24-2018

Okay, thanks for the help Gardarik, I really appreciate the info!

RE: Docking on bases in PVP combat - smellybellynath - 11-25-2018

Just thought I'd add to this thread that I was talking to another player and they said what most likely happened is I did PvP die as the player pursuing me was most likely in range of 15k, however I was not able to see them due to their connection lagging. I think this is the most logical explanation for what happened, and as a result in the future I will message players after PvP combat to confirm if I was on their scope when docking with a base to ensure I don't accidentally break PvP rules without knowing.
This scenario could also occur if a player in pursuit of another player was cloaked - just something for anyone reading this thread to keep in mind.